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Imaizumi, Yuya; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Akaev, A.*; Mikisha, A.*; Baklanov, V.*; Vurim, A.*
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 194, p.110107_1 - 110107_11, 2023/12
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:35.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)Kato, Shinya; Matsuba, Kenichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Akaev, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*
Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-13) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2022/09
The In-Vessel Retention (IVR) of molten-core in Core Disruptive Accidents (CDAs) is of prime importance in enhancing the safety of sodium-cooled fast reactors. One of the main subjects in ensuring IVR is to design the Control Rod Guide Tube (CRGT) which allows effective discharge of molten core materials from the core region. The effectiveness of the CRGT design is assessed through CDA analyses, and it is reasonable for these analyses to develop a computer code collaborated with experimental researches. Thus, experiments addressing the discharge behavior of the molten-core materials through the CRGT have proceeded as one of the subjects in the collaboration research named the EAGLE-3 project, and the obtained experimental results are reflected in the development of the SIMMER code. In this project, a series of out-of-pile tests using molten-alumina as the fuel simulant was conducted to understand the discharge behavior of molten-core materials through the CRGT. In this study, in order to investigate the effect of an internal structure in the CRGT on the discharge behavior of the molten-core materials, the data of an out-of-pile test in which the molten-alumina penetrated to a duct with the internal structure were analyzed. In addition, the post-test analysis using the SIMMER code was conducted and the results were compared with the test results.
Imaizumi, Yuya; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Akayev, A. S.*; Mikisha, A. V.*; Baklanov, V. V.*; Vurim, A. D.*
Dai-26-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/07
The cooling of the residual core materials after the fuel discharge from the SFR core in the core disruptive accident can significantly affect the distribution fraction of the core materials which is an important factor for the in-vessel retention (IVR). The cooling of the residual core materials is called "in-place cooling". For the evaluation of the in-place cooling, behavior in a SFR core was simulated by SIMMER-III, and method of phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT) was applied based on the analysis result. Experiment which focuses on the thermal-hydraulic phenomena which were extracted by the PIRT was conducted in the framework of EAGLE-3 project. Continuous oscillation of sodium level which can occur in the phase of in-place cooling of SFRs was observed in the experiment, and analysis by the SIMMER-III was conducted. By investigation of the analysis result, difference between the experiment and analysis results was revealed to be due to remaining and occupation of non-condensable gas above the sodium level which would be unrealistic in the experiment. Gas mixture model between non-condensable gas and sodium vapor was developed to solve this problem, and coincidence between experiment and analysis results was largely improved by this new model.
Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Kato, Shinya; Imaizumi, Yuya; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2022/04
Kamiyama, Kenji; Konishi, Kensuke; Sato, Ikken; Toyooka, Junichi; Matsuba, Kenichi; Suzuki, Toru; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Vurim, A. D.*; et al.
Proceedings of 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10) (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2014/12
Kamiyama, Kenji; Konishi, Kensuke; Sato, Ikken; Toyooka, Junichi; Matsuba, Kenichi; Zuyev, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(9), p.1114 - 1124, 2014/09
Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:72.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)Kamiyama, Kenji; Konishi, Kensuke; Sato, Ikken; Toyooka, Junichi; Matsuba, Kenichi; Zuyev, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Kolodeshnikov, A. A.*; et al.
Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2012/12
In order to eliminate energetics potential in the case of postulated core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast reactors, introduction of a fuel subassembly with an inner duct structure has been considered. Recently, a design option which leads molten fuel to discharge upward is considered to minimize developmental efforts for the fuel subassembly fabrication. In this paper, a series of out-of-pile tests and one in-pile test were presented. The out-of-pile tests were conducted to investigate the effects of driving pressures on upward discharge, and the in-pile test was conducted to demonstrate a sequence of upward discharge behavior of molten-fuel. Based on these experimental results, it is concluded that the most of molten-fuel is expected to complete discharging upward before core melting progression, and thereby, introduction of the fuel subassembly with the upward discharge duct has the sufficient potential to eliminate energetics events.
Sato, Ikken; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Konishi, Kensuke; Kamiyama, Kenji; Toyooka, Junichi; Nakai, Ryodai; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Vassiliev, Y. S.*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 48(4), p.556 - 566, 2011/03
In the JSFR design, elimination of severe recriticality events in the Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) is intended as an effective measure to assure retention of the core materials within the reactor vessel. The design strategy is to control the potential of excessive void reactivity insertion in the Initiating Phase selecting appropriate design parameters such as maximum void reactivity on one hand, and to exclude core-wide molten-fuel-pool formation, which has been the main issue of CDA, with introduction of Inner Duct on the other hand. The effectiveness of these measures are reviewed based on existing experimental data and evaluations performed with validated analysis tools. It is judged that the present JSFR design can exlude severe power burst events.
Konishi, Kensuke; Toyooka, Junichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Sato, Ikken; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 237(22), p.2165 - 2174, 2007/11
Times Cited Count:45 Percentile:92.43(Nuclear Science & Technology)The WF (Wall Failure) test of the EAGLE program, in which 2kg of uranium dioxide fuel-pins were melted by nuclear heating, was successfully conducted in the IGR of NNC/Kazakhstan. In this test, a 3mm-thick stainless steel (SS) wall structure was placed between fuel pins and a 10mm-thick sodium-filled channel (sodium gap). During the transient, fuel pins were heated, which led to the formation of a fuel-steel mixture pool. Under the transient nuclear heating condition, the SS wall was strongly heated by the molten pool, leading to wall failure. The time needed for fuel penetration into the sodium-filled gap was very short (less than 1 second after the pool formation). The result suggests that molten core materials formed in hypothetical LMFBR core disruptive accidents have a certain potential to destroy SS-wall boundaries early in the accident phase, thereby providing fuel escape paths from the core region. The early establishment of such fuel escape paths is regarded as a favorable characteristic in eliminating the possibility of severe re-criticality events.
Konishi, Kensuke; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Sato, Ikken; Koyama, Kazuya*; Toyooka, Junichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Kotake, Shoji*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
Proceedings of 5th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-5), p.465 - 471, 2006/11
no abstracts in English
Konishi, Kensuke; Toyooka, Junichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Sato, Ikken; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
Proceedings of Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management (CD-ROM), 16 Pages, 2006/03
no abstracts in English
Imaizumi, Yuya; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Akaev, A.*; Mikisha, A.*; Baklanov, V.*; Vurim, A.*
no journal, ,
Imaizumi, Yuya; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Akaev, A.*; Mikisha, A.*; Baklanov, V.*; Vurim, A.*
no journal, ,
Kato, Shinya; Matsuba, Kenichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Mukhamedov, N.*; Akayev, A.*; Pakhnits, A.*; Vurim, A.*; Baklanov, V.*
no journal, ,
Kamiyama, Kenji; Konishi, Kensuke; Sato, Ikken; Toyooka, Junichi; Matsuba, Kenichi; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaydaychuk, V.*; Vasilyev, Y.*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Kamiyama, Kenji; Konishi, Kensuke; Sato, Ikken; Matsuba, Kenichi; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Toyooka, Junichi; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V.*; Kukushkin, I.*; Vurim, A. D.*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Kamiyama, Kenji; Matsuba, Kenichi; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Toyooka, Junichi; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Vityuk, V. A.*; Kukushkin, I.*; Vurim, A. D.*; Baklanov, V. V.*; Kolodeshnikov, A. A.*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Toyooka, Junichi; Konishi, Kensuke; Kamiyama, Kenji; Sato, Ikken; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Konishi, Kensuke; Toyooka, Junichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Sato, Ikken; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Vurim, A. D.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Konishi, Kensuke; Toyooka, Junichi; Kamiyama, Kenji; Sato, Ikken; Kubo, Shigenobu*; Kotake, Shoji*; Koyama, Kazuya*; Vurim, A. D.*; Pakhnits, A. V.*; Gaidaichuk, V. A.*; et al.
no journal, ,
The EAGLE experimental program is dedicated to show experimental evidences supporting a safety logic eliminating the recriticality issue in the core disruptive accidents (CDAs) of sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors. In order to confirm an inherent nature of early fuel escape from the core region, both in-pile (using IGR) and out-of-pile experiments have been performed in the program. This presentation shows the preliminary interpretation of the second integral experiment, in which fuel discharge through a duct-type escape path (initially filled with sodium) was investigated using about 8kg of molten fuel. Energy insertion in this second experiment was smaller than that in the first experiment. The duct-wall failure timing was a little delayed compared with that in the first experiment, and the fuel discharged through the duct intermittently.