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Journal Articles

Integrated radiation air dose rate maps over the 80 km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and the entire Fukushima Prefecture during 2011-2022

Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Wainwright, Haruko*; Tanimori, Soichiro*; Nagao, Fumiya; Ochi, Kotaro; Sanada, Yukihisa; Saito, Kimiaki

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 280, p.107554_1 - 107554_11, 2024/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Environmental Sciences)

In this study, we created the integrated radiation air dose rate maps in the Fukushima region during 2011-2022 using multiple types of surveys such as air-borne, car-borne and walk surveys as well as fixed-location measurements. We applied the Bayesian geostatistical method developed by Wainwright et al. (2017, 2019) to the 80 km radius of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant and the whole of Fukushima Prefecture while considering the history of the lifting of the evacuation zone in Fukushima. The integrated maps fixed the bias to underestimate air dose rates in forest areas, and successfully created more reproducible integrated maps with a wider area and time series than the previous studies. It is highly expected that the results of this study will be used to evaluate detailed exposure doses to the general public.

Journal Articles

Resilient design in nuclear energy; Critical lessons from a cross-disciplinary analysis of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear accident

Ayoub, A.*; Wainwright, Haruko*; Sansavini, G.*; Gauntt, R.*; Saito, Kimiaki

iScience (Internet), 27(4), p.109485_1 - 109485_15, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:78.89(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

ALTEMIS: Using integrated hydrology and reactive transport modeling to support resilience at the Savannah River Site

Xu, Z.*; Litzinger, A.*; Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Arora, B.*; Hazenberg, P.*; Wang, L.*; Gonzalez Raymat, H.*; Fabricatore, E.*; Wainwright, Haruko*; Eddy-Dilek, C.*

Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2024 (WM2024) (Internet), 14 Pages, 2024/03

Journal Articles

Optimizing long-term monitoring of radiation air dose rates

Wainwright, Haruko*; Oroza, C.*; Sun, D.*; Seki, Akiyuki; Mikami, Satoshi; Saito, Kimiaki

45th Annual Waste Management Conference (WM 2019); Encouraging Young Men & Women to Achieve Their Goals in Radwaste Management, Vol.7, p.4346 - 4356, 2020/01

In this work, we have developed a methodology for optimizing the sampling locations of radiation air dose-rate monitoring. Three steps are taken in order to determine sampling locations in a systematic manner: (1) prioritizing the critical locations, such as schools or regulatory requirement locations, (2) diversifying locations across the key environmental controls that are known to influence contaminant mobility and distributions, and (3) capturing the heterogeneity of radiation air dose rates across the domain. Our results have shown that increasing the number of sampling locations can better capture the heterogeneity of dose rates, although the estimation error does not decrease further after a certain number of samples. We have also found that when there are restrictions such as pre-existing monitoring locations or the ones along roads, the spatial estimation becomes poor even with the same number of monitoring locations.

Journal Articles

Integrating multiscale datasets for monitoring air dose rates in Fukushima

Wainwright, Haruko*; Seki, Akiyuki; Mikami, Satoshi; Saito, Kimiaki

44th Annual waste management conference (WM 2018); Nuclear and industrial robotics, remote systems and other emerging technology, Vol.8, p.5013 - 5017, 2018/08

A Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach was developed to integrate multiscale datasets, and also to estimate the spatial distribution of air dose rates in high resolution over space. In this study, we aim to extend this approach and predict the area of the evacuation zone in the future. We coupled the integrated map with the data-driven ecological decay model. Results show that the area of evacuation zone will shrink significantly in the next twenty years.

Journal Articles

A Multiscale Bayesian data integration approach for mapping air dose rates around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Wainwright, Haruko*; Seki, Akiyuki; Chen, J.*; Saito, Kimiaki

Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposia 2017 (WM2017) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2017/03

We integrate various types of datasets, such as ground-based walk and car surveys, and airborne surveys, all of which have different scales, resolutions, spatial coverage, and accuracy. This method is based on geostatistics to represent spatial heterogeneous structures, and also on Bayesian hierarchical models to integrate multiscale, multitype datasets in a consistent manner. The Bayesian method allows us to quantify the uncertainty in the estimates, and to provide the confidence intervals that are critical for robust decision-making. We showed the demonstration of Bayesian data integration approach for the Fukushima evacuation zones with high air dose rates.

Oral presentation

Investigation on distribution of radioactive substances in Fukushima, 14; Modeling on the integrated radiation air dose rate maps during 2011-2022

Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Wainwright, Haruko*; Tanimori, Soichiro*; Nagao, Fumiya; Ochi, Kotaro; Sanada, Yukihisa; Saito, Kimiaki

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no abstracts in English

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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