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Journal Articles

NMR study of C-A-S-H structures

Hanamachi, Yuji*; Walker, C.*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Mihara, Morihiro

NIMS Bisai Kozo Kaiseki Purattofuomu Riyo Hokokusho (Internet), 2 Pages, 2023/12

A High-volume Fly ash Silica fume Cement (HFSC) has been considered as the use of concrete support of drift in deep disposal of radioactive wastes. JAEA has been carried out experiments and modeling studies to evaluate chemical stability of C-A-S-H gel synthesized which would be believed as the dominant component of the HFSC. For the modeling purpose, it is necessary to evaluate the chemical composition both of C-A-S-H gel synthesized and accompanied minerals in the experiment. In the year of 2020, $$^{27}$$Al and $$^{29}$$Si NMR measurement were performed to identify Al and Si distribution in the sample and chemical composition of C-A-S-H gel was derived. However, it was impossible to derive the C-A-S-H gel composition having the expected Al/Si molar ratio since there were several accompanied minerals produced in the experiment due to the short term of immersion. This time similar approach to derive C-A-S-H gel composition is adopted using NMR measurement for the sample of longer time (6 months).

Journal Articles

Quantum critical spin-liquid-like behavior in the $$S$$ = $$frac{1}{2}$$ quasikagome-lattice compound CeRh$$_{1-x}$$Pd$$_x$$Sn investigated using muon spin relaxation and neutron scattering

Tripathi, R.*; Adroja, D. T.*; Ritter, C.*; Sharma, S.*; Yang, C.*; Hillier, A. D.*; Koza, M. M.*; Demmel, F.*; Sundaresan, A.*; Langridge, S.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 106(6), p.064436_1 - 064436_17, 2022/08

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:30.40(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

NMR study of C-A-S-H structures

Walker, C.*

NIMS Bisai Kozo Kaiseki Purattofuomu Riyo Hokokusho (Internet), 2 Pages, 2021/09

High content fly ash silica fume cement (HFSC) has been considering a candidate low alkali cements for the geological disposal of radioactive waste in Japan. JAEA has been currently performing many experiments and modeling studies relevant to validation for the long-term stability of the C-A-S-H gel which is a dominant component of the HFSC. For developing the C-A-S-H model of hydration and degradation, it is necessary to determine the composition of C-A-S-H gel and accompanied minerals when it reacts with water. In the present subject, the synthesized sample of C-A-S-H gels were analyzed by using the NMR spectra of $$^{27}$$Al and $$^{29}$$Si to determine the coordination of these element in the C-A-S-H gel.

Journal Articles

Using natural systems evidence to test models of transformation of montmorillonite

Savage, D.*; Wilson, J.*; Benbow, S.*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Oda, Chie; Walker, C.*; Kawama, Daisuke*; Tachi, Yukio

Applied Clay Science, 195, p.105741_1 - 105741_11, 2020/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:9.41(Chemistry, Physical)

Safety functions for the clay buffer in a repository for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) are fulfilled if the presence of montmorillonite with high swelling capacity and low permeability is maintained in the long-term. The transformation of montmorillonite to the non-swelling mineral likely illite is addressed in most safety assessments by using simple semi-empirical kinetic models, but this approach contrasts with more complex reactive-transport simulations. In the present study, reactive-transport simulations are compared with simple semi-empirical kinetic models. Results suggest that reactive-transport simulations err on the side of conservatism, but may produce unrealistic estimates of illitization. This comparison demonstrates that reactive-transport models may be carefully applied to simulate the long-term evolution of near field environment for HLW disposal.

Journal Articles

Natural systems evidence for the effects of temperature and the activity of aqueous silica upon montmorillonite stability in clay barriers for the disposal of radioactive wastes

Savage, D.*; Wilson, J.*; Benbow, S.*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Oda, Chie; Walker, C.*; Kawama, Daisuke*; Tachi, Yukio

Applied Clay Science, 179, p.105146_1 - 105146_10, 2019/10

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:61.04(Chemistry, Physical)

Natural systems evidence for the effects of temperature and the activity of aqueous silica upon montmorillonite stability was evaluated. Thermodynamic modeling using three different TDBs shows that stability fields for montmorillonite exist from 0 to 140$$^{circ}$$C, but at low values of silica activity, a stability field for illite replaces that for montmorillonite. Pore fluid chemical and mineralogical data for sediments from ODP sites from offshore Japan show a trend from montmorillonite + amorphous silica stability at temperatures up to 60$$^{circ}$$C to that for illite + quartz at higher temperatures. However, even over very long timescales ($$gg$$ 1 Ma), smectite does not transform to illite under thermodynamically-favourable conditions at temperatures less than 80$$^{circ}$$C.

Journal Articles

Formation of metal ion complexes in cementitious porewaters and leachates

Walker, C.*; Anraku, Sohtaro; Oda, Chie; Mihara, Morihiro; Honda, Akira

Proceedings of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2019) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2019/09

Journal Articles

Hydration and degradation of High content Fly ash Silica fume Cement (HFSC)

Anraku, Sohtaro; Walker, C.*; Oda, Chie; Mihara, Morihiro; Honda, Akira

Proceedings of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2019) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2019/09

Journal Articles

Investigation of the $$Delta$$$$n$$ = 0 selection rule in Gamow-Teller transitions; The $$beta$$-decay of $$^{207}$$Hg

Berry, T. A.*; Podoly$'a$k, Zs.*; Carroll, R. J.*; Lic$u{a}$, R.*; Grawe, H.*; Timofeyuk, N. K.*; Alexander, T.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ansari, S.*; Borge, M. J. G.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 793, p.271 - 275, 2019/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:46.65(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel solubility data and a discrete solid phase model at 25$$^{circ}$$C based on two binary non-ideal solid solutions

Walker, C.; Suto, Shunkichi; Oda, Chie; Mihara, Morihiro; Honda, Akira

Cement and Concrete Research, 79, p.1 - 30, 2016/01

 Times Cited Count:69 Percentile:90.19(Construction & Building Technology)

Modeling the solubility behavior of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel is important to make quantitative predictions of the degradation of hydrated ordinary Portland cement (OPC) based materials. Experimental C-S-H gel solubility data have been compiled from the literature, critically evaluated and supplemented with new data from the current study for molar Ca/Si ratios = 0.2-0.83. All these data have been used to derive a discrete solid phase (DSP) type C-S-H gel solubility model based on two binary non-ideal solid solutions in aqueous solution(SSAS). Features of the DSP type C-S-H gel solubility model include satisfactory predictions of pH values and Ca and Si concentrations for all molar Ca/Si ratios = 2.7 $$rightarrow$$ 0 in the C-S-H system, portlandite (CH) for Ca/Si ratios $$>$$ 1.65, congruent dissolution at Ca/Si ratios = 0.85, and amorphous silica (SiO$$_{2 (rm am)}$$) for Ca/Si ratios $$<$$ 0.55 as identified in the current study by IR spectroscopy.

Journal Articles

Na-montmorillonite dissolution rate determined by varying the Gibbs free energy of reaction in a dispersed system and its application to a coagulated system in 0.3M NaOH solution at 70$$^{circ}$$C

Oda, Chie; Walker, C.; Chino, Daisuke*; Ichige, Satoru; Honda, Akira; Sato, Tsutomu*; Yoneda, Tetsuro*

Applied Clay Science, 93-94, p.62 - 71, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:24.40(Chemistry, Physical)

Na-montmorillonite dissolution in a 0.3M NaOH solution has been investigated at pH12 and 70$$^{circ}$$C. The flow-through dissolution experiments were conducted in a dispersed system with varying concentrations of Si and Al to derive a Na-montmorillonite dissolution rate, as a non-linear function of the Gibbs free energy of reaction, dGr. This rate equation was used to simulate the batch-type Na-montmorillonite reaction experiments conducted in a coagulated system. The model simulation of the batch-type experiment adopting the empirical rate equations of Na-montmorillonite dissolution and secondary mineral analcime precipitation were able to reproduce the measured changes in the amount of dissolved Na-montmorillonite and concentrations of Si and Al in solution. The results showed that the empirical rate equation of Na-montmorillonite dissolution determined in the dispersed system was applicable to the coagulated system over a higher dGr range and that the concentrations of Si and Al in the batch experiment were controlled by the precipitation of analcime.

Journal Articles

Port-based plasma diagnostic infrastructure on ITER

Pitcher, C. S.*; Barnsley, R.*; Bertalot, L.*; Encheva, A.*; Feder, R.*; Friconneau, J. P.*; Hu, Q.*; Levesy, B.*; Loesser, G. D.*; Lyublin, B.*; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology, 64(2), p.118 - 125, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:32.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The port-based plasma diagnostic infrastructure on ITER is described, including the port plugs, the interspace support structure and port cell structure. These systems are modular in nature with standardized dimensions. The design of the equatorial and upper port plugs and their modules is discussed, as well as the dominant loading mechanisms. The port infrastructure design has now matured to the point that port plugs are now being populated with multiple diagnostics supplied by a number of ITER partners - two port plug examples are given.

Journal Articles

Development of a grout database for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste

Tsuda, Hidenori; Walker, C.; Shinkai, Fumiaki*; Kishi, Hirokazu*; Yui, Mikazu

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 49(11), p.1110 - 1113, 2012/11

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:31.65(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Development of grouting technologies for HLW disposal in Japan, 1; Overall program and key engineering technologies

Fujita, Tomoo; Kawaguchi, Masanao; Walker, C.; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Yui, Mikazu; Onishi, Yuzo*

Proceedings of 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS-7) (USB Flash Drive), p.675 - 681, 2012/10

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency started new grout project for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in 2007. This study presented the overall JAEA grout project program and an example of how to apply key engineering technologies to the construction and operation of an underground facility for the geological disposal of HLW.

Journal Articles

Nuclear engineering of diagnostic port plugs on ITER

Pitcher, C. S.*; Barnsley, R.*; Feder, R.*; Hu, Q.*; Loesser, G. D.*; Lyublin, B.*; Padasalagi, S.*; Pak, S.*; Reichle, R.*; Sato, Kazuyoshi; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 87(5-6), p.667 - 674, 2012/08

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:66.29(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Accelerated hydration of high silica cements

Walker, C.; Yui, Mikazu

NEA/RWM/R(2012)3/REV, p.159 - 163, 2012/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Polymer model for zeolite thermochemical stability

Arthur, R. C.*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Walker, C.; Yui, Mikazu

Clays and Clay Minerals, 59(6), p.626 - 639, 2011/11

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:44.87(Chemistry, Physical)

Regarding to geological disposal of high level radioactive waste, long-term evolution of chemical condition in the rock mass by interactions of cementitious grout and rock would be predicted, if the grout is used for reducing the groundwater inflow during construction of drifts. Evolution of chemical condition is important because it could affect the evaluation of radionuclides migration for performance assessment. Zeolite is one of important alteration minerals by interactions of cementitious grout and rock. For evaluation of long-term evolution of chemical condition, it is necessary to develop thermodynamic data for alteration minerals like zeolite. The present paper proposes a revised model to derive more reliable thermodynamic data for zeolite. Additionally, a possibility to apply this revised model on other important alteration minerals is suggested.

Journal Articles

Electromagnetic studies of the ITER generic upper port plug

Sato, Kazuyoshi; Yaguchi, Eiji; Pitcher, C. S.*; Walker, C.*; Encheva, A.*; Kawano, Yasunori; Kusama, Yoshinori

Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(6-8), p.1264 - 1267, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:25.83(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Nuclear technology aspects of ITER vessel-mounted diagnostics

Vayakis, G.*; Bertalot, L.*; Encheva, A.*; Walker, C.*; Brichard, B.*; Cheon, M. S.*; Chitarin, G.*; Hodgson, E.*; Ingesson, C.*; Ishikawa, Masao; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), p.780 - 786, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:27 Percentile:87.80(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Isomeric states observed in heavy neutron-rich nuclei populated in the fragmentation of a $$^{208}$$Pb beam

Steer, S. J.*; Podoly$'a$k, Z.*; Pietri, S.*; G$'o$rska, M.*; Grawe, H.*; Maier, K.*; Regan, P. H.*; Rudolph, D.*; Garnsworthy, A. B.*; Hoischen, R.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 84(4), p.044313_1 - 044313_22, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:65 Percentile:94.83(Physics, Nuclear)

Heavy neutron-rich nuclei were populated via the fragmentation of a E/A=1 GeV $$_{82}^{208}$$Pb beam. Secondary fragments were separated and identified and subsequently implanted in a passive stopper. By the detection of delayed $$gamma$$ rays, isomeric decays associated with these nuclei have been identified. A total of 49 isomers were detected, with the majority of them observed for the first time. Possible level schemes are constructed and the structure of the nuclei discussed. To aid the interpretation, shell-model as well as BCS calculations were performed.

Journal Articles

Plasma boundary and first-wall diagnostics in ITER

Pitcher, C. S.*; Andrew, P.*; Barnsley, R.*; Bertalot, L.*; Counsell, G. G.*; Encheva, A.*; Feder, R. E.*; Hatae, Takaki; Johnson, D. W.*; Kim, J.*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415(Suppl.1), p.S1127 - S1132, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

65 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)