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検索結果: 83 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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The Development of Petri Net-based continuous Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology applying to dynamic probability risk assessment for multi-state resilience systems with repairable multi-component interdependency under longtermly thereat

Li, C.-Y.; 渡部 晃*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.935 - 957, 2024/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

For all the nuclear reactor systems, quantitative assessment of the accident management (AM) effects against long-term external hazards became one of the essential issues after the lesson learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. However, the influence from the safety systems' stochastic and dynamic shifting between multiple working states, which is related to the interaction with the adjacent components/systems in general, has not been accounted for yet. Therefore, this research aims to develop a dynamic probability risk assessment tool considering repairable multi-component interdependency for investigating the AM influences on the multi-state safety systems under long-term external hazards. Based on the newly proposed methodology in this research via integrating the Petri Net (PN) model with the continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo (CMMC) method, a framework applying PN-CMMC methodology to a severe accident analysis code, SPECTRA, had been originally constructed. Different AM influences on the multi-state decay heat removal systems against long-term volcanic ashfall were also quantitatively confirmed, indicating that halving the repairing time is more influential in suppressing the core damage frequency than doubling the number of adjacent electricity support systems. Therefore, the PN-CMMC-SPECTRA framework can further assess the uncharted dynamic multi-state concerns, leading to a safer AM strategy.


Impact of irradiation side on muon-induced single-event upsets in 65-nm Bulk SRAMs

Deng, Y.*; 渡辺 幸信*; 真鍋 征也*; Liao, W.*; 橋本 昌宜*; 安部 晋一郎; 反保 元伸*; 三宅 康博*

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 71(4, Part 2), p.912 - 920, 2024/04



Adsorption behavior of platinum-group metals and Co-existing metal ions from simulated high-level liquid waste using HONTA and Crea impregnated adsorbent

大沢 直樹*; Kim, S.-Y.*; 久保田 真彦*; Wu, H.*; 渡部 創; 伊藤 辰也; 永石 隆二

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(3), p.812 - 818, 2024/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.05

An impregnated silica-based adsorbent was prepared by combining HONTA extractant, Crea extractant, and macroporous silica polymer composite particles (SiO$$_{2}$$-P). The performance of platinum-group metals adsorption and separation on prepared (HONTA + Crea)/SiO$$_{2}$$-P adsorbent was assessed by batch-adsorption and chromatographic separation studies. (HONTA + Crea)/SiO$$_{2}$$-P adsorbent showed high adsorption performance of Pd(II) owing to an affinity between Pd(II) and Crea extractant based on the Hard and Soft Acids and Bases theory. The chromatographic experiment showed that Pd(II) was recovered entirely from the feed solution using 0.2 M thiourea in 0.1 M HNO$$_{3}$$. Possibility of recovery of Zr(IV), Mo(VI), and Re(VII) was also observed using the (HONTA + Crea)/SiO$$_{2}$$-P adsorbent.


Quantum critical behavior of the hyperkagome magnet Mn$$_3$$CoSi

山内 宏樹; Sari, D. P.*; 安井 幸夫*; 坂倉 輝俊*; 木村 宏之*; 中尾 朗子*; 大原 高志; 本田 孝志*; 樹神 克明; 井川 直樹; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 6(1), p.013144_1 - 013144_9, 2024/02

$$beta$$-Mn-type family alloys Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ have three-dimensional antiferromagnetic (AFM) corner-shared triangular network. The antiferromagnet Mn$$_3$$RhSi shows magnetic short-range order (SRO) over a wide temperature range of approximately 500 K above the N$'{e}$el temperature $$T_{rm N}$$ = 190 K. Mn$$_3$$CoSi has the smallest lattice parameter and the lowest $$T_{rm N}$$ in the family compounds. The quantum critical point (QCP) from AFM to the quantum paramagnetic state is expected near a cubic lattice parameter of 6.15 $AA. Although $T_N$$ of Mn$$_3$$CoSi is only 140 K, quantum critical behavior is observed in Mn$$_3$$CoSi as the enhancement of the electronic specific heat coefficient $$gamma$$. We study how the magnetic SRO appears in Mn$$_3$$CoSi by using neutron scattering, $$mu$$SR, and physical property measurements. The experimental results show that the neutron scattering intensity of the magnetic SRO does not change much regardless of the suppressed magnetic moment in the long-range magnetic ordered state compared to those of Mn$$_3$$RhSi. The initial asymmetry drop ratio of $$mu$$SR above $$T_{rm N}$$ becomes small, and the magnetic SRO temperature $$T_{SRO}$$ is suppressed to 240 K. The results suggest that the Mn$$_3$$CoSi is close to the QCP in the Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ system.



山田 椋平*; 玉熊 佑紀*; 桑田 遥*; 三枝 裕美*; 渡邊 裕貴; 廣田 誠子*; Jin, Q.*; Cai, Y.*

保健物理(インターネット), 58(3), p.169 - 177, 2023/11



Update of Bragg edge analysis software "GUI-RITS"

及川 健一; 佐藤 博隆*; 渡辺 賢一*; Su, Y. H.; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 鬼柳 善明*; 長谷美 宏幸

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2605, p.012013_1 - 012013_6, 2023/10

Spectral data of Bragg-edge imaging, which is one of the energy-resolved neutron imaging methods, can be analyzed by single-edge analysis and full-pattern analysis with the Bragg-edge analysis code RITS developed by Sato et al. This program has a function to generate neutron transmission data considering wavelength-dependent pulse-shape function, atomic number density, crystalline structure, etc., and to extract these parameters from the measured data by the nonlinear least-squares fitting. Last year, we worked on updating the operating environment of the platform Scientific Linux 6 and the language Python 2, which have been discontinued, to Windows 10 and Python 3, and added some functions to improve usability. GUI-RITS for the windows platform has been released to users. In this presentation, we will show concrete examples of the results of the analysis of the same data by the old and new programs, and compare the efficiency of data analysis.


Development of dynamic PRA methodology for external hazards in sodium-cooled fast reactor via applying Markov chain Monte Carlo method to severe accident analysis code; Assessment of accident management of assigning independent emergency diesel generators to each air cooler

Li, C.-Y.; 渡部 晃*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05

Quantitative assessment of the effect of accident management on the various external hazards is essential in the nuclear safety analysis. This study aims to establish the dynamic probabilistic risk assessment methodology for sodium-cooled fast reactors that can consider the transient plant status under continuous external hazards with corresponding countermeasures operating stochastically. Specifically, the Continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo (CMMC) and Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets (DSPN) methods are newly applied to the severe accident analysis code, SPECTRA, which can conduct dynamic plant evaluation in the different severe accident conditions of nuclear reactors, to develop an evaluation methodology for typical external hazards. In the DSPN-CMMC-SPECTRA coupled frame, the latest safety functions of the plant components/systems can be stochastically determined by the DSPN-CMMC grounded on the current plant states under continuous hazard and the interaction between the multi-state components/systems; then, SPECTRA can evaluate the following plant state determined by the latest safety function of the components/systems. Therefore, the advantage of this newly developed DSPN-CMMC-SPECTRA frame is having the capability to quantitatively and stochastically evaluate the transient accident progressions that potentially lead to the core damage under the continuous external hazard scenario. As for the preliminary exam on the DSPN-CMMC-SPECTRA frame, one of the typical external hazards of continuous volcanic ashfall is selected in this research. In addition, the numerical investigation of alternative accident management' effects has also been carried out and quantitatively confirmed in this research.


Design of MA(III)/Ln(III) separation process of extraction chromatography technology

阿久澤 禎*; Kim, S.-Y.*; 久保田 真彦*; Wu, H.*; 渡部 創; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行; 新井 剛*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 331(12), p.5851 - 5858, 2022/12

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:81.82(Chemistry, Analytical)

In this work, we have examined Ln(III) and MA(III) separation conditions by the extraction chromatography using HONTA adsorbent to decide the Ln(III)/MA(III) separation process fow. From the research results, we found the simulated element of Am(III) for HONTA adsorbent and the conditions to use it. In addition, Ln(III) and Am(III) (simulated element) separation experiments were carried out using the HONTA adsorbent packed column, we have determined the column separation conditions for Am(III) such as order of fow solution and fow rate.


A Safer preprocessing system for analyzing dissolved organic radiocarbon in seawater

乙坂 重嘉*; Jeon, H.*; Hou, Y.*; 渡邊 隆広; 阿瀬 貴博*; 宮入 陽介*; 横山 祐典*; 小川 浩史*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 527, p.1 - 6, 2022/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Selective recovery of thorium and uranium from leach solutions of rare earth concentrates in continuous solvent extraction mode with primary amine N1923

Nguyen, T. H.*; Le Ba, T.*; Tran, C. T.*; Nguyen, T. T.*; Doan, T. T. T.*; Do, V. K.; 渡邉 雅之; Pham, Q. M.*; Hoang, S. T.*; Nguyen, D. V.*; et al.

Hydrometallurgy, 213, p.105933_1 - 105933_11, 2022/08

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:80.22(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)



Development of dynamic PRA methodology for external hazards (Application of CMMC method to severe accident analysis code)

Li, C.-Y.; 渡部 晃*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

第26回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2022/07



Strain distribution visualization of punched electrical steel sheets using neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging

笹田 星児*; Takahashi, Yoshihito*; Takeuchi, Keisuke*; 廣井 孝介; Su, Y. H.; 篠原 武尚; 渡辺 賢一*; 瓜谷 章*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 61(4), p.046004_1 - 046004_8, 2022/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Residual strains in a punched electrical steel sheet increase the iron loss in the steel sheet. To accurately estimate the effect of residual strain on iron loss, the residual strain distribution in a punched electrical steel sheet should be evaluated. In this study, we demonstrated the two- dimensional imaging of the residual strain distribution in a punched electrical steel sheet using the neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging method. To improve the accuracy of strain measurement with minimal deterioration of spatial resolution, we applied a process of superposing many specimen images. The tensile strain near the punched edge and the compressive strain inside the core were experimentally confirmed using this method. Finally, the neutron Bragg-edge imaging results and those obtained from kernel average misorientation map using electron backscattered diffraction were compared to verify the validity of the proposed method.


Effect of coolant water temperature of emergency core cooling system on failure probability of reactor pressure vessel

Lu, K.; 勝山 仁哉; 眞崎 浩一; 渡辺 正*; Li, Y.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 143(3), p.031704_1 - 031704_8, 2021/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Mechanical)

Structural integrity assessment of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is important for the safe operation of nuclear power plant. For an RPV in a pressurized water reactor (PWR), pressurized thermal shock (PTS) resulted from rapid coolant water injection due to a loss-of-coolant accident is an issue of particular concern. The coolant water temperature in the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) can influence the integrity of RPV subjected to PTS events; thus, this paper is focused on investigating the effect of coolant water temperature of ECCS on failure probability of an RPV. First, thermal-hydraulic (TH) analyses were conducted for a Japanese PWR model plant by using RELAP5, and different coolant water temperatures in ECCS were considered to investigate the effect of coolant water temperature on TH behaviors during a PTS event. Using the TH analysis results, probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analyses were performed for the RPV of the Japanese model plant. Based on the PFM analysis results, the effect of coolant water temperature on failure probability of the RPV was quantified.


Beta decay of the axially asymmetric ground state of $$^{192}$$Re

渡邉 寛*; 渡辺 裕*; 平山 賀一*; Andreyev, A. N.; 橋本 尚志*; Kondev, F. G.*; Lane, G. J.*; Litvinov, Yu. A.*; Liu, J. J.*; 宮武 宇也*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 814, p.136088_1 - 136088_6, 2021/03

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.40(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The $$beta$$ decay of $$^{192}_{75}$$Re$$_{117}$$, which lies near the boundary between the regions of predicted prolate and oblate deformations, has been investigated using the KEK Isotope Separation System (KISS) in RIKEN Nishina Center. The ground state of $$^{192}$$Re has been assigned $$J^{pi}$$ = $$(0^{-})$$ based on the observed $$beta$$ feedings and deduced log$$ft$$ values towards the $$0^{+}$$ and $$2^{+}$$ states in $$^{192}$$Os, which is known as a typical $$gamma$$-soft nucleus. The shape transition from axial symmetry to axial asymmetry in the Re isotopes is discussed from the viewpoint of single-particle structure using the nuclear Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model.


Spallation and fragmentation cross sections for 168 MeV/nucleon $$^{136}$$Xe ions on proton, deuteron, and carbon targets

Sun, X. H.*; Wang, H.*; 大津 秀暁*; 櫻井 博儀*; Ahn, D. S.*; 合川 正幸*; 福田 直樹*; 磯部 忠昭*; 川上 駿介*; 小山 俊平*; et al.

Physical Review C, 101(6), p.064623_1 - 064623_12, 2020/06

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:51.18(Physics, Nuclear)

理化学研究所RIビームファクトリーにて逆運動学法を使用し、核子当たり168MeVの陽子, 重陽子, 炭素イオン入射による$$^{136}$$Xeのスポレーションおよびフラグメンテーション反応からの同位体生成断面積を測定した。炭素イオンの場合は全運動エネルギーが高くなるため、質量数の小さな同位体の生成断面積が大きくなった。また、今回新たに測定されたデータを以前により高い入射エネルギーで測定されたデータと比較することで、同位体生成断面積の入射エネルギー依存性を調査した。さらに、測定データをPHITS, SPACS, EPAX, DEURACSの計算値と比較した。本研究で測定したデータは、理論計算の良いベンチマークになると考えられる。


Effect of coolant water temperature of ECCS on failure probability of RPV

勝山 仁哉; 眞崎 浩一; Lu, K.; 渡辺 正*; Li, Y.

Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2019) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2019/07



New isomers in $$^{125}$$Pd$$_{79}$$ and $$^{127}$$Pd$$_{81}$$; Competing proton and neutron excitations in neutron-rich palladium nuclides towards the $$N=82$$ shell closure

渡邉 寛*; Wang, H. K.*; Lorusso, G.*; 西村 俊二*; Xu, Z. Y.*; 炭竃 聡之*; Orlandi, R.; 他47名*

Physics Letters B, 792, p.263 - 268, 2019/05

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:52.65(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The isotopes $$^{125}$$Pd and $$^{127}$$Pd, respectively with 79 and 81 neutrons, are key isotopes to understand the evolution of the N=82 shell closure below $$^{208}$$Pd. These nuclei were studied at RIBF (RIKEN). New isomeric states with half-lives of 144(4) ns and 39(6) $$mu$$s were assigned spins and parities of (23/2$$^+$$) and (19/2$$^+$$) in $$^{125}$$Pd and $$^{127}$$Pd, respectively. The assignment was carried out based on the results of the $$gamma$$-ray intensity balance analysis and the measured transition strengths with the aid of a shell-model calculation. The isomoer in $$^{125}$$Pd was ascribed predominantly to three neutron-hole excitations in the N=50-82 shell. The 19/2$$^+$$ state in $$^{127}$$Pd is expected to involve the coupling of proton and neutron configurations. The new data will provide important benchmarks for a better understanding of $$r$$-process nucleosynthesis.


Influence evaluation of loading conditions during pressurized thermal shock transients based on thermal-hydraulics and structural analyses

勝山 仁哉; 宇野 隼平*; 渡辺 正*; Li, Y.

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 13(4), p.563 - 570, 2018/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:11.85(Engineering, Mechanical)



First direct mass measurements of nuclides around $$Z$$ = 100 with a multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph

伊藤 由太*; Schury, P.*; 和田 道治*; 新井 郁也*; 羽場 宏光*; 平山 賀一*; 石澤 倫*; 加治 大哉*; 木村 創大*; 小浦 寛之; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 120(15), p.152501_1 - 152501_6, 2018/04

 被引用回数:60 パーセンタイル:93.38(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

冷たい核融合反応および熱い融合反応によって生成した変形閉殻中性子数152の近傍に位置する原子核$$^{246}$$Es, $$^{251}$$Fm、および超フェルミウム原子核$$^{249-252}$$Md, $$^{254}$$Noの質量の直接測定を、多反射時間飛行質量分析装置(MR-TOF)を用いて実施した。$$^{246}$$Esおよび$$^{249,250,252}$$Mdの質量測定は世界で初めての成果である。さらに$$^{249,250}$$Mdの質量を$$alpha$$崩壊連鎖のアンカーポイントとして用いて$$^{261}$$Bhおよび$$^{266}$$Mtまでの重い原子核の質量を決定した。これらの新測定された質量を理論質量計算と比較し、巨視的・微視的模型の予測値と良い一致が見られることを示した。近接する3つの質量値から求められる経験的殻ギャップエネルギー$$delta_{2n}$$を今回の質量値から求め、MdおよびLrに対する変形閉殻中性子数$$N=152$$の存在を裏付ける結果を得た。


Simulation, measurement, and mitigation of beam instability caused by the kicker impedance in the 3-GeV rapid cycling synchrotron at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex

Saha, P. K.; 菖蒲田 義博; 發知 英明; 原田 寛之; 林 直樹; 金正 倫計; 田村 文彦; 谷 教夫; 山本 昌亘; 渡辺 泰広; et al.

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (Internet), 21(2), p.024203_1 - 024203_20, 2018/02


 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:64.66(Physics, Nuclear)

The transverse impedance of the extraction kicker magnets in the 3-GeV RCS of J-PARC is a strong beam instability source and it is one of the significant issue to realize 1 MW beam power as practical measures are yet to be implemented to reduce the impedance. In the present research realistic simulation by updating the simulation code to cope with all time dependent machine parameters were performed in order to study the detail of beam instability nature and to determine realistic parameters for beam instability mitigation. The simulation results were well reproduced by the measurements, and as a consequence an acceleration to 1 MW beam power has also been successfully demonstrated. To further increase of the RCS beam power up to 1.5 MW, beam instability issues and corresponding measures have also been studied.

83 件中 1件目~20件目を表示