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Gradient residual stress and fatigue life prediction of induction hardened carbon steel S38C axles; Experiment and simulation

Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Zhang, H.*; Zhou, L.*; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; 菖蒲 敬久; Wu, S. C.*

International Journal of Fatigue, 185, p.108336_1 - 108336_13, 2024/08

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:93.69(Engineering, Mechanical)

Gradient distribution of triaxial residual stresses to a depth of several millimeters is retained in middle carbon steel S38C axles after high-frequency induction hardening, which has become a critical concern for fatigue structural integrity. To address this, the axial, hoop, and radial gradient residual strains inside the axles were measured for the first time by advanced neutron diffraction. The SIGINI Fortran subroutine was then adopted to reconstruct the global initial residual stress field from the measured data. Experimental and simulation results show that residual stresses of about -520 MPa (axial), -710 MPa (hoop), and -40 MPa (radial) residual stress were retained below the axle surface. Subsequently, the fatigue crack propagation behavior of S38C axles was numerically investigated in the framework of fracture mechanics. The calculated results clearly show that the compressive residual stresses at a depth of 0?3 mm from the axle surface lead to a low crack growth driving force, and that fatigue cracks do not propagate as long as the crack depth is less than 3.7 mm for hollow S38C axles. These results further indicate that the maximum defect size allowed in routine inspections is acceptable from a safety and economic point of view. Accurate measurement and characterization of the global gradient residual stress field through experiments and simulations can provide an important reference for optimizing the mileage intervals of nondestructive testing (NDT) of surface defects in these surface-strengthened railway axles.


Citizen science observation of a gamma-ray glow associated with the initiation of a lightning flash

鶴見 美和*; 榎戸 輝掲*; 一方井 祐子*; Wu, T.*; Wang, D.*; 篠田 太郎*; 中澤 知洋*; 辻 直樹*; Diniz, G.*; 片岡 淳*; et al.

Geophysical Research Letters, 50(13), p.e2023GL103612_1 - e2023GL103612_9, 2023/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:38.44(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

Gamma-ray glows are observational evidence of relativistic electron acceleration due to the electric field in thunderclouds. However, it is yet to be understood whether such relativistic electrons contribute to the initiation of lightning discharges. To tackle this question, we started the citizen science "Thundercloud Project," where we map radiation measurements of glows from winter thunderclouds along Japan's sea coast area. We developed and deployed 58 compact gamma-ray monitors at the end of 2021. On 30 December 2021, five monitors simultaneously detected a glow with its radiation distribution horizontally extending for 2 km. The glow terminated coinciding with a lightning flash at 04:08:34 JST, which was recorded by the two radio-band lightning mapping systems, FALMA and DALMA. The initial discharges during the preliminary breakdown started above the glow, that is, in vicinity of the electron acceleration site. This result provides one example of possible connections between electron acceleration and lightning initiation.


Pressure engineering of van der Waals compound RhI$$_3$$; Bandgap narrowing, metallization, and remarkable enhancement of photoelectric activity

Fang, Y.*; Kong, L.*; Wang, R.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Bu, K.*; Liu, X.*; Yan, S.*; 服部 高典; et al.

Materials Today Physics (Internet), 34, p.101083_1 - 101083_7, 2023/05

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:68.49(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior of a structurally gradient steel for high-speed railway axles

Ao, N.*; Zhang, H.*; Xu, H. H.*; Wu, S. C.*; Liu, D.*; 徐 平光; Su, Y. H.; Kang, Q. H.*; Kang, G. Z.*

Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 281, p.109166_1 - 109166_14, 2023/03

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:84.20(Mechanics)

Considering the complex service environments that high-speed railway axles are subjected to, the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of a structurally gradient axle steel with different pre-crack depths both in air and corrosive medium was investigated at a frequency of 5 Hz. The results indicated that in the high $$Delta$$$$K$$ region, FCG rate was dramatically accelerated by corrosion, but the gap narrows as $$Delta$$$$K$$ decreased. The accelerated corrosion FCG rate was a comprehensive result of the acceleration effect of the anodic dissolution, hydrogen-enhanced localized plasticity and the retardation effect of corrosion-induced crack-tip blunting. Despite the fact that the corrosion resistance gradually decreased as the pre-crack depth increased, the FCG rate in the corrosive medium gradually decreased. This was because fatigue loading played a more important role than corrosion in accelerating the corrosion FCG rate.


Grain orientation dependence of deformation microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in face-centered cubic high/medium entropy alloys

吉田 周平*; Fu, R.*; Gong, W.; 池内 琢人*; Bai, Y.*; Feng, Z.*; Wu, G.*; 柴田 曉伸*; Hansen, N.*; Huang, X.*; et al.

IOP Conference Series; Materials Science and Engineering, 1249, p.012027_1 - 012027_6, 2022/08

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:84.61(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

This study revealed characteristics of the deformation behavior in high/medium entropy alloys (HEAs/MEAs) with face-centered cubic (FCC) structure. A Co$$_{60}$$Ni$$_{40}$$ alloy and a Co$$_{20}$$Cr$$_{40}$$Ni$$_{40}$$ MEA having low and high friction stresses (fundamental resistance to dislocation glide in solid solutions), respectively, but similar in other properties, including their stacking fault energy and grain sizes, were compared. The MEA exhibited a higher yield strength and work-hardening ability than those in the Co$$_{60}$$Ni$$_{40}$$ alloy at room temperature. Deformation microstructures of the Co$$_{60}$$Ni$$_{40}$$ alloy were composed of coarse dislocation cells (DCs) in most grains, and a few deformation twins (DTs) formed in grains with tensile axis (TA) nearly parallel to $$<$$111$$>$$. In the MEA, three microstructure types were found depending on the grain orientations: (1) fine DCs developed in TA$$sim$$//$$<$$100$$>$$-oriented grains; (2) planar dislocation structures (PDSs) formed in grains with other orientations; and (3) dense DTs adding to the PDSs developed in TA$$sim$$//$$<$$111$$>$$-oriented grains. The results imply difficulty in cross-slip of screw dislocations and dynamic recovery in the MEA, leading to an increase in the dislocation density and work-hardening rate. Our results suggest that FCC high-alloy systems with high friction stress inherently develop characteristic deformation microstructures advantageous for achieving high strength and large ductility.


Strong lattice anharmonicity exhibited by the high-energy optical phonons in thermoelectric material

Wu, P.*; Fan, F.-R.*; 萩原 雅人*; 古府 麻衣子; Peng, K.*; 石川 喜久*; Lee, S.*; 本田 孝志*; 米村 雅雄*; 池田 一貴*; et al.

New Journal of Physics (Internet), 22(8), p.083083_1 - 083083_9, 2020/08

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:64.51(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Investigation of the electronic structure and lattice dynamics of the thermoelectric material Na-doped SnSe

Wu, P.*; Zhang, B.*; Peng, K. L.*; 萩原 雅之*; 石川 喜久*; 古府 麻衣子; Lee, S. H.*; 組頭 広志*; Hu, C. S.*; Qi, Z. M.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 98(9), p.094305_1 - 094305_7, 2018/09

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:50.83(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

熱電材料であるNaドープしたSnSeについて、ARPES, 中性子回折, 中性子非弾性散乱でその電子構造と格子ダイナミクスを測定した結果を報告する。


Atomically dispersed Pt on the surface of Ni particles; Synthesis and catalytic function in hydrogen generation from aqueous ammonia-borane

Li, Z.*; He, T.*; 松村 大樹; Miao, S.*; Wu, A.*; Liu, L.*; Wu, G.*; Chen, P.*

ACS Catalysis, 7(10), p.6762 - 6769, 2017/10

 被引用回数:178 パーセンタイル:96.70(Chemistry, Physical)

We report herein that the single-atom alloy (SAA) made of atomically dispersed Pt on the surface of Ni particles (Pt is surrounded by Ni atoms) exhibits improved catalytic activity on the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia-borane, a promising hydrogen storage method for onboard applications. Specifically, an addition of 160 ppm of Pt leads to ca. 3-fold activity improvement in comparison to that of pristine Ni/CNT catalyst. The turnover frequency based on the isolated Pt is 12000 mol$$_{rm{H}2}$$ mol$$_{rm{Pt}}$$$$^{-1}$$ min$$^{-1}$$, which is about 21 times the value of the best Pt-based catalyst ever reported. Our simulation results indicate that the high activity achieved stems from the synergistic effect between Pt and Ni, where the negatively charged Pt (Pt$$^{delta -}$$) and positively charged Ni (Ni$$^{delta +}$$) in the Pt-Ni alloy are prone to interact with H and OH of H$$_{2}$$O molecules, respectively, leading to an energetically favorable reaction pathway.


Signature splitting inversion and backbending in $$^{80}$$Rb

He, C.*; Shen, S.*; Wen, S.*; Zhu, L.*; Wu, X.*; Li, G.*; Zhao, Y.*; Yan, Y.*; Bai, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 87(3), p.034320_1 - 034320_10, 2013/03

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:42.46(Physics, Nuclear)

High-spin states of $$^{80}$$Rb are studied via the fusion-evaporation reactions $$^{65}$$Cu+$$^{19}$$F, $$^{66}$$Zn+$$^{18}$$O, and $$^{68}$$Zn+$$^{16}$$O with the beam energies of 75 MeV, 76 MeV, and 80 MeV, respectively. Twenty-three states with twenty-eight $$gamma$$ transitions are added to the previously proposed level scheme, where the second negative-parity band is significantly pushed up to spins of 22$$^-$$ and 15$$^-$$ and two sidebands are built on the known first negative-parity band. Two successive band crossings with frequencies 0.51 MeV and 0.61 MeV in the $$alpha$$ = 0 branch as well as another one in the $$alpha$$ =1 branch of the second negative-parity band are observed. Signature inversions occur in the positive-parity and first negative-parity bands at the spins of 11$$hbar$$ and 16$$hbar$$, respectively. The signature splitting is seen obviously in the second negative-parity band, but the signature inversion is not observed. It is also found that the structure of the two negative-parity bands is similar to that of its isotone $$^{82}$$Y. Signature inversion in the positive-parity yrast band with configuration $$pi$$g9/2 $$otimes$$ $$nu$$g9/2 in this nucleus is discussed using the projected shell model.


X-ray absorption fine structure and photon-stimulated ion desorption from solid MoO$$_{3}$$ at molybdenum 3p$$_{1/2}$$, 3p$$_{3/2}$$, and oxygen 1s edges

Wu, G.*; 関口 哲弘; 馬場 祐治; 下山 巖

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 245(2), p.406 - 410, 2006/04

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:43.28(Instruments & Instrumentation)

近年、放射光照射により分子中の特定の結合を切断する例が盛んに報告されている。その原理は、特定の元素に局在した内殻軌道から反結合性空軌道への共鳴励起によりその特定の結合切断が引き起こされる。そのような選択結合切断は低温凝集分子,ポリマーなどにおいて観測されていた。これらの系は分子単位を持つのが特長である。そこで、分子単位を持たない、無限に広がった-Mo-O-結合ネットワークを持つMoO$$_{3}$$固体について放射光照射実験を行った。t$$_{2g}$$励起ではX線吸収と同程度でMo-O切断が起こるのに対し、e$$_{g}$$ 励起ではX線吸収をかなり上回る。e$$_{g}$$ 軌道が局在した反結合性軌道を持つため、Mo-O切断が促進されたと結論した。また、興味深いことにMo 2p, O 1s内殻励起においてはこのような選択切断が起こるのに対し、Mo 3p内殻励起では起こらない。この違いはMo 3p励起の場合だけ超高速過程であるコスタークロニッヒ遷移が起こることにより結合切断の前にe$$_{g}$$ 反軌道電子が消滅するためであると結論した。


Mechanism of state-specific enhancement in photon-stimulated desorption as studied using a polarization-dependent technique

関口 哲弘; 馬場 祐治; 下山 巖; Wu, G.*; 北島 義典*

Surface Science, 593(1-3), p.310 - 317, 2005/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:11.18(Chemistry, Physical)

回転型飛行時間質量分析装置(R-TOF-MS)を用いて、分子固体表面最上層で起こる結合解離と脱離過程における分子配向効果を研究した。凝縮塩化ベンゼンの質量スペクトル,電子収量法,イオン収量法による高分解能NEXAFSスペクトルの偏光角度依存性を報告する。凝集分子ではCl 2s$$rightarrow$$$$sigma$$*$$_{C-Cl}$$共鳴励起でCl$$^{+}$$イオン収量が増加する現象に関して顕著な配向効果が観測された。下層による緩和に表面上の分子の結合方向が大きく影響を受けることから、この配向効果には電荷中性化緩和が重要な役割を果たしている。$$pi$$*$$_{C=C}$$共鳴励起では偏光依存性を全く示さなかった。このことから離れた原子を内殻励起しても「遠い」結合には直接解離が起こらず、おもに2次電子により解離が引き起こされるものと考察する。


Photon-stimulated ion desorption from mono- and multilayered silicon alkoxide on silicon by core-level excitation

馬場 祐治; Wu, G.; 関口 哲弘; 下山 巖

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 19(4), p.1485 - 1489, 2001/07

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:26.04(Materials Science, Coatings & Films)

シリコン単結晶表面に吸着したテトラクロロシランにSi 1s領域の放射光を照射した時の分子の分解、イオン脱離機構を調べた。吸着分子自身の励起による効果とシリコン基板の励起による二次的効果とを区別するため、吸着層の数を正確に制御した系について検討した。単相吸着系では、脱離イオンのほとんどがCH$$_{3}^{+}$$イオンであり、その脱離強度は吸着分子のSi 1s→$$sigma$$*共鳴励起で最大となるが、シリコン基板の励起では脱離は認められない。一方、二次電子のほとんどはシリコン基板から発生することから、CH$$_{3}^{+}$$の脱離に寄与するのはオージェ電子、散乱電子などによる二次的効果ではなく、吸着分子自身の直接的な内殻共鳴励起効果によることが明らかとなった。


Study of electronic structure of graphite-like carbon nitride

下山 巖; Wu, G.; 関口 哲弘; 馬場 祐治

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 114-116, p.841 - 848, 2001/03

 被引用回数:49 パーセンタイル:86.58(Spectroscopy)

窒化炭素(CN$$_{x}$$)化合物は近年新しい材料として注目を集め、六方晶, 立方晶など固体でのさまざまな構造が提案されている。しかしこれまで合成されたCN$$_{x}$$化合物の構造はまだ十分明らかにはなっていない。この新物質の構造を調べるためわれわれは炭素の最も基本的な構造の一つであるグラファイトに低エネルギーの窒素イオンを打ち込み、その構造を吸収端近傍X線微細構造(NEXAFS)法を用いて調べた。NEXAFSの大きな特徴は偏光依存性測定を行える点にある。偏向磁石から放射されたシンクロトロン放射光は直線偏光を持つため、吸収係数が電場ベクトルEと分子軌道方向との角度に依存する。よって偏光依存性測定を行うことにより系の配向に関する情報を得ることができる。われわれは3keVの低エネルギー窒素イオンを1.7$$times$$10$$^{15}$$ion/cm$$^{2}$$のフルエンスでグラファイトに打ち込み、軟X線のさまざまな入射角におけるN 1s NEXAFSをin situで測定した。その結果、3つの$$pi$$*共鳴構造と1つの$$sigma$$*共鳴構造を得た。$$pi$$*と$$sigma$$*共鳴構造の強度は軟X線の入射角に依存し、$$pi$$*共鳴構造は斜入射において大きく$$sigma$$*共鳴構造は直入射において大きくなるという結果を得た。この結果はグラファイトのC 1s NEXAFSの傾向と似ており、合成されたCN$$_{x}$$薄膜がグラファイト構造に似た層状構造をとることを示唆している。そこで我々は各々の共鳴構造の帰属を行うため各ピーク強度の入射角依存性を解析し、CN$$_{x}$$薄膜が少なくとも3種類の微細構造をもつこと、さらにそのうちの一つが窒素置換されたグラファイト構造をとることを明らかにした。


Photon-stimulated ion desorption from molybdenum oxides following Mo 2p$$_{3/2}$$ excitation

Wu, G.; 馬場 祐治; 関口 哲弘; 下山 巖

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8(Part.2), p.469 - 471, 2001/03

酸化モリブデンにMo 2p領域の放射光軟X線を照射し、光励起による脱離イオンを測定した。質量分析の結果、脱離イオン種のほとんどはO$$^{+}$$イオンであった。全電子収量で測定したX線吸収端微細構造スペクトル(XANES)におけるMo 2p$$_{3/2}$$→Mo 4d共鳴吸収ピークには、配位子場分裂によるt$$_{2g}$$及びe$$_{g}$$の2つの構造が認められた。脱離イオン強度の光エネルギー依存性を測定したところ、e$$_{g}$$状態へ励起において脱離イオンの増大が観測された。これは、dxy,dyz,dzxからなるt$$_{2g}$$状態が$$pi$$*機動的性質をもつのに対し、dz$$^{2}$$,dx$$^{2}$$-y$$^{2}$$からなるeg状態が$$sigma$$*軌道的性質をもつため、$$sigma$$*軌道の反結合的性質には速いMo-O結合解離が起こったと考えられる。以上の結果は、酸化物のようなバルクの固体においても、特定の内殻軌道から非占軌道への共鳴励起により、選択的な結合解裂が起こることを示している。


Evidence for the existence of nitrogen-substituted graphite structure by polarization dependence of near-edge X-ray-absorption fine structure

下山 巖; Wu, G.; 関口 哲弘; 馬場 祐治

Physical Review B, 62(10), p.R6053 - R6056, 2000/09

 被引用回数:108 パーセンタイル:95.33(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

新しい機能性材料として注目されている窒化炭素(CN$$_{x}$$)化合物の局所構造を明らかにするために、CN$$_{x}$$化合物の吸収端近傍X線微細構造(NEXAFS)を調べた。3keVの低エネルギー窒素イオンをグラファイトに打ち込み、N 1s NEXAFSの偏光依存性を測定した。その結果、3つの$$pi$$*共鳴構造ピークa(398.3eV),b(399.5eV),c(400.7eV)を観測した。このうち、ピークa,cは、グラファイトのC 1s NEXAFSにおける$$pi$$*共鳴構造と同様の傾向の偏光依存性を示した。一方ピークbはあまり偏光依存性を示さなかった。以上の結果はピークa,cに対応する局所構造がグラファイト構造と同様の配向を持ち、ピークbに対応する局所構造がランダムな配向を持つことを示唆する。以上の結果よりわれわれはピークa,b,cがそれぞれピリジン構造、シアン構造、グラファイト構造をもつCN$$_{x}$$の局所構造に対応すると結論した。この結果は窒素置換されたグラファイト構造の存在の明らかに示すものであると考えられる。


中性子回折法によるマルテンサイト変態の再検討,3; Fe-Ni-C合金マルテンサイトの軸比の変化に及ぼす炭素の影響

山下 享介; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 諸岡 聡; Wu, G.*

no journal, , 

Fe-33Ni-0.004C合金およびFe-27Ni-0.5C合金に対して298 Kから4 Kまでの温度域にてその場中性子回折試験を行い、冷却中に生じるマルテンサイト(M)の格子定数や軸比の変化から炭素含有量の違いによるマルテンサイト変態挙動や自己焼戻し挙動の相違を調査した。Fe-33Ni-0.004C合金では、180 KでMが確認され、BCT構造に起因する非対称なピークが現れていた。170Kより低温ではMのピークはより対称的になっており、Mの軸比は低下していた。一方、Fe-27Ni-0.5C合金では、190KにてBCT構造特有のa軸とc軸に対応したピークが分離したピークプロファイルが得られたが、Fe-33Ni-0.004C合金で生じた温度の低下に伴う顕著な軸比の低下は見られなかった。4Kまで冷却した後に298Kで保持すると、Fe-27Ni-0.5C合金は顕著な軸比の減少を示した。Fe-33Ni-0.004C合金では、このような軸比の低下はほぼ生じておらず、298 Kでは炭素の拡散による自己焼戻しが生じたと示唆される。いずれの合金においても生成するMはBCT構造であり、炭素含有量の違いは自己焼戻し挙動に影響し、軸比の変化挙動の相違をもたらすと考えられる。


Residual stresses measurement of induction hardened railway S38C axles using neutron diffraction

Qin, T. Y.*; Zhang, H.*; Zhou, L.*; Ao, N.*; 徐 平光; Su, Y. H.; Wu, S. C.*; 菖蒲 敬久

no journal, , 

The S38C railway axles are developed for Shinkansen (Bullet Train) through high-frequency induction hardening and the residual stresses are introduced into the axle with a depth of several millimeters. Residual stresses seriously affect the fatigue mechanical strength and fatigue life of engineering structures, and the accurate determination and the optimization control of the three-dimensional (3D) residual stress distribution of high-speed railway S38C axles are increasingly necessary for improving the axle service life. Here, the residual stresses of the S38C axle samples were measured by using the RESA (residual stress analyzer) angle dispersive neutron diffractometer at JRR-3 (Japan research reactor No.3). The large axle samples were electro-discharge machined into: (a) 3 mmH$$times$$3 mmA$$times$$20 mmR comb-shape stress-free coupons with a comb spacing of 1 mm to relieve the transformation induced residual stresses and determine the stress-free lattice spacing, d0; (b) sectioned bar sample 120mmA$$times$$15mmR $$times$$15mmH) and sectioned fan sample (91mmR$$times$$158mmH$$times$$15mmA) to well measure the stress distribution in limited beam time. The residual stress distribution of the large axle samples was obtained in three directions (axial(A), radial(R) and hoop(H)) from the surface to the core. Unlike previous studies that only focused on the axial residual stresses of the axle, we found that the hoop residual stresses also have considerable values, which verified the necessity of 3D residual stress testing. Subsequently, according to the residual stress field and basic mechanical properties of the S38C axle obtained by experiments, the 3D residual stress field is reconstructed in the real axle by using an iterative technique. These results are much valuable to reveal the fatigue failure behavior of high-speed railway axles after surface strengthening and to optimize the non-destructive inspection interval.


Quantitative measurements of residual stress and crystallographic texture of engineering materials

徐 平光; 諸岡 聡; 柴山 由樹; Wu, S. C.*; Fang, W.*; 菖蒲 敬久

no journal, , 

Because of large spot size and high penetrability, neutron diffraction can acquire the averaged crystal structure information of engineering materials and even monitor their microstructure and texture evolutions in artificially simulated extreme environments. Though many novel neutron engineering diffractometers have been established with either high or low thermal beam fluxes for residual stress and texture measurements, there is still an expectation that the classic neutron diffractometers at nuclear research reactors, such as the Japan Research Reactor No.3 (JRR-3), will be able to support broader neutron diffraction application studies not limited to metals, alloys, ceramics, composite materials, and even geological materials. In this oral presentation, we will briefly review the current status of the Neutron Diffractometer for Residual Stress Analysis (RESA), and then introduce the latest research highlights including the gradient residual stress distribution of induction hardened carbon steel S38C for high-speed train axles and the cold rolling texture evolution of high-entropy alloys as an advanced radiation-resistant structural material.



徐 平光; 岩本 ちひろ*; 山本 和喜; 諸岡 聡; 高村 正人*; Wu, S.*; 大竹 淑恵*; 菖蒲 敬久

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Considering the large potential applications of neutron diffraction techniques, close cooperation has been carried out to realize the rapid development of various neutron instruments, involving in the steady-state reactor neutron source at Japan Research Reactor No.3 (JRR-3), the large spallation neutron source at J-PARC, the compact neutron source at RANS. Based on the experience of developing the TAKUMI time-of-flight texture measurement technique at J-PARC neutron facility, the high stereographic angle resolution has been utilized to the panel division of the RANS neutron position-sensitive detector to realize the bulk texture evaluation of IF steel using a compact neutron source. Furthermore, the angle dispersive neutron diffractograms from all sample orientations during the RESA neutron diffraction experiment at JRR-3 neutron facility have been employed to carry out the Rietveld texture analysis simultaneously and to realize the reliable texture evaluations of complex crystal structure materials. Nondestructive stress measurement contributes significantly to the design and manufacture of mechanical structures aimed at high performance, high reliability, and long life, and improves the reliability and structure integrity of a wide range of machinery and structures, including machine gears, high-speed train axles, automobile and rocket engines, infrastructure structures, and welded structures simulating power plants, etc. Our recent neutron transport simulation about RANS has already reproduced the measured compact neutron diffractograms of BCC Fe powder at various stereographic orientations, suggesting the future simulation work will be highly valuable to optimize the related technical conditions of RANS neutron instruments for compact stress measurements.


Residual stress relaxation during fatigue crack growth in surface-hardened S38C axles studied by time-of-flight neutron imaging and diffraction

Hu, F. F.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Zhang, R.*; Ao, N.*; He, L. H.*; Su, Y. H.; 徐 平光; Wu, S. C.*

no journal, , 

The S38C railway axles demonstrate excellent fatigue resistance owing to the large-layer depth compressive residual stress in the hardened surface. However, during fatigue crack propagation, the residual stress may occur the stress relaxation problem, which results in a reduction of the damage tolerance capacity and the service lifetime. To tackle this concern, the time-of-flight neutron scatter methods, including the Bragg-edge transmission imaging and neutron diffraction, were employed to quasi-in-situ study the residual strain and RS relaxation during the fatigue crack advance with single-edge notch bending samples. The BET experimental results show that lattice parameters will change as the crack grows, which then leads to a decrease in residual strain. Moreover, it was discovered from the neutron diffraction test that all three RS components decrease as the crack propagation. The CRS in the axle surface layer is almost fully released when the crack propagates to the matrix material zone.

22 件中 1件目~20件目を表示