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Yoshikawa, Shinji; YOSHIKAWA JNC, Shinji; Suzuki, Ryosuke*; kondo, koki*; Nakai, Satoshi*; NAKAI, Satoshi*
The 23rd International Conference on Termoelectric, 0 Pages, 2004/12
A prototype system for thermoelectric power generation using the Heusler Fe2 VAI alloy has been studied as a potential heat recovery system from a liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor. The modules consisting of 180 pairs using Fe2VAi cast alloy were mouted on 1.8 m long of the outer surface of a stainless tube (O.D. 34mm) which is internally heated by flowing liquid sodium (484-670K, 2-8 1/min). The element has a shape of a long cuboid, where one small rectangular end was thermally contacted with the tube surface and the other end was directly cooled by forced air flow to form a counter-type heat exchanger. The internal electric resistances of the modules were nearly same, however, the electromotive force varied widely because of the difference of thermal resistance between the module and tube surface. The output power generated from this prototype system was evaluated to be about 4.2 W/m assuming that all the circumference of the pipe surface is covered by the elements.