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Control of Ga-oxide interlayer growth and Ga diffusion in SiO$$_{2}$$/GaN stacks for high-quality GaN-based metal-oxide-semiconductor devices with improved gate dielectric reliability

山田 高寛*; 渡邉 健太*; 野崎 幹人*; 山田 永*; 高橋 言緒*; 清水 三聡*; 吉越 章隆; 細井 卓治*; 志村 考功*; 渡部 平司*

Applied Physics Express, 11(1), p.015701_1 - 015701_4, 2018/01

 被引用回数:39 パーセンタイル:84.39(Physics, Applied)

GaN MOSFETは高耐圧・大電流・低損失の次世代スイッチング素子として期待されている。その実現には絶縁膜/GaN界面の特性改善が課題である。本研究ではプラズマCVDによりSiO$$_{2}$$膜を形成したSiO$$_{2}$$/GaN構造の後酸化処理を行い、極薄GaO$$_{x}$$界面層の形成による界面特性向上の効果について検討した。放射光XPS分析から、SiO$$_{2}$$/GaN界面に極薄GaO$$_{x}$$界面層が形成されることを確認した。その界面欠陥密度は、700-800$$^{circ}$$Cでの最適な後酸化処理を施すことによってコンダクタンスピークが確認されず、10$$^{10}$$cm$$^{-2}$$eV$$^{-1}$$台以下の低い値となった。一方、SiO$$_{2}$$/GaO$$_{x}$$/GaN構造の後酸化処理は、SiO$$_{2}$$層中へのGa拡散を誘発し、絶縁性を著しく劣化させた。そこで、後酸化時間を30分間から30秒間とする急速酸化処理を施した。その結果、SiO$$_{2}$$層中へのGa拡散が制限され、優れた界面特性と高い絶縁性を有する高品質なSiO$$_{2}$$/GaO$$_{x}$$/GaN MOS構造が実現できることがわかった。


Dynamical behavior of human $$alpha$$-synuclein studied by quasielastic neutron scattering

藤原 悟; 荒木 克哉*; 松尾 龍人; 八木 寿梓*; 山田 武*; 柴田 薫; 望月 秀樹*

PLOS ONE (Internet), 11(4), p.e0151447_1 - e0151447_17, 2016/04

 被引用回数:24 パーセンタイル:64.29(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Filamentous aggregates (amyloid fibrils) of the protein $$alpha$$-synuclein ($$alpha$$-Syn) are related to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. To understand the pathogenesis mechanism of this disease, the mechanism of the amyloid fibril formation of $$alpha$$-Syn must be elucidated. As a first step toward this ultimate goal, dynamical behavior of $$alpha$$-Syn in the monomeric and the fibril states was investigated using quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS). Analysis of the QENS spectra of solution samples of $$alpha$$-Syn shows that diffusive global motions are observed in the monomeric state but largely suppressed in the fibril state. However, the amplitude of the side chain motion is shown to be larger in the fibril state than in the monomeric state. This implies that significant solvent space exists within the fibrils, which is attributed to the $$alpha$$-Syn molecules within the fibrils having a distribution of conformations. The larger amplitude of the side chain motion in the fibril state than in the monomeric state implies that the fibril state is entropically favorable.


Summary of fuel safety research meeting 2005; March 2-3, 2005, Tokyo

更田 豊志; 中村 武彦; 永瀬 文久; 中村 仁一; 鈴木 元衛; 笹島 栄夫; 杉山 智之; 天谷 政樹; 工藤 保; 中頭 利則; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-004, 226 Pages, 2006/03


3月2日(水)及び3日(木)の両日、東京の都市センターホテルにおいて「燃料安全研究国際会議2005(Fuel Safety Research Meeting 2005)」を開催した。本会議は、原子炉の安全性研究に関する最新の研究成果の発表と、専門家との情報交換及び討論を目的としている。本会議における技術的な話題は、燃料安全研究の現状,反応度事故時及び冷却材喪失事故時の燃料挙動,高燃焼度燃料のふるまい、及びシビアアクシデント時の放射性物質放出をカバーしている。本要約集は、本会議の発表において使用された要旨及びOHPをまとめたものである。


多成分自動分析システムの開発, 1; 吸光光度法自動分析装置の開発

鈴木 弘之; 山田 敬二; 田村 三郎; 池田 久; 久野 祐輔

動燃技報, (94), p.91 - 94, 1995/06




神原 豊三; 宇野 英郎; 荘田 勝彦; 平田 穣; 庄司 務; 小早川 透; 高柳 弘; 藤村 勤; 森田 守人; 市原 正弘; et al.

JAERI 1045, 11 Pages, 1963/03





JRR-2管理課; 神原 豊三; 荘田 勝彦; 平田 穣; 庄司 務; 小早川 透; 両角 実; 上林 有一郎; 蔀 肇; 小金澤 卓; et al.

JAERI 1027, 57 Pages, 1962/09





JRR-2臨界実験グループ; 神原 豊三; 荘田 勝彦; 平田 穣; 庄司 務; 小早川 透; 両角 実; 上林 有一郎; 蔀 肇; 小金澤 卓; et al.

JAERI 1025, 62 Pages, 1962/03




Changes in the dynamics of human $$alpha$$-synuclein detected by neutron scattering

藤原 悟; 荒木 克哉*; 松尾 龍人; 八木 寿梓*; 山田 武*; 柴田 薫; 望月 秀樹*

no journal, , 

The protein, $$alpha$$-synuclein ($$alpha$$-Syn) forms amyloid fibrils. Formation of amyloid fibrils is associated with the pathogenesis of a neuro-degenerative disorder, Parkinson's disease. In order to obtain insights into the role of the protein dynamics in the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation, we carried out quasielastic neutron scattering experiments and characterized the "dynamic" behavior of $$alpha$$-Syn. The measurements on the solution samples of $$alpha$$-Syn in the monomeric and fibril states were carried out using a high energy resolution near-backscattering spectrometer, BL02 (DNA), at MLF/J-PARC, Japan. Differences in the dynamical behavior of the protein were detected between the monomeric and fibril states. Analysis of the spectra obtained suggested an entropy-driven mechanism of amyloid fibril formation.


Water-cooled solid breeding blanket design for DEMO

飛田 健次; 斎藤 愛*; 西尾 敏; 榎枝 幹男; 谷川 尚; 佐藤 聡; 鶴 大悟; 廣瀬 貴規; 関 洋治; 山田 政男*

no journal, , 



Changes in the dynamics of human $$alpha$$-synuclein and its relation to propensity for amyloid fibril formation

藤原 悟; 荒木 克哉*; 松尾 龍人; 八木 寿梓*; 山田 武*; 柴田 薫; 望月 秀樹*

no journal, , 

A protein $$alpha$$-synuclein ($$alpha$$-Syn), which is involved with pathogenesis of a neuro-degenerative disorder, Parkinson's disease, forms amyloid fibrils. Propensity for amyloid fibril formation depends on environmental conditions such as pH. We employed neutron scattering to investigate the "dynamic" behavior of $$alpha$$-Syn at low and neutral pH, to investigate the relationship between the dynamics and propensity for amyloid fibril formation. We carried out the quasielastic neutron scattering experiments using a high energy resolution near-backscattering spectrometer, BL02 (DNA), at MLF/J-PARC, Japan. Analysis of the quasielasitc scattering spectra showed the increased flexibility of $$alpha$$-Syn at low pH. Since the increased flexibility is likely to arise from a wider distribution of conformational substates of $$alpha$$-Syn, the results obtained suggest an entropy-driven mechanism of the amyloid fibril formation.


Quasielastic neutron scattering study of human $$alpha$$-synuclein; Implication for propensity for amyloid fibril formation

藤原 悟; 荒木 克哉*; 松尾 龍人; 八木 寿梓*; 山田 武*; 柴田 薫; 望月 秀樹*

no journal, , 

A protein $$alpha$$-synuclein ($$alpha$$-Syn) forms amyloid fibrils. This abnormal protein aggregation is related to pathogenesis of a neuro-degenerative disorder, Parkinson's disease. Propensity for amyloid fibril formation depends on environmental conditions such as pH. We carried out quasielastic neutron scattering experiments to investigate the "dynamic" behavior of $$alpha$$-Syn to investigate the relationship between the dynamics and propensity for amyloid fibril formation. The measurements on the solution samples of $$alpha$$-Syn in different pH were carried out using a high energy resolution near-backscattering spectrometer, BL02 (DNA), at MLF/J-PARC, Japan. Differences in flexibility of the protein were detected between the different conditions. Since the difference in flexibility is likely to arise from different distributions of conformational substates of $$alpha$$-Syn, the results obtained suggest an entropy-driven mechanism of the amyloid fibril formation.

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