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Kokubun, Yuji; Nakada, Akira; Seya, Natsumi; Koike, Yuko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Yamada, Ryohei*; Uchiyama, Rei; Yamashita, Daichi; Nagai, Shinji; et al.
JAEA-Review 2023-046, 164 Pages, 2024/03
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories conducts environmental radiation monitoring around the reprocessing plant in accordance with the "Safety Regulations for Reprocessing Plant of JAEA, Part IV: Environmental Monitoring". This report summarizes the results of environmental radiation monitoring conducted during the period from April 2022 to March 2023 and the results of dose calculations for the surrounding public due to the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere and ocean. In the results of the above environmental radiation monitoring, many items were affected by radioactive materials emitted from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016), which occurred in March 2011. Also included as appendices are an overview of the environmental monitoring plan, an overview of measurement methods, measurement results and their changes over time, meteorological statistics results, radioactive waste release status, and an evaluation of the data which deviated of the normal range.
Nakada, Akira; Kanai, Katsuta; Seya, Natsumi; Nishimura, Shusaku; Futagawa, Kazuo; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Yamada, Ryohei*; Uchiyama, Rei; Yamashita, Daichi; et al.
JAEA-Review 2022-078, 164 Pages, 2023/03
Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2021 to March 2022. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (the trade name was changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016) in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.
Nakada, Akira; Nakano, Masanao; Kanai, Katsuta; Seya, Natsumi; Nishimura, Shusaku; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Futagawa, Kazuo; Yamada, Ryohei; Uchiyama, Rei; et al.
JAEA-Review 2021-062, 163 Pages, 2022/02
Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2020 to March 2021. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (the trade name was changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016) in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.
Okano, Masanori; Jitsukata, Shu*; Kuno, Takehiko; Yamada, Keiji
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2011/12
Okano, Masanori; Kuno, Takehiko; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru; Hiyama, Toshiaki
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2009/07
no abstracts in English
Takamura, Shuichi*; Kado, Shinichiro*; Fujii, Takashi*; Fujiyama, Hiroshi*; Takabe, Hideaki*; Adachi, Kazuo*; Morimiya, Osamu*; Fujimori, Naoji*; Watanabe, Takayuki*; Hayashi, Yasuaki*; et al.
Kara Zukai, Purazuma Enerugi No Subete, P. 164, 2007/03
no abstracts in English
Okano, Masanori; Kuno, Takehiko; Takahashi, Ichiro*; Shirozu, Hidetomo; Charlton, W. S.*; Wells, C. A.*; Hemberger, P. H.*; Yamada, Keiji; Sakai, Toshio
JAEA-Technology 2006-055, 38 Pages, 2006/12
The amount of Pu in the spent fuel was evaluated from Xe isotopic ratio in off-gas in reprocessing facility, is related to burnup. Six batches of dissolver off-gas at spent fuel dissolution process were sampled from the main stack in Tokai Reprocessing Plant during BWR fuel reprocessing campaign. Xenon isotopic ratio was determined with GC/MS. Burnup and generated amount of Pu were evaluated with Noble Gas Environmental Monitoring Application code (NOVA), developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory. Inferred burnup evaluated by Xe isotopic measurements and NOVA were in good agreement with those of the declared burnup in the range from -3.8% to 7.1%. Also, the inferred amount of Pu in spent fuel was in good agreed with those of the declared amount of Pu calculated by ORIGEN code in the range from -0.9% to 4.7%. The evaluation technique is applicable for both burnup credit to achieve efficient criticality safety control and a new measurement method for safeguards inspection.
Kitao, Takahiko; Sato, Soichi; Kuno, Takehiko; Keiji, Yamada,; Watahiki, Masaru; Kamata, Masayuki
JNC TN8410 2003-014, 29 Pages, 2003/11
The Agency requested the Tokai Reprocessing Plant(TRP) to confirm the applicability of three kinds of analytical procedure for Pu(VI) spectrophotometry in On-Site Analytical Laboratory (OSL) at Rokkasho, in order to obtain accurate plutonium(Pu) concentration in High Active Liquid Waste (HALW). Three analytical procedures, (1) Calibration method, (2) Nd internal standard method and (3) Reduction method, were tested. The measurement sample was prepared by adding the known amount of plutonium in the actual HALW after removing original Pu by solid extraction. We measured the Pu concentration in the sample by three methods and calculated the accuracy and precision. The results of each method are summarized as follows:(1) Calibration method Plutonium concentration calculated by the calibration method agreed with that by adjusted concentration. (2) Nd internal standard method Accurate results were obtained by this method. The error of pretreatment, especially dilution, has not influenced on the Pu measurements. (3) Reduction method The measured Pu concentrations were higher than those by adjusted. From the comparison with these results, the calibration method is the most simple and rapid in the three methods. Analysis time was within 1 hour including sample preparation. The detection limit, with the calibration method, was 1.3 mgPu/L in the actual HALW measurements.
Kuno, Yusuke; Yamada, Keiji;
Analytical Sciences, 6, p.97 - 101, 1990/00
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:15.58(Chemistry, Analytical)Kambara, Toyozo; Uno, Hidero; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Kohayakawa, Toru; Takayanagi, Hiroshi; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Morita, Morito; Ichihara, Masahiro; et al.
JAERI 1045, 11 Pages, 1963/03
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Kuno, Takehiko; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Okano, Masanori; Igarashi, Kazuto*; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru
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Suzuki, Yutaka; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Igarashi, Kazuto*; Okano, Masanori; Kuno, Takehiko; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru
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Ogura, Hiroshi; Inada, Satoshi; Igarashi, Kazuto*; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru
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Kuno, Takehiko; Okano, Masanori; Masui, Kenji; Suzuki, Yutaka; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru; Hiyama, Toshiaki
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Ogura, Hiroshi; Masui, Kenji; Watanabe, Nobuhisa; Kuno, Takehiko; Yamada, Keiji
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Okano, Masanori; Goto, Yuichi; Jitsukata, Shu*; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Takano, Masato; Komoto, Norio; Kuno, Takehiko; Yamada, Keiji
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Okano, Masanori; Jitsukata, Shu*; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Asai, Shiho; Kameo, Yutaka; Kuno, Takehiko; Yamada, Keiji
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Okano, Masanori; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Jitsukata, Shu*; Yamada, Keiji; Sakai, Toshio
no journal, ,
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Igarashi, Kazuto*; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Okano, Masanori; Yamada, Keiji; Sakai, Toshio
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