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Noninvasive imaging of hollow structures and gas movement revealed the gas partial-pressure-gradient-driven long-distance gas movement in the aerenchyma along the leaf blade to submerged organs in rice

尹 永根*; 森 欣順*; 鈴井 伸郎*; 栗田 圭輔; 山口 充孝*; 三好 悠太*; 長尾 悠人*; 芦苅 基行*; 永井 啓祐*; 河地 有木*

New Phytologist, 232(5), p.1974 - 1984, 2021/12

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:66.91(Plant Sciences)

イネ植物($$Oryza sativa$$)は中空の器官を持ち、これが水上の葉から水没した器官へ空気を供給する経路として機能すると推定される。しかし、イネにおけるガス移動はリアルタイムで可視化されていない。本研究では、部分的に水没したイネの葉に窒素13標識窒素([$$^{13}$$N]N$$_2$$)トレーサーガスを供給し、葉身、葉鞘、節間に沿って下方に移動するガスの動きを経時的に観察した。


Application of OpenPET as 3-D imaging device of carbon distribution in fruit

栗田 圭輔; 三好 悠太*; 長尾 悠人*; 山口 充孝*; 鈴井 伸郎*; 尹 永根*; 石井 里美*; 河地 有木*; 日高 功太*; 吉田 英治*; et al.

QST-M-29; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2019, P. 106, 2021/03

Research on the distribution and dynamics of photoassimilates in plants, especially those in fruits, is important for improving food production. Positron emission tomography (PET) and carbon-11 ($$^{11}$$C) isotope technique are valuable to obtain 3-D images of photoassimilates. For plant experiments, however, it is important to adjust a system to plant's growth environment. General PET devices, even small-animal PET devices, are not suitable for plant studies. This can be solved by using a small OpenPET prototype which is a compact PET device that has an open space in its field of view (FOV). In this work, we upgraded the OpenPET system for the PET study of fruits and successfully realized the 3-D imaging of a photoassimilate labeled with $$^{11}$$CO$$_2$$ in a fruit of a strawberry plant.


Measurements of intensity of produced light in water during irradiations of electron beams with energies above and below the Cerenkov-light threshold

山本 誠一*; 長尾 悠人*; 栗田 圭輔; 山口 充孝*; 河地 有木*

Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 16(1), p.P01007_1 - P01007_9, 2021/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Non-invasive imaging of radiocesium dynamics in a living animal using a positron-emitting $$^{127}$$Cs tracer

鈴井 伸郎*; 柴田 卓弥; 尹 永根*; 船木 善仁*; 栗田 圭輔; 保科 宏行*; 山口 充孝*; 藤巻 秀*; 瀬古 典明*; 渡部 浩司*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 10, p.16155_1 - 16155_9, 2020/10

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:23.17(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Visualizing the dynamics of cesium (Cs) is desirable to understand the impact of radiocesium when accidentally ingested or inhaled by humans. The positron-emitting nuclide $$^{127}$$Cs was produced using the $$^{127}$$I ($$alpha$$, 4n) $$^{127}$$Cs reaction, which was induced by irradiation of sodium iodide with a $$^{4}$$He$$^{2+}$$ beam from a cyclotron. We excluded sodium ions by using a material that specifically adsorbs Cs as a purification column and successfully eluted $$^{127}$$Cs by flowing a solution of ammonium sulfate into the column. We injected the purified $$^{127}$$Cs tracer solution into living rats and the dynamics of Cs were visualized using positron emission tomography; the distributional images showed the same tendency as the results of previous studies using disruptive methods. Thus, this method is useful for the non-invasive investigation of radiocesium in a living animal.


Emergent spin-1 Haldane gap and ferroelectricity in a frustrated spin-$$frac{1}{2}$$ ladder

上田 宏*; 小野田 繁樹*; 山口 泰弘*; 木村 剛*; 吉澤 大智*; 森岡 俊晶*; 萩原 政幸*; 萩原 雅人*; 左右田 稔*; 益田 隆嗣*; et al.

Physical Review B, 101(14), p.140408_1 - 140408_6, 2020/04

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:25.35(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report experimental and theoretical evidence that Rb$$_2$$Cu$$_2$$Mo$$_3$$O$$_{12}$$ has a nonmagnetic tetramer ground state of a two-leg ladder comprising antiferromagnetically coupled frustrated spin-$$frac{1}{2}$$ chains and exhibits a Haldane spin gap of emergent spin-1 pairs. Three spin excitations split from the spin-1 triplet by a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction are identified in inelastic neutron-scattering and electron spin resonance spectra. A tiny magnetic field generates ferroelectricity without closing the spin gap, indicating a unique class of ferroelectricity induced by a vector spin chirality order.


Corrigendum: Beam range estimation by measuring bremsstrahlung (2012 Phys. Med. Biol. 57 2843)

山口 充孝; 鳥飼 幸太*; 河地 有木; 島田 博文*; 佐藤 隆博; 長尾 悠人; 藤巻 秀; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; et al.

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 61(9), p.3638 - 3644, 2016/05

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:100.00(Engineering, Biomedical)

2012年にPhys. Med. Biol.誌にアクセプトされた原著論文("Beam range estimation by measuring bremsstrahlung", Phys. Med. Biol. 57 (2012) 2843)について、計算コードPHITSを用いた水中での炭素イオンの飛程に関して再計算したところ、飛程の値に間違いが見つかった。今後、制動輻射を用いたビームモニタリングに関する研究を行う上で無視することができない差異であるため、関連する記述内容も含め、訂正した原稿を投稿する。


Detection of a gas region in a human body across a therapeutic carbon beam by measuring low-energy photons

山口 充孝; 長尾 悠人; 河地 有木; 佐藤 隆博; 藤巻 秀; 神谷 富裕; 鳥飼 幸太*; 島田 博文*; 菅井 裕之*; 酒井 真理*; et al.

International Journal of PIXE, 26(1&2), p.61 - 72, 2016/00



Monitoring of positron using high-energy gamma camera for proton therapy

山本 誠一*; 歳藤 利行*; 小森 雅孝*; 森下 祐樹*; 奥村 聡*; 山口 充孝; 齋藤 勇一; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀

Annals of Nuclear Medicine, 29(3), p.268 - 275, 2015/04

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:67.25(Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)

In proton therapy, imaging of proton-induced positrons is a useful method to monitor the proton beam distribution after therapy. We developed a small field-of-view gamma camera for high-energy gamma photons and used it for monitoring the proton-induced positron distribution. The gamma camera used 0.85 mm $$times$$ 0.85 mm $$times$$ 10 mm GAGG pixels arranged in 20 $$times$$ 20 matrix to form a scintillator block, which was optically coupled to a 1-inch-square position-sensitive photomultiplier tube. The GAGG detector was encased in a 20-mm-thick container and a pinhole collimator was mounted on its front. The gamma camera had spatial resolution of approximately 6.7 cm and sensitivity of 3.2 $$times$$ 10$$^{-7}$$ at 1.2 m from the collimator surface. The gamma camera was set 1 m from the 35 cm $$times$$ 35 cm $$times$$ 5 cm plastic phantom in the proton therapy treatment room, and proton beams were irradiated to the phantom with two proton energies. For both proton energies, positron distribution in the phantom could be imaged by the gamma camera with 10-min acquisition. The lengths of the range of protons measured from the images were almost identical to the calculation. These results indicate that the developed high-energy gamma camera is useful for imaging positron distributions in proton therapy.


Three-dimensional and multienergy $$gamma$$-ray simultaneous imaging by using a Si/CdTe Compton camera

鈴木 義行*; 山口 充孝; 小高 裕和*; 島田 博文*; 吉田 由香里*; 鳥飼 幸太*; 佐藤 隆博; 荒川 和夫*; 河地 有木; 渡辺 茂樹; et al.

Radiology, 267(3), p.941 - 947, 2013/06

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:64.71(Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging)

Capabillity tests of 3D imaging for medical applications were performed by using a new Compton camera. $$^{18}$$F, $$^{131}$$I and $$^{67}$$Ga separately compacted into micro tubes were injected subcutaneously into a Wister rat and imaged after sacrifice of the rat (ex-vivo model). In a separate experiment $$^{111}$$In-chloride and $$^{131}$$I-Methylnorcholestenol were injected into a rat intravenously and $$^{64}$$Cu was injected into the stomach orally just before imaging (more physiological model). The Compton camera demonstrated its 3D multinuclear imaging capability by separating out the three nuclear distributions clearly in ex-vivo model. In the more physiological model, the distributions of $$^{131}$$I and $$^{64}$$Cu were clearly imaged although $$^{111}$$In was difficult to visualize due to blurring at low energy region of $$gamma$$-ray. In conclusion, our new Compton camera successfully demonstrated highly resolved multiplanar and multinuclear $$gamma$$-ray simultaneous imaging.


An Evaluation of three-dimensional imaging by use of Si/CdTe Compton cameras

山口 充孝; 長尾 悠人; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀; 神谷 富裕; 小高 裕和*; 国分 紀秀*; 武田 伸一郎*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; et al.

Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 3 Pages, 2013/00

A Monte Carlo simulation system was developed to estimate the response of Compton camera against $$gamma$$-ray emissions from RI spots in a PET-standard human-body phantom. The quality of the three-dimensional imaging program for the Si/CdTe Compton camera to reconstruct the image of the RI spots in a phantom was evaluated by the system, when the phantom has three hot sphere-regions with the same known RI density and different diameters, in other words, different known intensities. The density values of the hot regions reconstructed by the three-dimensional imaging program for the Compton camera were consistent to the known intensities of the RI. It demonstrates sufficient quality of the program for Si/CdTe Compton camera to image RI spots in the phantom.


A New method for monitoring beam range by measuring low energy photons

山口 充孝; 鳥飼 幸太*; 河地 有木; 島田 博文*; 佐藤 隆博; 長尾 悠人; 藤巻 秀; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; et al.

Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2 Pages, 2013/00

We studied a new method to monitor a beam range in heavy-ion radiation therapy on the basis of measurement of low energy photons emitted from a track of the ion beam. A 290 MeV/u carbon beam was injected into a cylindrical water phantom. A CdTe semiconductor detector with a lead slit having a width of 2 mm was placed at a side of the phantom. In order to measure the position dependence of the low energy photon count, the beam range was varied by changing the energy of injected ions using a binary energy degrader placed about 100 cm upstream of the beam focal point. The measured photon count decreased when the detector got closer to the end point of the beam range and the derivative of the photon count values sharply changed within a depth variation of a few mm in front of the range position. This was explained by our theoretical study assuming secondary electron bremsstrahlung. These results indicate that this new method could be useful to estimate the range position from the observation of bremsstrahlung with an accuracy of a few mm.


NaI(Tl) spectrometerとガンマカメラを駆使した農地汚染問題への取り組み

尹 永根; 鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 山口 充孝; 田野井 慶太朗*; 石井 里美; 中西 友子*; 茅野 充男*; 中村 進一*; 渡部 浩司*; et al.

放射線と産業, (133), p.45 - 48, 2012/12

東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故から飛散した放射性セシウム(Cs-134, Cs-137)による農地の汚染が深刻な問題となっている。生産者, 消費者双方からの極めて強い関心に伴い、土壌や肥料, 農産物などの放射性セシウムの計測や、農作物における放射性セシウムの追跡と、その動態解明といった研究の取り組みが必要である。そこで本稿では、(1)タリウムヨウ化ナトリウムシンチレーションスペクトロメーター(NaI(Tl) spectrometer)を利用した試料中のCs-134及びCs-137の弁別と定量分析の手法の開発や、(2)Cs-137のイメージングが可能なガンマカメラの開発について、われわれが取り組んできた研究やその成果の内容を紹介する。


High-resolution Compton cameras based on Si/CdTe double-sided strip detectors

小高 裕和*; 一戸 悠人*; 武田 伸一郎*; 福山 太郎*; 萩野 浩一*; 齋藤 新也*; 佐藤 有*; 佐藤 悟朗*; 渡辺 伸*; 国分 紀秀*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 695, p.179 - 183, 2012/12

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:83.76(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Applications and imaging techniques of a Si/CdTe Compton $$gamma$$-ray camera

武田 伸一郎*; 一戸 悠人*; 萩野 浩一*; 小高 裕和*; 湯浅 孝行*; 石川 真之介*; 福山 太郎*; 齋藤 新也*; 佐藤 有*; 佐藤 悟朗*; et al.

Physics Procedia, 37, p.859 - 866, 2012/10

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:98.48(Physics, Applied)

ASTRO-Hミッションのために開発されたSi/CdTe半導体両面ストリップ検出器(DSD)を利用したコンプトンカメラを用い、放射線ホットスポットのモニタリングの実行可能性チェックを目的とした複数放射線源の画像化実験を行った。本装置は半導体検出器によって与えられた良好なエネルギー分解能により、既に商業的な画像処理システムが提供するホットスポットの画像可能力に加え、複数の放射性同位元素を同定する能力を有する。今回の実験では、$$^{133}$$Ba(356keV), $$^{22}$$Na(511keV)及び$$^{137}$$Cs(662keV)の三放射性同位元素を同時に測定し、これらの画像化に成功した。5つの検出器モジュール(有効面積: 1.7$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$cm$$^2$$)を積み重ねることによって、662keVの$$gamma$$線に対し、検出効率1.68$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$、及び、3.8度の角度分解能を確認した。本装置は、より多くの検出器モジュールをスタックすることにより、さらに大きな検出効率を達成することが可能である。



尹 永根; 鈴井 伸郎; 山口 充孝; 河地 有木; 田野井 慶太朗*; 中西 友子*; 茅野 充男*; 中村 進一*; 藤巻 秀

日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 83(3), p.296 - 300, 2012/06

東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故から飛散した放射性セシウム(Cs-134, Cs-137)に対し、迅速かつ信頼性の高い定量分析が必要とされている。現在普及しつつあるNaI(Tl)スペクトロメーターは、安価で可搬性に優れ、取り扱いが容易であるが、エネルギー分解能が低く、Cs-134, Cs-137に由来する測定ピークが重なり合ってしまうため、両核種を区別して定量することが困難である。そこで本研究では、NaI(Tl)スペクトロメーターの計測から得られたスペクトルデータをもとに、Cs-134及びCs-137を弁別して定量する手法の確立を試みた。その結果、Cs-134には730keVから850keVまでのピーク面積を、Cs-137には662keVから720keVまでの面積を求め、さらにこれらにベースラインを設定してその下の面積を除いた値を用いると、定量性のよい放射能の算出ができることを見いだした。また、汚染土壌などの環境試料を市販の手芸用軽量樹脂粘土と均一に混合することにより、簡単に希釈系列を作成でき、検量線用試料として利用できることを見いだした。


Beam range estimation by measuring bremsstrahlung

山口 充孝; 鳥飼 幸太*; 河地 有木; 島田 博文*; 佐藤 隆博; 長尾 悠人; 藤巻 秀; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; et al.

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 57(10), p.2843 - 2856, 2012/05

 被引用回数:41 パーセンタイル:79.69(Engineering, Biomedical)

We describe a new method for estimating the beam range in heavy-ion radiation therapy by measuring the ion beam bremsstrahlung. We experimentally confirm that the secondary electron bremsstrahlung process provides the dominant bremsstrahlung contribution. A Monte Carlo simulation shows that the number of background photons from annihilation $$gamma$$ rays is about 1% of the bremsstrahlung strength in the low-energy region used in our estimation (63-68 keV). Agreement between the experimental results and the theoretical prediction for the characteristic shape of the bremsstrahlung spectrum validates the effectiveness of our new method in estimating the ion beam range.


Three-dimensional imaging test for a head module of a Si/CdTe Compton camera for medical application

山口 充孝; 河地 有木; 神谷 富裕; 佐藤 隆博; 鈴井 伸郎; 藤巻 秀; 小高 裕和*; 石川 真之介*; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 145, 2012/01



Development of head module for multi-head Si/CdTe Compton camera for medical applications

山口 充孝; 河地 有木; 鈴井 伸郎; 藤巻 秀; 神谷 富裕; 小高 裕和*; 石川 真之介*; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 648(Suppl.1), p.S2 - S7, 2011/08

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.82(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Counting rate performance measurement of newly developed Si/CdTe Compton camera for biological and medical applications

山口 充孝; 河地 有木; 神谷 富裕; 鈴井 伸郎; 藤巻 秀; 小高 裕和*; 石川 真之介*; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; et al.

2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (CD-ROM), p.2004 - 2007, 2010/10

In recent developed radionuclide-based imaging technologies utilized for biological and medical studies, wide dynamic range of radiation intensity with a good quantitative linearity is one of the most important factors. However, the linearity of a detector or a sensor generally breaks due to the dead-time increasing in high counting rate. Therefore, in case of an imaging camera, which is a large set of detectors, it is essential to measure the sensitivity profile of it varying with the radiation source intensity for correction of nonlinearity of each detector. Si/CdTe Compton camera is comprised of two layered double-sided Si strip detectors and two layered double-sided CdTe strip detectors with a four-layer laminated structure. For imaging, the source positions of $$gamma$$-rays are identified by analysing the deposited energies and the scattering angles from counted events in those of detectors. In this work, the Compton camera that was newly developed for biological and medical applications was investigated on the counting rate performance, and the sensitivity profile of this highly complicated imaging system was measured using a $$^{18}$$F point $$gamma$$-ray source. The intense source of 20 MBq was used to measure the sensitivity profiles for a wide range of counting rate in a short period. The result was compared with a calculation using a model considering the dead time of the detection system.


A Monitoring system of radioactive tracers in hydroponic solution for research on plant physiology

鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 山口 充孝; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀

Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2009) (USB Flash Drive), 3 Pages, 2009/06

We developed a monitoring system of a radioactive tracer in hydroponic solution that can noninvasively measure the amounts of inorganic elements absorbed by an intact plant. In this system, we used positron-emitting radioactive isotopes and $$gamma$$-ray detectors. An intact plant was placed into a plastic cylindrical container containing hydroponic solution with a radioactive tracer. The tracer solution was gently stirred by bubbling air in order to prevent a concentration gradient of solvent in the container To evaluate this monitoring system, we conducted a tracer experiment with a rice plant and positron-emitting cadmium isotope $$^{107}$$Cd. As a result, the time course change of $$^{107}$$Cd radioactivity in hydroponic solution was successfully observed for 36 hours.

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