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Journal Articles

Development of evaluation method for photocatalytic ability by ion chromatography combined with a flow-type reactor; Application to immobilized photocatalyst materials prepared by double-layer coating method

Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Kobayashi, Kentaro*; Yamazaki, Taiki*; Isaka, Mayu*; Itabashi, Hideyuki*; Mori, Masanobu*

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A; Chemistry, 400, p.112662_1 - 112662_8, 2020/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:2.37(Chemistry, Physical)

In this study, we developed an in-line photocatalytic performance evaluation system in which a flow reactor was connected to the ion chromatography to accurately evaluate the performance of the photocatalyst. This system was used to evaluate the photocatalyst supported by the two-layer support method on the substrate, such as glass beads. The performance of the photocatalyst was evaluated using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and it was possible to monitor the decomposition of DMSO by UV and the formation of by-products, such as methane sulfonate (MSO) and sulfate (SA). This system can be expected to be useful not only for evaluating the decomposition performance of an object using a photocatalyst but also for evaluating the byproducts.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of photocatalytic abilities by variation of conductivity and dimethyl sulfoxide; Photocatalytically active TiO$$_{2}$$-coated wire mesh prepared via a double-layer coating method

Mori, Masanobu*; Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Fujii, Kengo*; Yamazaki, Taiki*; Isaka, Mayu*; Kobayashi, Kentaro*; Iwamoto, Shinji*; Itabashi, Hideyuki*

Analytical Sciences, 34(12), p.1449 - 1453, 2018/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:6.93(Chemistry, Analytical)

The photocatalyst coating stainless-steel wire mesh (TiO$$_{2}$$-WM) was prepared by double-layer coating method. The TiO$$_{2}$$-WM was evaluated using flow analytical system, which included the reactor and conductimetric detector (FAS-CD). The DMSO decomposition test through the FAS-CD reveal that photocatalytst was stable coating on the stainless-steel wire mesh.

Journal Articles

Enhanced aqueous adsorption and photodecomposition of anionic organic target by amino group-modified TiO$$_{2}$$ as anionic adsorptive photocatalyst

Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Kobayashi, Kenichi*; Kobayashi, Kentaro*; Yamazaki, Taiki*; Fujii, Kengo*; Itabashi, Hideyuki*; Mori, Masanobu*

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A; Chemistry, 356, p.71 - 80, 2018/04

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:12.91(Chemistry, Physical)

Photocatalysts shows high redox property only by light irradiation. However, the reaction performance is lowered in aqueous phase due to the low contact efficiency between catalyst and targets. In this study, to enhance aqueous adsorption and photodecomposition of anionic organic target, we developed an amino functional-based spacer (3-[2-(2- aminoethylamino)ethylamino]propyl-trimethoxysilane, DETA), and used it to modify TiO$$_{2}$$. The modified catalyst with positively charged amino groups could enhance the adsorption and photodecomposition of anionic organic targets.

JAEA Reports

Report of investigation on malfunction of reserved shutdown system in HTTR

Hamamoto, Shimpei; Iigaki, Kazuhiko; Shimizu, Atsushi; Sawahata, Hiroaki; Kondo, Makoto; Oyama, Sunao; Kawano, Shuichi; Kobayashi, Shoichi; Kawamoto, Taiki; Suzuki, Hisashi; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2006-030, 58 Pages, 2006/03


During normal operation of High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the reactivity is controlled by the Control Rods (CRs) system which consists of 32 CRs (16 pairs) and 16 Control Rod Drive Mechanisms (CRDMs). The CR system is located in stand-pipes accompanied by the Reserved Shutdown System (RSS). In the unlikely event that the CRs fail to be inserted, the RSS is provided to insert B$$_{4}$$C/C pellets into the core. The RSS shall be designed so that the reactor should be held subcriticality from any operation condition by dropping in the pellets. The RSS consists of B$$_{4}$$C/C pellets, hoppers which contain the pellets, electric plug, driving mechanisms, guide tubes and so on. In accidents when the CRs cannot be inserted, an electric plug is pulled out by a motor and the absorber pellets fall into the core by gravity. A trouble, malfunction of one RSS out of sixteen, occurred during a series of the pre-start up checks of HTTR on February 21, 2005. We investigated the cause of the RSS trouble and took countermeasures to prevent the issue. As the result of investigation, the cause of the trouble was attributed to the following reason: In the motor inside, The Oil of grease of the multiplying gear flowed down from a gap of the oil seal which has been deformed and was mixed with abrasion powder of brake disk. Therefore the adhesive mixture prevented a motor from rotating.

Oral presentation

Evaluation of photocatalytic materials using flow analytical method with liquid chromatography

Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Yamazaki, Taiki*; Isaka, Mayu*; Mori, Masanobu*

no journal, , 

Photocatalyst is useful material for air and water purification. The quality of photocatalysts is evaluated by decomposition of targeted chemicals in the batch method. The batch method causes the contamination and the changes of solid-to-liquid ratio. To evaluate of photocatalyst easily and correctly, we developed flow analytical system with liquid chromatography (LC-FAS).

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