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Journal Articles

Brightening triplet excitons enable high-performance white-light emission in organic small molecules via integrating n-$$pi^*/pi$$-$$pi^*$$ transitions

Yang, Q.*; Yang, X.*; Wang, Y.*; Fei, Y.*; Li, F.*; Zheng, H.*; Li, K.*; Han, Y.*; Hattori, Takanori; Zhu, P.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.7778_1 - 7778_9, 2024/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:0.00(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Luminescent materials that simultaneously embody bright singlet and triplet excitons hold great potential in optoelectronics, signage, and information encryption. However, achieving high-performance white-light emission is severely hampered by their inherent unbalanced contribution of fluorescence and phosphorescence. Herein, we address this challenge by pressure treatment engineering via hydrogen bonding cooperativity effect to realize the mixture of n-$$pi^*/pi$$-$$pi^*$$ transitions, where the triplet state emission was boosted from 7% to 40% in isophthalic acid (IPA). A superior white-light emission based on hybrid fluorescence and phosphorescence was harvested in pressure-treated IPA, and the photoluminescence quantum yield was increased to 75% from the initial 19% (blue-light emission). In-situ high-pressure IR spectra, X ray diffraction, and neutron diffraction reveal continuous strengthening of the hydrogen bonds with the increase of pressure. Furthermore, this enhanced hydrogen bond is retained down to the ambient conditions after pressure treatment, awarding the targeted IPA efficient intersystem crossing for balanced singlet/triplet excitons population and resulting in efficient white-light emission. This work not only proposes a route for brightening triplet states in organic small molecule, but also regulates the ratio of singlet and triplet excitons to construct high-performance white-light emission.

Journal Articles

Anomalous dislocation response to deformation strain in CrFeCoNiPd high-entropy alloys with nanoscale chemical fluctuations

Ying, H.*; Yang, X.*; He, H.*; Yan, A.*; An, K.*; Ke, Y.*; Wu, Z.*; Tang, S.*; Zhang, Z.*; Dong, H.*; et al.

Scripta Materialia, 250, p.116181_1 - 116181_7, 2024/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:63.56(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Microscopic insights of the extraordinary work-hardening due to phase transformation

Ma, Y.*; Naeem, M.*; Zhu, L.*; He, H.*; Sun, X.*; Yang, Z.*; He, F.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Wang, X.-L.*

Acta Materialia, 270, p.119822_1 - 119822_13, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:81.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

A Systematic approach for the adequacy analysis of a set of experimental databases; Application in the framework of the ATRIUM activity

Baccou, J.*; Glantz, T.*; Ghione, A.*; Sargentini, L.*; Fillion, P.*; Damblin, G.*; Sueur, R.*; Iooss, B.*; Fang, J.*; Liu, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 421, p.113035_1 - 113035_16, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:95.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Onset of collectivity for argon isotopes close to $$N=32$$

Linh, B. D.*; Corsi, A.*; Gillibert, A.*; Obertelli, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Barbieri, C.*; Duguet, T.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; Holt, J. D.*; Hu, B. S.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 109(3), p.034312_1 - 034312_15, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:72.68(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Hierarchical deformation heterogeneity during L$"u$ders band propagation in an Fe-5Mn-0.1C medium Mn steel clarified through ${it in situ}$ scanning electron microscopy

Koyama, Motomichi*; Yamashita, Takayuki*; Morooka, Satoshi; Yang, Z.*; Varanasi, R. S.*; Hojo, Tomohiko*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.

Tetsu To Hagane, 110(3), p.205 - 216, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Journal Articles

Microstructure and plasticity evolution during L$"u$ders deformation in an Fe-5Mn-0.1C medium-Mn steel

Koyama, Motomichi*; Yamashita, Takayuki*; Morooka, Satoshi; Sawaguchi, Takahiro*; Yang, Z.*; Hojo, Tomohiko*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.

Tetsu To Hagane, 110(3), p.197 - 204, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:63.56(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Journal Articles

Probing deformation behavior of a refractory high-entropy alloy using ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction

Zhou, Y.*; Song, W.*; Zhang, F.*; Wu, Y.*; Lei, Z.*; Jiao, M.*; Zhang, X.*; Dong, J.*; Zhang, Y.*; Yang, M.*; et al.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 971, p.172635_1 - 172635_7, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:17.78(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Electromagnetic moments of the antimony isotopes $$^{112-133}$$Sb

Lechner, S.*; Miyagi, Takayuki*; Xu, Z. Y.*; Bissell, M. L.*; Blaum, K.*; Cheal, B.*; Devlin, C. S.*; Garcia Ruiz, R. F.*; Ginges, J. S. M.*; Heylen, H.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 847, p.138278_1 - 138278_9, 2023/12

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:77.61(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Validation of the $$^{10}$$Be ground-state molecular structure using $$^{10}$$Be($$p,palpha$$)$$^{6}$$He triple differential reaction cross-section measurements

Li, P. J.*; Beaumel, D.*; Lee, J.*; Assi$'e$, M.*; Chen, S.*; Franchoo, S.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hammache, F.*; Harada, T.*; Kanada-En'yo, Yoshiko*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 131(21), p.212501_1 - 212501_7, 2023/11

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:90.93(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The cluster structure of the neutron-rich isotope $$^{10}$$Be has been probed via the ($$p,palpha$$) reaction. The triple differential cross-section was extracted and compared to distorted-wave impulse approximation reaction calculations performed in a microscopic framework using the Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-R$"o$pke wave function and the wave function deduced from Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics calculations. The remarkable agreement between calculated and measured cross-sections in both shape and magnitude validates the description of the $$^{10}$$Be ground-state as a rather compact nuclear molecule.

Journal Articles

PANDORA Project for the study of photonuclear reactions below $$A=60$$

Tamii, Atsushi*; Pellegri, L.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Allard, D.*; Goriely, S.*; Inakura, Tsunenori*; Khan, E.*; Kido, Eiji*; Kimura, Masaaki*; Litvinova, E.*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 59(9), p.208_1 - 208_21, 2023/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:69.58(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

3D-printed epidermal sweat microfluidic systems with integrated microcuvettes for precise spectroscopic and fluorometric biochemical assays

Yang, D. S.*; Wu, Y.*; Kanatzidis, E. E.*; Avila, R.*; Zhou, M.*; Bai, Y.*; Chen, S.*; Sekine, Yurina; Kim, J.*; Deng, Y.*; et al.

Materials Horizons, 10(11), p.4992 - 5003, 2023/09

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:82.64(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

This paper presents a set of findings that enhances the performance of these systems through the use of microfluidic networks, integrated valves and microscale optical cuvettes formed by three-dimensional printing in hard/soft hybrid materials systems, for accurate spectroscopic and fluorometric assays. Field studies demonstrate the capability of these microcuvette systems to evaluate the concentrations of copper, chloride, and glucose in sweat, along with the sweat pH, with laboratory grade accuracy and sensitivity.

Journal Articles

First observation of $$^{28}$$O

Kondo, Yosuke*; Achouri, N. L.*; Al Falou, H.*; Atar, L.*; Aumann, T.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Boretzky, K.*; Caesar, C.*; Calvet, D.*; Chae, H.*; et al.

Nature, 620(7976), p.965 - 970, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:95.78(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Observation of a threshold cusp at the $$Lambdaeta$$ threshold in the $$pK^-$$ mass spectrum with $$Lambda_c^+ to pK^-pi^+$$ decays

Yang, S.*; Tanida, Kiyoshi; Belle Collaboration*; 196 of others*

Physical Review D, 108(3), p.L031104_1 - L031104_6, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:51.06(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Level structures of $$^{56,58}$$Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic $$^{60}$$Ca

Chen, S.*; Browne, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lee, J.*; Obertelli, A.*; Tsunoda, Yusuke*; Otsuka, Takaharu*; Chazono, Yoshiki*; Hagen, G.*; Holt, J. D.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 843, p.138025_1 - 138025_7, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:87.41(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Gamma decays were observed in $$^{56}$$Ca and $$^{58}$$Ca following quasi-free one-proton knockout reactions from $$^{57,59}$$Sc. For $$^{56}$$Ca, a $$gamma$$ ray transition was measured to be 1456(12) keV, while for $$^{58}$$Ca an indication for a transition was observed at 1115(34) keV. Both transitions were tentatively assigned as the $$2^{+}_{1} rightarrow 0^{+}_{gs}$$ decays. A shell-model calculation in a wide model space with a marginally modified effective nucleon-nucleon interaction depicts excellent agreement with experiment for $$2^{+}_{1}$$ level energies, two-neutron separation energies, and reaction cross sections, corroborating the formation of a new nuclear shell above the N = 34 shell. Its constituents, the $$0_{f5/2}$$ and $$0_{g9/2}$$ orbitals, are almost degenerate. This degeneracy precludes the possibility for a doubly magic $$^{60}$$Ca and potentially drives the dripline of Ca isotopes to $$^{70}$$Ca or even beyond.

Journal Articles

Intruder configurations in $$^{29}$$Ne at the transition into the island of inversion; Detailed structure study of $$^{28}$$Ne

Wang, H.*; Yasuda, Masahiro*; Kondo, Yosuke*; Nakamura, Takashi*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Otsuka, Takaharu*; Poves, A.*; Shimizu, Noritaka*; Yoshida, Kazuki; et al.

Physics Letters B, 843, p.138038_1 - 138038_9, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:69.58(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Detailed $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy of the exotic neon isotope $$^{28}$$Ne has been performed using the one-neutron removal reaction from $$^{29}$$Ne. Based on an analysis of parallel momentum distributions, a level scheme with spin-parity assignments has been constructed for $$^{28}$$Ne and the negative-parity states are identified for the first time. The measured partial cross sections and momentum distributions reveal a significant intruder p-wave strength providing evidence of the breakdown of the N = 20 and N = 28 shell gaps. Only a weak, possible f-wave strength was observed to bound final states. Large-scale shell-model calculations with different effective interactions do not reproduce the large p-wave and small f-wave strength observed experimentally, indicating an ongoing challenge for a complete theoretical description of the transition into the island of inversion along the Ne isotopic chain.

Journal Articles

Multiple mechanisms in proton-induced nucleon removal at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon

Pohl, T.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Obertelli, A.*; Lee, J.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Cai, B. S.*; Yuan, C. X.*; Brown, B. A.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 130(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_8, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:90.93(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We report on the first proton-induced single proton- and neutron-removal reactions from the neutron deficient $$^{14}$$O nucleus with large Fermi-surface asymmetry at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon. Our results provide the first quantitative contributions of multiple reaction mechanisms including the quasifree knockout, inelastic scattering, and nucleon transfer processes. It is shown that the inelastic scattering and nucleon transfer, usually neglected at such energy regime, contribute about 50% and 30% to the loosely bound proton and deeply bound neutron removal, respectively.

Journal Articles

Soft, environmentally degradable microfluidic devices for measurement of sweat rate and total sweat loss and for colorimetric analysis of sweat biomarkers

Liu, S.*; Yang, D. S.*; Wang, S.*; Luan, H.*; Sekine, Yurina; Model, J. B.*; Aranyosi, A. J.*; Ghaffari, R.*; Rogers, J. A.*

EcoMat (Internet), 5(1), p.e12270_1 - e12270_18, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:35 Percentile:93.88(Chemistry, Physical)

Advanced capabilities in noninvasive, in situ monitoring of sweat serve as the basis for obtaining real-time insights into human physiological state, health, and performance. Although recently reported microfluidic systems support powerful functions, most are designed as single-use disposables. Here, we introduce materials and molding techniques that bypass these concerns through biodegradable microfluidic systems with a full range of features. The key components fully degrade through the enzymatic action of microorganisms in natural soil environments. Detailed characterization of the device reveal a set of essential performance parameters that are comparable to, or even better than, those of non-degradable counterparts. Human subject studies illustrate the ability of these devices to acquire accurate measurements of sweat loss, sweat rate, pH, and chloride concentration.

Journal Articles

The Investigations of the $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states combining quark model and lattice QCD in the coupled channel framework

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2023(1), p.058_1 - 058_19, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:70.34(Physics, Particles & Fields)

Combining the quark model, the quark-pair-creation mechanism and $$B^{(*)}bar K$$ interaction, we have investigated the near-threshold $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states in the framework of the Hamiltonian effective field theory. With the heavy quark flavor symmetry, all the parameters are determined in the $$D_s$$ sector by fitting the lattice data. The masses of the bottom-strange partners of the $$D^{*}_{s0}(2317)$$ and $$D^{*}_{s1}(2460)$$ are predicted, which are well consistent with the lattice QCD simulation. The two $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states are the mixtures of the bare $$bar b s$$ core and $$B^{(*)}bar K$$ component. Moreover, we find a crossing point between the energy levels with and without the interaction Hamiltonian in the finite volume spectrum in the $$0^+$$ case, which corresponds to a CDD (Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson) zero in the $$T$$-matrix of the $$Bbar K$$ scattering. This CDD zero will help deepen the insights of the near-threshold states and can be examined by future lattice calculation.

Journal Articles

"Southwestern" boundary of the $$N = 40$$ island of inversion; First study of low-lying bound excited states in $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V

Elekes, Z.*; Juh$'a$sz, M. M.*; Sohler, D.*; Sieja, K.*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Achouri, N. L.*; Baba, Hidetada*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064321_1 - 064321_10, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:36.77(Physics, Nuclear)

The low-lying level structure of $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V was investigated for the first time. The neutron knockout reaction and inelastic proton scattering were applied for $$^{61}$$V while the neutron knock-out reaction provided the data for $$^{59}$$V. Four and five new transitions were determined for $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V, respectively. Based on the comparison to our shell-model calculations using the Lenzi-Nowacki-Poves-Sieja (LNPS) interaction, three of the observed $$gamma$$ rays for each isotope could be placed in the level scheme and assigned to the decay of the first 11/2$$^{-}$$ and 9/2$$^{-}$$ levels. The ($$p$$,$$p'$$) excitation cross sections for $$^{61}$$V were analyzed by the coupled-channels formalism assuming quadrupole plus hexadecapole deformations. Due to the role of the hexadecapole deformation, $$^{61}$$V could not be unambiguously placed on the island of inversion.

82 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)