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Journal Articles

Dose coefficients for external exposures to environmental sources

Petoussi-Henss, N.*; Satoh, Daiki; Endo, Akira; Eckerman, K. F.*; Bolch, W. E.*; Hunt, J.*; Jansen, J. T. M.*; Kim, C. H.*; Lee, C.*; Saito, Kimiaki; et al.

Annals of the ICRP, 49(2), p.11 - 145, 2020/10

The age-dependent dose coefficients of organ equivalent doses and effective doses for the member of the public are required to estimate the external dose of the public exposed to radiations from radionuclides in the environment. For this purpose, a computational method to simulate the radiation fields of environmental photon and electron sources in the air, soil, and water has been developed using a particle transport code PHITS in the JAEA, and the organ equivalent doses have been calculated using the human models of newborns, 1-year-old, 5-years-old, 10-years-old, and 15-years-old children, and adults male and female provided by the ICRP. In addition, the nuclide-specific effective dose coefficients have been derived using the skin-dose data and nuclide-decay data provided by the Hanyang University and ICRP, respectively. The data of the dose coefficients are available for dose estimations of not only the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident but radiological emergencies which radionuclides are released to the environment.

Journal Articles

Computation speeds and memory requirements of mesh-type ICRP reference computational phantoms in Geant4, MCNP6, and PHITS

Yeom, Y. S.*; Han, M. C.*; Choi, C.*; Han, H.*; Shin, B.*; Furuta, Takuya; Kim, C. H.*

Health Physics, 116(5), p.664 - 676, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:66.45(Environmental Sciences)

Recently, Task Group 103 of the ICRP developed the mesh-type reference computational phantoms (MCRPs), which are planned for use in future ICRP dose coefficient calculation. Performance of major Monte Carlo particle transport codes (Geant4, MCNP6, and PHITS) were tested with MCRP. External and internal exposure of various particles and energies were calculated and the computational times and required memories were compared. Additionally calculation for voxel-mesh phantom was also conducted so that the influence of different mesh-representation in each code was studied. Memory usage of MRCP was as large as 10 GB with Geant4 and MCNP6 while it is much less with PHITS (1.2 GB). In addition, the computational time required for MRCP tends to increase compared to voxel-mesh phantoms with Geant4 and MCNP6 while it is equal or tends to decrease with PHITS.

Journal Articles

Multi-threading performance of Geant4, MCNP6, and PHITS Monte Carlo codes for tetrahedral-mesh geometry

Han, M. C.*; Yeom, Y. S.*; Lee, H. S.*; Shin, B.*; Kim, C. H.*; Furuta, Takuya

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 63(9), p.09NT02_1 - 09NT02_9, 2018/05

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:41.11(Engineering, Biomedical)

The multi-threading computation performances of the Geant4, MCNP6, and PHITS codes were evaluated using three tetrahedral-mesh phantoms with different complexity. Photon and neutron transport simulations were conducted and the initialization time, calculation time, and memory usage were measured as a function of the number of threads N used in the simulation. The initialization time significantly increases with the complexity of the phantom, but not much with the number of the threads. For the calculation time, Geant4 showed good parallelization efficiency with multi-thread computation (30 times speed-up factor for N = 40) adopting the private tallies while saturation of the speed-up factor were observed in MCNP6 and PHITS (10 and a few times for N = 40) due to the time delay for the sharing tallies. On the other hand, Geant4 requires larger memory specification and the memory usage rapidly increases with the number of threads compared to MCNP6 or PHITS. It is notable that when compared to the other codes, the memory usage of PHITS is much smaller, regardless of both the complexity of the phantom and the number of the threads.

Journal Articles

Implementation of tetrahedral-mesh geometry in Monte Carlo radiation transport code PHITS

Furuta, Takuya; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Han, M. C.*; Yeom, Y. S.*; Kim, C. H.*; Brown, J. L.*; Bolch, W. E.*

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 62(12), p.4798 - 4810, 2017/06

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:51.53(Engineering, Biomedical)

A new function to treat tetrahedral-mesh geometry, a type of polygon-mesh geometry, was implemented in the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code Systems (PHITS). Tetrahedral-mesh is suitable to describe complex geometry including curving shapes. In addition, construction of three-dimensional geometry using CAD software becomes possible with file format conversion. We have introduced a function to create decomposition maps of tetrahedral-mesh objects at the initial process so that the computational time for transport process can be reduced. Owing to this function, transport calculation in tetrahedral-mesh geometry can be as fast as that for the geometry in voxel-mesh with the same number of meshes. Due to adaptability of tetrahedrons in size and shape, dosimetrically equivalent objects can be represented by tetrahedrons with much fewer number of meshes compared with the voxels. For dosimetric calculation using computational human phantom, significant acceleration of the computational speed, about 4 times, was confirmed by adopting the tetrahedral mesh instead of the voxel.

Oral presentation

ICRP activities on dose coefficients for members of the public from external exposures to environmental sources

Petoussi-Henss, N.*; Bellamy, M.*; Bolch, W. E.*; Eckerman, K. F.*; Endo, Akira; Hertel, N.*; Hunt, J.*; Jansen, J.*; Kim, C. H.*; Lee, C.*; et al.

no journal, , 

A Task Group of the Committee 2 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP, is currently working on the estimation of effective dose and organ dose coefficients for members of the public due to environmental external exposures to photons and electrons. The JAEA is contributing to the Task Group by calculating the doses with the radiation transport code PHITS which has been developed in the JAEA. Those calculations were performed using the ICRP adult and pediatric male and female reference computational phantoms for the environmental radiation sources in air, soil, and water. The obtained results of effective dose and organ dose are normalized to radioactivity concentration, ambient dose equivalent, and air kerma, and summarize in a database of the dose coefficients. Furthermore, dose coefficients for radionuclides in the environment are also evaluated by using the most recent nuclear decay data.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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