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Heavy ion irradiation induces autophagy in irradiated C2C12 myoblasts and their bystander cells

日野 瑞城*; 浜田 信行*; 多鹿 友喜*; 舟山 知夫; 森村 吉博*; 坂下 哲哉; 横田 裕一郎; 深本 花菜*; 武藤 泰子; 小林 泰彦; et al.

Journal of Electron Microscopy, 59(6), p.495 - 501, 2010/12

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:64.62(Microscopy)

Autophagy is one of the major processes involved in the degradation of intracellular materials. Here, we examined the potential impact of heavy ion irradiation on the induction of autophagy in irradiated C2C12 mouse myoblasts and their non-targeted bystander cells. In irradiated cells, ultrastructural analysis revealed the accumulation of autophagic structures at various stages of autophagy (i.e. phagophores, autophagosomes and autolysosomes) within 20 min after irradiation. Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) and autolysosomes containing MVBs (amphisomes) were also observed. Heavy ion irradiation increased the staining of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 and LysoTracker Red (LTR). Such enhanced staining was suppressed by an autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine. In addition to irradiated cells, bystander cells were also positive with LTR staining. Altogether, these results suggest that heavy ion irradiation induces autophagy not only in irradiated myoblasts but also in their bystander cells.


Insufficient membrane fusion in dysferlin-deficient muscle fibers after heavy-ion irradiation

日野 瑞城*; 浜田 信行*; 多鹿 友喜*; 舟山 知夫; 森村 吉博*; 坂下 哲哉; 横田 裕一郎; 深本 花菜*; 小林 泰彦; 依藤 宏*

Cell Structure and Function, 34(1), p.11 - 15, 2009/03

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:20.69(Cell Biology)

Recently, SJL/J mice have been used as an animal model in studies of dysferlinopathy, a spectrum of muscle diseases caused by defects in dysferlin protein. In this study we irradiated muscle fibers isolated from skeletal muscle of SJL/J mice with heavy-ion microbeam, and the ultrastructural changes were observed by electron microscopy. The plasma membrane of heavy-ion beam irradiated areas showed irregular protrusions and invaginations. Disruption of sarcomeric structures and the enhancement of autophagy were also observed. In addition, many vesicles of varying size and shape were seen to be accumulated just beneath the plasma membrane. This finding further supports the recent hypothesis that dysferlin functions as a membrane fusion protein in the wound healing system of plasma membrane, and that the defect in dysferlin causes insufficient membrane fusion resulting in accumulation of vesicles.


Effects of heavy ion microbeam irradiation on isolated single fibers of skeletal muscle

依藤 宏*; 日野 瑞城*; 和田 成一*; 多鹿 友喜*; 森村 吉博*; 浜田 信行*; 舟山 知夫; 坂下 哲哉; 柿崎 竹彦; 小林 泰彦

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 106, 2007/02



Heavy ion microbeam irradiation induces ultrastructural changes in isolated single fibers of skeletal muscle

日野 瑞城*; 和田 成一*; 多鹿 友喜*; 森村 吉博*; 浜田 信行*; 舟山 知夫; 坂下 哲哉; 柿崎 竹彦; 小林 泰彦; 依藤 宏*

Cell Structure and Function, 32(1), p.51 - 56, 2007/00

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:25.57(Cell Biology)




依藤 宏*; 日野 瑞城*; 多鹿 友喜*; 森村 吉博*; 浜田 信行*; 和田 成一*; 小林 泰彦; 舟山 知夫; 坂下 哲哉; 柿崎 竹彦

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骨格筋単離筋線維に与える重イオンマイクロビーム照射の影響の形態学的検討; 筋ジストロフィー研究への応用を目指して

日野 瑞城*; 和田 成一*; 多鹿 友喜*; 森村 吉博*; 浜田 信行*; 舟山 知夫; 坂下 哲哉; 柿崎 竹彦*; 小林 泰彦; 依藤 宏*

no journal, , 

筋ジストロフィーは筋力低下と筋の壊死,変性を伴う進行性の疾患群の総称である。このうち一大グループを成しているのが細胞膜周辺に局在する蛋白質の異常を原因とするものである。現在、これらの筋では、細胞膜が損傷を受けやすい、あるいは受けた損傷を修復しにくいことが発症の原因であるという仮説が有力である。しかしin vitroの実験において骨格筋の細胞膜に損傷を与える適切な方法がなく、筋ジストロフィー発症のメカニズムを解析するうえで妨げとなっている。そこでわれわれは重イオンマイクロビームが局所に高LETで細胞を照射できる性質に着目し、細胞膜に損傷を与える目的で骨格筋筋線維に対する照射実験を行った。

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