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Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Yamamoto, Koshi*; Asahara, Yoshihiro*; Maruyama, Ippei*; Karukaya, Koichi*; Saito, Akane*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mochizuki, Akihito; Jo, Mayumi*; Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; et al.
Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.67_1 - 67_10, 2024/05
A capability to permanently seal fluid flow-paths through bedrock, like boreholes or underground tunnels, is needed to ensure the long-term safety and effectiveness of many underground activities e.g. CO storage, hydrocarbon field abandonment, and nuclear waste disposal. Commonly used cementitious seals may not be sufficiently durable due to chemical and physical degradation. Learning from natural calcite (CaCO
) concretion formation, a more durable sealing method was developed using a "concretion-forming solvent". The method was tested by sealing flow-paths next to a tunnel in an underground research laboratory at 350 meters depth. The flow-paths initially sealed rapidly, then resealed after disturbance by earthquakes (M5.4). The treated rock recovered its very low natural permeability, demonstrating permanent sealing that is robust.
Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Yamamoto, Koshi*; Asahara, Yoshihiro*; Maruyama, Ippei*; Karukaya, Koichi*; Saito, Akane*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mochizuki, Akihito; Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; Metcalfe, R.*
Powering the Energy Transition through Subsurface Collaboration; Proceedings of the 1st Energy Geoscience Conference (Energy Geoscience Conference Series, 1), 20 Pages, 2024/00
A capability to permanently seal fluid flow-paths in bedrock, such as natural faults/fractures, and damaged zones around boreholes/excavations, is needed to ensure the long-term safety and effectiveness of many underground activities. Cementitious materials are commonly used as seals, however these materials unavoidably undergo physical and chemical degradation, therefore potentially decreasing seal durability. In order to solve these problems, a more durable sealing method using concretion-forming resin has been developed by learning from natural calcite (CaCO) concretion formation. The sealing capability of resin was tested by
experiments on bedrock flow-paths in an underground research laboratory (URL), Hokkaido, Japan. The results showed a decrease the permeability rapidly down to 1/1,000 of the initial permeability due to calcite precipitation over a period of one year. During the experiment inland earthquakes occurred with foci below the URL (depths 2-7 km and maximum magnitude 5.4). Due to the earthquakes the hydraulic conductivities of the flow-paths sealed initially by concretion-forming resin increased. However, these flow-paths subsequently resealed rapidly, and within a few months recovered the same hydraulic conductivities as before the earthquakes. This new technique for rapidly producing long-lasting seals against fluid flow through rocks will be applicable to many kinds of underground activities.
Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; Umemura, Ayako*; Naito, Sayuri*; Masuki, Yuma*; Itayama, Yui*; Niwa, Masakazu; Shirono, Shinichi*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Kawakami, Shinichi*
Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, 210, p.106817_1 - 106817_11, 2023/12
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:0.00(Spectroscopy)X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of lacustrine sediments has been used to extend the approach to a wider range of elemental records in both ages and timescales of variations in past environments and climates. However, one of severe problems with effects of the XRF intensity by grain size and mineralogical composition known as "heterogeneity effects" have been pointed out. This study investigated the heterogeneity effect of Fe intensities on X-ray beam using several binary powder mixtures and lacustrine sediment cores.
Ishibashi, Masayuki; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Sasao, Eiji; Yuguchi, Takashi*
Engineering Geology, 208, p.114 - 127, 2016/06
Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:77.03(Engineering, Geological)Damage zone (DS) formed by faulting in crystalline rocks can act as significant transport pathway. Therefore, this paper describes the features of WCFs and their long-term behavior associated with faulting based on the results of investigations at the GL -300m and -500m in the MIU. The results of detailed investigations in and around DZ indicate that there are three stages in the development of hydrogeological structures: 1st stage) the formation of background fractures; 2nd stage) the formation of a DZ and corresponding increase in the hydraulic permeability as a result of formation of small fractures; and 3rd stage) the formation of fracture fillings and the hydraulic permeability of the DZ decrease. In the late 3rd stage, unconsolidated clayey fillings formed associated with faulting resulting in decreased permeability of fractures in the DZ. These results underline the importance of understanding the development stages for evaluating the effect of faulting in orogenic belt plutons.
Ono, Takuya; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Metcalfe, R.*
Journal of Structural Geology, 87, p.81 - 94, 2016/06
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:12.76(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)Fracture filling minerals were formed during the development of an accretionary complex. Each mineral formed under favourable geological conditions and can be used to estimate the conditions of accretion. Geological observations and analyses were made on fracture fillings from boreholes of ca. 140 m depth, in the Shimanto Belt of Kyushu. Results revealed that the minerals were formed in 5 stages distinguished by the textural relationships of the minerals. Filling minerals show that the studied rock formation has been subducted to several km depth and the temperature reached was ca. 200 - 300C. After the subduction, the rock formation uplifted and surface acidic water penetrated up to 80 m beneath the present ground surface. The acid water dissolved calcite fillings to form the present groundwater flow-paths. The results shown here imply that filling minerals can be an effective tool to evaluate the environmental changes during accretionary complex formation.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Murakami, Hiroaki; Sasao, Eiji
JAEA-Research 2015-017, 54 Pages, 2015/12
This report is concerned with research to reconstruct more realistic near-field (NF) concept for the geological disposal of radioactive waste. This year is the final year of this committee activities. So we have carried out the summary on Re-thinking of NF concept and its technical basis. Cooperation between the study fields and combination of various science and technology and evaluation methods are one of the important technical bases of NF concept. In addition, since the "Great East Japan Earthquake 2011", the safety paradigm has shifted dramatically. In the reconstruction of realistic NF concept, it is necessary to analyze what security matters whether society has become unacceptable for geological disposal. Committee, we also exchange views on such matters and presented the direction of future research and development for geological disposal.
Ishibashi, Masayuki; Ando, Tomomi*; Sasao, Eiji; Yuguchi, Takashi; Nishimoto, Shoji*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*
Oyo Chishitsu, 55(4), p.156 - 165, 2014/10
Understanding of long-term history of water-conducting features such as flow-path fractures is key issue to evaluate deep geological environment for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Thus, we conducted study on the geological features and the long-term behavior of flow-path fractures based on the data obtained at -300m levels in the Mizunami Underground research laboratory (MIU), central Japan. Total 1670 fractures were mapped in underground gallery at the -300m levels. Flow-path fractures occupy about 11% of all fractures. The flow-path fractures are divided into grout filling fractures and low inflow-rate fractures. All of the grout filling fractures is filled with calcite as fracture filling minerals without conspicuous host rock alteration around fractures. The low inflow-rate fractures possessed similar geological character with the sealed fractures which are not acted as flow-path. The geological character of fracture filling and host tock alteration around fractures indicates the history of the formation at the time of intrusion and emplacement of host granite (Stage I), then filling at hydrothermal event (Stage II), and finally opening and elongation during exhumation stage (Stage III). In conclusion, the present flow-path fractures were formed by opening and/or elongation of pre-existed fractures, which were filled at the hydrothermal event, at the time of exhumation.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa
JAEA-Research 2014-011, 43 Pages, 2014/09
This report is concerned with research to reconstruct more realistic near-field (NF) concept for the geological disposal. In previous year, we examined the realistic concept for near-field, including rock mass around the tunnel, particularly based on the nuclide migration scenario. The time-series change of the field was divided into five stages of 0 to IV through the process of geological disposal (Excavation, Operation and Post-closure). Then at each respective stage, post-closure stage in particular; we examined interaction between environmental factors and exhaustive extraction of those factors affecting the near-field, focusing on each scale-time cross-section. In the reconstruction of realistic near-field concept, it is necessary to analyze security matters are unacceptable by society, regarding geological disposal. We also exchanged views on those matters and presented the future direction of research and development for geological disposal.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa
JAEA-Research 2013-015, 21 Pages, 2013/11
This report is concerned with research to reconstruct more realistic near-field concept for the geological disposal. In chapter, we examined the realistic concept for near field, including rock around the tunnel, based on the nuclide migration scenario in particular. The time-series change of the field was divided into five stages of 0IV through the process of geological disposal (Excavation, Operation and Post-closure). Then, for each stage respectively, we examined interaction between environmental factors and extraction of those factors changing the "field". The Goal of this year is to set up the state in the realistic "field" exhaustively, by focusing on the scale-time cross-section of each stage, especially post-closure stage, and to present the assignment of the next fiscal year.
Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Metcalfe, R.*; Ishibashi, Masayuki; Minami, Masayo*
Geofluids, 13(1), p.45 - 55, 2013/02
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:52.80(Geochemistry & Geophysics)In granitic rocks fracture networks provide pathways for groundwater flow and solute transport that need to be understood to assess the long-term performance of deep underground environment. In order to clarify the long-term processes, Japanese plutons of different ages were studied. Detailed investigation of in-situ fracture fillings sampled from a depth of 300 meters was carried out to clarify the fracturing and mineral infilling processes. Different plutons show identical episodes, consisting of: brittle tensile fracturing (Stage I); relatively rapid uplifting accompanied by hydrothermal water circulation that produced fracture fillings (Stage II); and a period of low-temperature meteoric water circulation (Stage III). The paragenesis of carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate minerals show that there were distinct episodes of mineral precipitation. The evolution of fillings identified here enable development of a model of fracturing and persistence of fluid conducting systems.
Shigetomi, Hiroshi*; Oka, Kiyoshi; Oi, Hidekazu*; Furukawa, Naoto*; Yoshida, Shozo*; Kawaguchi, Ryuji*; Nagai, Akira*; Haruta, Shoji*; Yanase, Yasuhito*; Akasaka, Julia*; et al.
Nihon Reza Igakkai-Shi, 33(2), p.131 - 135, 2012/08
no abstracts in English
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Watanabe, Kunio*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Shimada, Jun*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa; et al.
JAEA-Research 2011-033, 126 Pages, 2012/02
The next advancements for the research of radioactive waste repository was started to improve and systematize the investigation and evaluation techniques on geological environment in consideration of intra-field of science and technology. Intra-field means the various fields among each study area of (a) geological environment, (b) design and engineering, (c) safety evaluation for radioactive waste repository, here. The following items were studied and discussed this year. (1) To Reconstruct Near Field (NF) Concept in consideration of coupled phenomena on geological environment. (2) To develop systematic investigation techniques on the geological environment in consideration of intra-field among each study area above mentioned (a), (b) and (c). Regarding (1), examination of NF concept focused on the realistic crystalline rock was carried out. Also through the overall discussion in the committee, comments from the all commissioners in relation to the intra-field of their study area were made to reflect on reconstruction of NF concept. Regarding (2), the research and development in consideration of NF and intra-field among each study area were conducted.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Watanabe, Kunio*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Shimada, Jun*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa; et al.
JAEA-Research 2010-049, 282 Pages, 2011/02
This report summarizes studies that have been carried out with the aim of assessing and systemizing the technology used for the investigation and analysis of the deep underground geological environment in relation to the disposal of radioactive waste. The main studies were: (1) a study on the research and development (R&D) topics proven to have practical application for the investigation, and analysis and understanding of the deep underground geological environment, and, (2) a study on leading edge technology that can provide the advanced technical basis for the investigation, analysis and understanding of the deep underground geological environment. Regarding the R&D topics (1, above), specific investigations, measurements, numerical analyses and chemical analyses were performed and reviewed with respect to the topics, (a) Repository design, engineering technology (b) Geological environment and (c) Safety evaluation. Based on the result of the review, topics requiring collaboration research in overlapping research fields, including safety assessment, were identified. Also, the near field concept (NFC) was reconsidered in terms of its realistic construction model. Regarding advanced technology (2, above), based on the objectives of the JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) research project, the study was implemented considering previous R&D results and detailed research result at the research site and thus an assessment of the need for advanced technical basis for investigation and analysis. This study contributed to the R&D development and its practical application.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Watanabe, Kunio*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Shimada, Jun*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa; et al.
JAEA-Research 2009-055, 145 Pages, 2010/02
This report summarizes studies that were carried out with the aim of assessing and systemizing the technology used for the investigation and analysis of the deep underground geological environment in relation to the disposal of radioactive waste. The main studies were: (1) a study on the research and development (R&D) topics proven to have practical application for the investigation, analysis and understanding of the deep underground geological environment, and, (2) a study on leading edge technology that can provide the advanced technical basis for the investigation, analysis and understanding of the deep underground geological environment. The principal results obtained from the studies are as follows: Regarding the R&D topics (1, above), the specific investigations, measurements, numerical and chemical analyses were reviewed with respect to engineering technology and the geological environment in this year. Based on the results of the review, topics requiring collaboration research in overlapping research fields, including safety assessment, were identified. Also, the near field concept (NFC) was reconsidered in terms of both the generic model and for crystalline rock. Regarding advanced technology (2, above), based on the objectives of the JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) research project, the study was implemented considering previous R&D results and detailed research result at the research site and thus an assessment of the need for advanced technical basis for investigation and analysis. This study contributed to the R&D development and its practical application.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Watanabe, Kunio*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Shimada, Jun*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa; et al.
JAEA-Research 2008-099, 171 Pages, 2009/03
In this year, the following studies were carried out with the aim of systemizing the technology on the investigation and analysis to understand the deep underground geological environment in relation to the radioactive waste disposal. (1) The study on the research and development (R&D) subjects which turned to the practical investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment. (2) The study on the advanced technical basis for the investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment. The results obtained from the studies are as follows: Regarding (1), the specific investigations, measurements, numerical and chemical analyses were performed particularly for research subjects: (a) the repository design and engineering technology and (b) geological environment. Based on the results on (1), (c) tasks of collaboration research on niche area between the research fields, including the safety assessment field, were selected. Also subject's items of the NFC (Near Field Concept) redefinition were discussed. Regarding (2), based on the extraction tasks of JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) research project, the study was implemented with applying previous R&D results and detailed research at the research field was carried out. This study contributed to the R&D development for its practical application.
Yoshida, Takashi*; Suzuki, Toshio*; Chiba, Satoshi; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Yokomakura, Hidekazu*; Kimura, Keiichi*; Takamura, Akira*; Hartmann, D.*
Astrophysical Journal, 686(1), p.448 - 466, 2008/10
The neutrino-nucleus reaction cross sections of He and
C are evaluated using new shell model Hamiltonians. Branching ratios of various decay channels are calculated to evaluate the yields of Li, Be, and B produced through the
-process in supernova explosions. The new cross sections enhance the yields of
Li and
B produced during the supernova explosion of a 16.2 M
star model compared to our previous study by factors of 1.3 and 1.2, respectively. On the other hand, the yield of
B decreases by a factor of three. The yields of
Be, and the radioactive nucleus
Be are found at a level of 10 to 11 M
. The temperature of
- and
-neutrinos inferred from the supernova contribution of
B in Galactic chemical evolution models is constrained to be in the range 4.5 MeV to 6.4 MeV. The increase in the
Li and
B yields due to neutrino oscillations is demonstrated with the new cross sections.
Yoshida, Takashi*; Suzuki, Toshio*; Chiba, Satoshi; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Yokomakura, Hidekazu*; Kimura, Keiichi*; Takamura, Akira*; Hartmann, D. H.*
Astrophysical Journal, 686(1), p.448 - 466, 2008/10
Times Cited Count:96 Percentile:89.50(Astronomy & Astrophysics)The neutrino-nucleus reaction cross sections of He and
C are evaluated using new shell model Hamiltonians. The new cross sections enhance the yields of
Li and
B produced during the supernova explosion of a 16.2
star model compared to the case using the conventional cross sections by about 10%. On the other hand, the yield of
B decreases by a factor of two. The yields of
Be, and the radioactive nucleus
Be are found at a level of
. The temperature of
- and
-neutrinos inferred from the supernova contribution of
B in Galactic chemical evolution models is constrained to be in the range 4.3 MeV to 6.5 MeV. The increase in the
Li and
B yields due to neutrino oscillations is demonstrated with the new cross sections.
Yoshida, Hidekazu; Yamamoto, Koshi*; Amano, Yuki; Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; Hayashi, Toru*; Naganuma, Takeshi
Environmental Geology, 55(6), p.1363 - 1374, 2008/09
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:28.79(Environmental Sciences)Takashikozo is a phenomenon of Quaternary sediments in Japan. They are cylindrical Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules that form as plaques round plant roots. Structural features suggest that after the roots have decayed, the central space where the roots were situated acts as a flow path for oxidized water. Analysis of microbial 16S rDNA extracted from the nodules identified iron-oxidizing bacteria encrusted round the roots where they are the likely initiators of nodule formation. Geological history and nanofossil evidence suggest that these Fe-nodules may have been buried at a depth of up to several tens of meters for a least 100000 years in reducing Quaternary sediments. Thus Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules with water and rock by microbial mediation can persist under reducing conditions. The phenomenon is significant as an analogue of post-closure conditions in radioactive waste repositories, since it could influence nuclide migration.
Yoshida, Hidekazu; Metcalfe, R.*; Yamamoto, Koshi*; Amano, Yuki; Hoshii, Daisuke*; Kanekiyo, Akiko*; Naganuma, Takeshi*; Hayashi, Toru*
Applied Geochemistry, 23(8), p.2364 - 2381, 2008/08
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:25.46(Geochemistry & Geophysics)Subsurface redox fronts control the mobilization and fixation of many trace elements. Any safety assessment for a deep geological repository for radioactive wastes needs to take into account adequately the long-term redox processes in the geosphere surrounding the repository. The water-rock-microbe interactions can be considered analogous to the processes occurring in the redox fronts that would develop around geological repositories for radioactive waste. Once formed, the Fe-ooxyhydroxides within such a front would be preserved even after reducing conditions resume following repository closure.
Kojima, Keiji*; Onishi, Yuzo*; Watanabe, Kunio*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*; Shimada, Jun*; Aoki, Kenji*; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Ogata, Nobuhisa; et al.
JAEA-Research 2008-042, 236 Pages, 2008/04
The following study was done with the aim of systemizing the technology on the investigation and analysis to grasp deep underground geological environment in relation to the radioactive waste disposal. (1) The study on the research and development (R&D) subjects which turned to the practical investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment. (2) The study on the advanced technical basis of the investigation and analysis of deep underground geological environment. It continued in the former year and got the following results. Concerning (1), the concrete investigation, measurements, numerical analyses and chemical analyses were enforced about the following item and extracted some subjects with the viewpoint of radioactive waste disposal. Concerning (2), the evaluation of the results and a way to the practical use were discussed on the R&D activities of the following item. The R&D activities of the study group concerning (2) are related to the fundamental and elemental technology. It was discussed if these results could be taken into the practical investigation programs which characterize the geological environment and engineering technology in the Tono Geoscience Center. The Study group also discussed and gave the comment on the 2nd phase (the shaft construction phase of the MIU (Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory) research program in the JAEA.