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Journal Articles

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Masaki*; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ando, Masanori; Ashida, Takashi; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Doda, Norihiro; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ezure, Toshiki; Fukano, Yoshitaka; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

This book is a collection of the past experience of design, construction, and operation of two reactors, the latest knowledge and technology for SFR designs, and the future prospects of SFR development in Japan. It is intended to provide the perspective and the relevant knowledge to enable readers to become more familiar with SFR technology.

Journal Articles

Adsorption of Nb, Ta and Pa on anion-exchanger in HF and HF/HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions; Model experiments for the chemical study of Db

Kasamatsu, Yoshitaka; Toyoshima, Atsushi; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Tome, Hayato*; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Akiyama, Kazuhiko*; Yoshimura, Takashi*; Nagame, Yuichiro

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 279(2), p.371 - 376, 2009/02

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:63.72(Chemistry, Analytical)

Anion-exchange behavior of the group-5 elements Nb and Ta, and their pseudo homologue Pa in HF and HF/HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions was investigated by a batch method to find suitable conditions for the anion-exchange experiment of element 105 (Dubnium, Db). We determined distribution coefficients of those elements on the anion-exchange resin as a function of the F$$^{-}$$ and NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ concentrations. Clearly different anion-exchange behavior was observed among these elements. Based on the results, we discuss the fluoro-complex formation of each element and suggest experimental conditions for the study of fluoride complexation of Db.

Journal Articles

Study of giant monopole resonance in $$^{58}$$Ni via the ($$vec{p}$$, $$vec{p}$$') reaction at 0$$^{circ}$$

Ishikawa, Takatsugu*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Daito, Izuru*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujita, Yoshitaka*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Hatanaka, Kichiji*; Hosono, K.*; Ihara, F.*; Ito, M.*; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 187(1-2), p.58c - 63c, 2001/04

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Space exposure experiments of microorganisms as a part of TANPOPO; Astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid capture experiments

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Fujisaki, Kenta*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Yamashita, Masamichi*; Yano, Hajime*; Okudaira, Kyoko*; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka*; Narumi, Issei; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

TANPOPO (Astrobiology Exposure and Micrometeoroid Capture Experiments on ISS-JEM KIBO); Investigation of possible survivability of microorganisms in space

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Fujisaki, Kenta*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Yang, Y.*; Fushimi, Hidehiko*; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Yamashita, Masamichi*; Yano, Hajime*; Okudaira, Kyoko*; Hayashi, Nobuhiro*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Extraction behavior of Mo(VI), Mo(V), W(VI), and W(V) from HCl solutions by Aliquat 336

Yokokita, Takuya*; Oe, Kazuhiro; Komori, Yukiko*; Kikutani, Yuki*; Kino, Aiko*; Nakamura, Kohei*; Kasamatsu, Yoshitaka*; Takahashi, Naruto*; Yoshimura, Takashi*; Takamiya, Koichi*; et al.

no journal, , 

We carried out solvent extraction of Mo(VI), Mo(V), W(VI) and W(V) in 0.01-0.36 M Aliquat 336 / 0.1-11 M HCl system as model experiments for element 106, seaborgium (Sg). The HCl solutions of Mo(VI), Mo(V), W(VI) and W(V) were prepared using macro amounts of Mo and W. Extraction behaviors of mononuclear Mo and W were also investigated using carrier-free radiotracers $$^{99}$$Mo and $$^{181}$$W, which were produced as $$^{235}$$U(n, f) and $$^{181}$$Ta (p, n) reaction, respectively. The distribution ratios (D) of Mo(V) and W(V) were higher than those of Mo(VI) and W(VI), respectively. These results suggest that reduction behavior of the group-6 elements can be observed by solvent extraction. The D values of carrier-free Mo(VI) and W(VI) are almost the same as those with macro amounts in 6-11 M HCl. This condition would be suitable for the Sg experiments.

Oral presentation

Study on effectiveness evaluations of countermeasures against severe accidents in fast reactor, 7; Selecting the important accident sequences during reactor shutdown

Nishino, Hiroyuki; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Nishimura, Masahiro; Fukano, Yoshitaka

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Extraction of molybdenum and tungsten in oxidation state +5 and +6 from hydrochloric acid with Aliquat 336

Yokokita, Takuya*; Komori, Yukiko*; Kikutani, Yuki*; Kino, Aiko*; Shiohara, Naoya*; Kasamatsu, Yoshitaka*; Yoshimura, Takashi*; Takahashi, Naruto*; Oe, Kazuhiro; Shinohara, Atsushi*

no journal, , 

We are planning to study a redox behavior of element 106, seaborgium (Sg) based on the comparison of the behaviors with those of molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W). In this work, we studied solvent extraction behaviors of Mo(VI), Mo(V), W(VI), and W(V) with Aliquat 336 from hydrochloric acid (HCl). Mo(V) is extracted with higher distribution ratios than those of Mo(VI) in 4 to 11 M HCl. Distribution ratios of Mo(V) obtained by reducing Mo(VI) electrochemically are in good agreement with those of [MoCl$$_5$$].

Oral presentation

Study on effectiveness evaluations of countermeasures against severe accidents in fast reactor, 8; Effectiveness evaluations of countermeasures against severe accidents during reactor shutdown

Nishimura, Masahiro; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Taninaka, Hiroshi; Yamada, Fumiaki; Mori, Takero; Nishino, Hiroyuki; Fukano, Yoshitaka

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

TANPOPO: astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid capture experiments; For understanding survival possibility of trans-space migration of microorganisms

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Fujisaki, Kenta*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Kobayashi, Kensei*; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Kawai, Hideyuki*; Mita, Hajime*; Narumi, Issei; Okudaira, Kyoko*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Quest for microorganisms existing at high atmosphere and space

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Sugino, Tomohiro*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Itahashi, Shiho*; Fujisaki, Kenta*; Fushimi, Hidehiko*; Hasegawa, Sunao*; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiro*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Microbe space exposure experiment at International Space Station (ISS) proposed in "Tanpopo" mission

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Sugino, Tomohiro*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Fushimi, Hidehiko*; Narumi, Issei; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiro*; Kawai, Hideyuki*; Kobayashi, Kensei*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Solvent extraction of heavy actinides (III) with HDEHP

Takayama, Reona*; Oe, Kazuhiro*; Komori, Yukiko*; Fujisawa, Hiroyuki*; Kuriyama, Ai*; Kikutani, Yuki*; Kikunaga, Hidetoshi*; Kasamatsu, Yoshitaka*; Yoshimura, Takashi*; Takahashi, Naruto*; et al.

no journal, , 

The extraction behavior of trivalent actinides (Am, Cm, Cf, Es, and Fm) into di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid, HDEHP, in benzene from HNO$$_{3}$$ was studied together with lanthanides. The extraction constants, $$it K$$$$_{ex}$$ values, of lanthanides, Am, Cm, Cf, and Es were determined by a batch method using stable lanthanide isotopes and radiotracers of $$^{241}$$Am, $$^{243}$$Cm, $$^{249}$$Cf, and $$^{253}$$Es, respectively, while that of Fm was measured with $$^{250}$$Fm which was produced in the $$^{238}$$U($$^{16}$$O,4n) reaction and was on-line supplied by a gas-jet method at the AVF cyclotron of RCNP, Osaka University. The $$it K$$$$_{ex}$$ values were determined by the slope analysis for the variation of the distribution ratio as a function of the concentration of HDEHP. We found that the $$it K$$$$_{ex}$$of Fm is smaller than that of Dy in spite of the similar ionic radii while those of other actinides are almost the same as those of each lanthanide with a similar ionic radius.

Oral presentation

Microbes capture and expose experiments on ISS proposed in Tanpopo mission

Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Sugino, Tomohiro*; Yang, Y.*; Takahashi, Yuta*; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka*; Tsuji, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Kensei*; Tabata, Makoto*; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Narumi, Issei; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Tanpopo: astrobiology exposure and micrometeoroid-capture experiments; On the capture and space exposure experiments

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Sugino, Tomohiro*; Takahashi, Yuta*; Narumi, Issei; Takahashi, Yuichi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiro*; Yoshimura, Yoshitaka*; Tabata, Makoto*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

The Microbe capture experiment in space; Fluorescence microscopic detection of microbes captured by aerogel

Sugino, Tomohiro*; Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Hasegawa, Sunao*; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Imai, Eiichi*; Okudaira, Kyoko*; Kawai, Hideyuki*; Tabata, Makoto*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Microbe space exposure experiments at International Space Station (ISS) in the mission "Tanpopo"

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Sugino, Tomohiro*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Takahashi, Yuta*; Narumi, Issei; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiro*; Imai, Eiichi*; Kawai, Hideyuki*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Safety evaluations for MONJU during decommissioning phase, 2; Conservative thermal evaluations on fuel integrity

Mori, Takero; Sotsu, Masutake; Imaizumi, Yuya; Yoshimura, Kazuo; Fukano, Yoshitaka

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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