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Oka, Kiyoshi; Seki, Takeshi*; Naito, Takehito*; Watanabe, Shinya*; Wakabayashi, Takao*; Naganawa, Akihiro*; Inui, Kazuo*; Yoshino, Junji*
Nihon Gazo Igaku Zasshi, 28(1), p.12 - 24, 2010/05
Focusing on the measurement function loaded on our rigid-typed endoscope for the fetal surgery treatment, we proposed that its combination with a generally used digestive endoscope enabled calibration of lesion size in stomach. While adding the function, with which the target size is to be easily measured, on the endoscope, we simplified the system structure as much as possible. We also tried to minimize the total cost by using the generally used endoscope, instead of making it from scratch. Combining another development, the composite-type optical fiberscope with diameter of 1.1mm, with a generally used endoscope, we proposed the following as the features: (1)acquisition of fiberscope image, (2)laser irradiation for treatments, (3)applying the real time measurement function of distance and blood flow by semiconductor laser to the generally used endoscope. We have operated the clinical study to the gastric wall of person with no health problem, using this system and confirmed it was available for practical use.
Morishita, Takatoshi; Ao, Hiroyuki; Asano, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ueno, Akira; Okawa, Tomohiro; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ikegami, Masanori*; Naito, Fujio*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; et al.
Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA 2008) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2008/02
It has been widely accepted that an accurate alignment is essential to achieve high beam quality and highly stable operation increasingly demanded in recent particle accelerators. The J-PARC linac components are finely aligned based on the precise survey network, where we have emphasized on attaining the smoothness between adjacent elements. A floor elevation of the accelerator tunnel has been periodically measured since the completion of the linac building to correct the error by the settlement. The alignment of the linac components have been finished at Sep. 2006 and the beam commissioning has been started at Nov. 2006. After a coarse adjustment of the RF phase and amplitude, nearly complete beam transmission was easily established without using steering magnet. This successful beam transport proves the validity of the alignment strategy and the accurateness of the alignment procedure.
Morishita, Takatoshi; Asano, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ueno, Akira; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Naito, Fujio*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Yoshino, Kazuo*; Ikegami, Masanori*
Proceedings of 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC '07) (Internet), p.1523 - 1525, 2007/06
J-PARC linear accelerator components have been installed. The required alignment accuracy in the J-PARC linac is 0.1mm in transverse direction. In the DTL/SDTL section, the fine alignment was carried out by using an optical alignment telescope along with the cavity installation. The displacement of the DTL by the unit tank connection was monitored by a laser tracker to obtain the tolerable displacement between unit tanks. The heights of cavities and magnets were compensated form the unequal ground movement of the linac tunnel. Finally, all the cavities and magnets are aligned within the tolerable alignment error.
Ito, Takashi; Asano, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Takatoshi; Yamazaki, Yoshishige; Naito, Fujio*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Yoshino, Kazuo*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Kato, Takao*; Kabeya, Zenzaburo*; et al.
Proceedings of 23rd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2006) (CD-ROM), p.782 - 784, 2007/00
Three DTL tanks and 32 SDTL tanks for the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) were assembled at KEK site. After the assembling, the high-power conditioning of the DTL1 and 12 SDTL tanks and the beam acceleration test for the DTL1 ware carried out. And then all the DTL and SDTL tanks have to be transported form KEK to JAEA. In order to confirm the effect of the transportation to the drift tube alignment, we measured the displacement of the drift tube positions before and after the transportation by using a prototype cavity. As a result of the test, the measured displacement of the drift tubes by the transportation was less than 0.02mm which is consistent in the measurement accuracy. Based on this result, all the DTL and SDTL tanks were transported form KEK to JAEA.
Morishita, Takatoshi; Asano, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ikegami, Masanori*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Naito, Fujio*; Yoshino, Kazuo*
Proceedings of 3rd Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 31st Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan (CD-ROM), p.376 - 378, 2006/00
In the J-PARC Linac, the DTL and the SDTL have been installed. A precise alignment of accelerator components is essential for high quality beam acceleration. Due to the heavy wiring for DTQs, the realignment of DTL cavity requires a long term. Then the DTL/SDTL and the focusing magnets are aligned precisely enough for the beam operation at the installation. The DTL/SDTL alignment accuracy satisfied the requirement, which confirmed by the laser tracker measurement. The floor level of the accelerator tunnel has been measured periodically. The long term motion of accelerator tunnel is quantitatively evaluated since Feb. 2005.
Morishita, Takatoshi; Ao, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ueno, Akira; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ikegami, Masanori*; Kubota, Chikashi*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Naito, Fujio*; et al.
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 30th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.266 - 268, 2005/07
J-PARC linear accelerator components are now being installed in the accelerator tunnel. Markings are placed on the floor, which act as a reference for the initial alignment at the installation. A planned and ongoing alignment schemes for the installation of linac components and watching the long term motion of the building are described.
Ito, Takashi; Asano, Hiroyuki*; Morishita, Takatoshi; Kato, Takao*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Yoshino, Kazuo*; Naito, Fujio*
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 30th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.242 - 244, 2005/07
The third Drift Tube Linac (DTL3) is adopted for 37MeV-50MeV part of high intensity proton linac for Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex(J-PARC). DTL3 consists of 26 full drift tubes, 2 half drift tubes and 26 post-couplers. As a result of tuning of the accelerating field of the DTL3, the resonant frequency was adjusted to 324MHz and the average accelerating field distribution was adjusted within 1%.
Morishita, Takatoshi; Ao, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ueno, Akira; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ikegami, Masanori*; Kubota, Chikashi*; Naito, Fujio*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; et al.
Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC '05) (CD-ROM), p.2851 - 2853, 2005/00
In J-PARC linac, a precise alignment of accelerator components is essential for high quality beam acceleration. Markings have been placed on the floor, which act as a reference for the initial alignment at the installation. For a straight line alignment, the wire position sensor is placed on the offset position with respect to the beam center by a target holder. The hydrostatic levering system is used for watching the floor elevation over the long period.
Morishita, Takatoshi; Ao, Hiroyuki; Ito, Takashi; Ueno, Akira; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ikegami, Masanori*; Kubota, Chikashi*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Naito, Fujio*; et al.
Proceedings of 1st Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 29th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.671 - 673, 2004/08
A precise alignment of accelerator components is essential for the J-PARC linear accelerator. The wire position sensor is applied to measure the accelerator component positioning and the ground motion of the building is measured by the hydrostatic leveling sensors. In this paper, the scheme of the alignment system is presented.
Kondo, Yasuhiro; Akikawa, Hisashi; Anami, Shozo*; Asano, Hiroyuki*; Fukui, Yuji*; Igarashi, Zenei*; Ikegami, Kiyoshi*; Ikegami, Masanori*; Ito, Takashi; Kawamura, Masato*; et al.
Proceedings of 1st Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan and 29th Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.156 - 158, 2004/08
A commissioning of the J-PARC linac DTL1 is now under way at KEK. A 30mA H beam was accelerated to 19.7-MeV, and 100% transmission was obtained with a 20-msec-pulse-width and 12.5-Hz-repetition beam. In this paper, present status of the DTL1 commissioning and preliminary results of the commissioning, such as emittance measurements, are presented.
Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Sugie, Tatsuo; Yoshino, Ryuji; Fukuda, Takeshi; Kusama, Yoshinori; Tobita, Kenji; Ide, Shunsuke; Shimada, Michiya; Sengoku, Seio; et al.
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 75(2), p.156 - 161, 1999/02
no abstracts in English
Fukuda, Takeshi; Wakatani, Masahiro*; Toi, Kazuo*; Takizuka, Tomonori; Miura, Yukitoshi; Ogawa, Yuichi*; Takamura, Shuichi*; Oyabu, Nobuyoshi*; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Sengoku, Seio; et al.
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 74(8), p.885 - 887, 1998/08
no abstracts in English
Narita, Yasuki*; Yoshino, Junji*; Inui, Kazuo*; Wakabayashi, Takao*; Kobayashi, Takashi*; Miyoshi, Hironao*; Kosaka, Toshihito*; Tomomatsu, Yuichiro*; Yamamoto, Satoshi*; Matsuura, Hironao*; et al.
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Naganawa, Akihiro*; Oka, Kiyoshi; Narita, Yasuki*; Yoshino, Junji*; Inui, Kazuo*
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