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Multiple gamma-ray glows and a downward TGF observed from nearby thunderclouds

久富 章平*; 中澤 知洋*; 和田 有希*; 辻 結菜*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 篠田 太郎*; 森本 健志*; 中村 佳敬*; 湯浅 孝行*; 土屋 晴文

Journal of Geophysical Research; Atmospheres, 126(18), p.e2021JD034543_1 - e2021JD034543_12, 2021/09

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:74.54(Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences)

Around 17:00 on January 12, 2020 (UTC), radiation detectors installed at two locations with a 1.35 km separation in Kanazawa City, Japan, captured a total of four gamma-ray enhancements. The first pair was simultaneously observed at the two locations at 17:03 and were abruptly terminated by a lightning discharge. The remaining two enhancements were also nearly simultaneously observed $$sim$$3 min later, and one of them was also terminated by another lightning discharge. At the last termination, a downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash and a negative energetic in-cloud pulse were observed. Both pairs were associated with thundercloud cells. In the first pair, simultaneous detection in two locations 1.35 km apart suggests either a gamma-ray glow emerged in-between and time variability of its intensity were directly observed or there were two (or more) gamma-ray glows in the cell which reached the two detectors coincidentally. In the latter pair, the peak time in the downwind detector was $$sim$$40 s later than that of the upwind detector. If the irradiation region moved with the cell, it would have taken $$sim$$110 s. The discrepancy suggests either the glow moved 2.5 times faster than the cell or there were two (or more) glows in the cell. Also, the fact that the thunderstorm cell hosting the latter glows experienced the lightning discharge $$sim$$3 min before suggests that the strong electric field in the cell can develop within a few minutes.


High peak-current lightning discharges associated with downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

和田 有希*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 中村 佳敬*; 森本 健志*; 佐藤 光輝*; 牛尾 知雄*; 中澤 知洋*; 湯浅 孝行*; 米徳 大輔*; 澤野 達也*; et al.

Journal of Geophysical Research; Atmospheres, 125(4), p.e2019JD031730_1 - e2019JD031730_11, 2020/02

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:76.49(Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences)

During 2017-2018 winter operation of the Gamma-Ray Observation of Winter Thunderclouds experiment in Japan, two downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) that triggered atmospheric photonuclear reactions were detected. They took place during winter thunderstorms on 5 December 2017 and 9 January 2018 at Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Each event coincided with an intracloud/intercloud discharge, which had a negative-polarity peak current higher than 150 kA. Their radio waveforms in the low-frequency band are categorized as a distinct lightning type called energetic in-cloud pulse (EIP). Negative-polarity EIPs have been previously suggested to be highly associated with downward TGFs, and the present observations provide evidence of the correlation between them for the first time. Furthermore, both of the downward TGFs followed gamma-ray glows, minute-lasting high-energy emissions from thunderclouds. It is suggested that the negative EIPs took place with downward propagating negative leaders or upward positive ones developed in highly electrified regions responsible for the gamma-ray glows.


Downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash observed in a winter thunderstorm

和田 有希*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 中澤 知洋*; 古田 禄大; 湯浅 孝行*; 中村 佳敬*; 森本 健志*; 松元 崇弘*; 牧島 一夫*; 土屋 晴文

Physical Review Letters, 123(6), p.061103_1 - 061103_6, 2019/08


 被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:86.40(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

During a winter thunderstorm on 2017 November 24, a strong burst of gamma-rays with energies up to $$sim$$10 MeV was detected coincident with a lightning discharge, by scintillation detectors installed at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant at sea level in Japan. The burst had a sub-second duration, which is suggestive of photoneutron productions. The leading part of the burst was resolved into four intense gamma-ray bunches, each coincident with a low-frequency radio pulse. These bunches were separated by 0.7$$-$$1.5 ms, with a duration of $$<$$1 ms each. Thus, the present burst may be considered as a "downward" terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF), which is analogous to up-going TGFs observed from space. Although the scintillation detectors were heavily saturated by these bunches, the total dose associated with them was successfully measured by ionization chambers, employed by nine monitoring posts surrounding the power plant. From this information and Monte Carlo simulations, the present downward TGF is suggested to have taken place at an altitude of 2500$$pm$$500 m, involving $$8^{+8}_{-4} times10^{18}$$ avalanche electrons with energies above 1 MeV which is comparable to those in up-going TGFs.


Gamma-ray glow preceding downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash

和田 有希*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 中村 佳敬*; 古田 禄大; 湯浅 孝行*; 中澤 知洋*; 森本 健志*; 佐藤 光輝*; 松元 崇弘*; 米徳 大輔*; et al.

Communications Physics (Internet), 2(1), p.67_1 - 67_9, 2019/06

 被引用回数:53 パーセンタイル:92.01(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Two types of high-energy events have been detected from thunderstorms. One is "terrestrial gamma-ray flashes" (TGFs), sub-millisecond emissions coinciding with lightning discharges. The other is minute-lasting "gamma-ray glows". Although both phenomena are thought to originate from relativistic runaway electron avalanches in strong electric fields, the connection between them is not well understood. Here we report unequivocal simultaneous detection of a gamma-ray glow termination and a downward TGF, observed from the ground. During a winter thunderstorm in Japan on 9 January 2018, our detectors caught a gamma-ray glow, which moved for $$/sim$$ 100 s with ambient wind, and then abruptly ceased with a lightning discharge. Simultaneously, the detectors observed photonuclear reactions triggered by a downward TGF, whose radio pulse was located within $$sim$$ 1 km from where the glow ceased. It is suggested that the highly-electrified region producing the glow was related to the initiation of the downward TGF.


Termination of electron acceleration in thundercloud by intracloud/intercloud discharge

和田 有希*; Bowers, G. S.*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 鴨川 仁*; 中村 佳敬*; 森本 健志*; Smith, D.*; 古田 禄大*; 中澤 知洋*; 湯浅 孝行*; et al.

Geophysical Research Letters, 45(11), p.5700 - 5707, 2018/06

 被引用回数:30 パーセンタイル:77.87(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

An on-ground observation program for high energy atmospheric phenomena in winter thunderstorms along Japan Sea has been performed via lightning measurements of $$gamma$$-ray radiation, atmospheric electric field and low-frequency radio band. On February 11, 2017, the radiation detectors recorded $$gamma$$-ray emission lasting for 75 sec. The $$gamma$$-ray spectrum extended up to 20 MeV and was reproduced by a cutoff power-law model with a photon index of 1.36$$^{+0.03}_{-0.04}$$, being consistent with a Bremsstrahlung radiation from a thundercloud (as known as a $$gamma$$-ray glow). Then the $$gamma$$-ray glow was abruptly terminated with a nearby lightning discharge. The low-frequency radio monitors, installed $$sim$$50 km away from Noto School, recorded intra/inter-cloud discharges spreading over $$sim$$60km area with a $$sim$$300 ms duration. The timing of the $$gamma$$-ray termination coincided with the moment when a sequence of intra/inter-cloud discharges passed 0.7 km horizontally away from the radiation monitors. The atmospheric electric-field measurement presented that negative charge was located in the cloud base and not neutralized by the lightning discharge. This indicates that the $$gamma$$-ray source was located at an higher region than the cloud base.


Hierarchically self-organized dissipative structures of filler particles in poly(styrene-$$ran$$-butadiene) rubbers

山口 大輔; 湯浅 毅*; 曽根 卓男*; 冨永 哲雄*; 能田 洋平*; 小泉 智*; 橋本 竹治*

Macromolecules, 50(19), p.7739 - 7759, 2017/10

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:50.75(Polymer Science)




能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 小泉 智; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*; 湯浅 毅*

no journal, , 




能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 小泉 智; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*; 湯浅 毅*

no journal, , 



動的核スピン偏極によるコントラスト変調を用いた中性子小角散乱研究; シリカ充填SBRゴムへの応用

能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 社本 真一; 小泉 智; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*; 湯浅 毅*

no journal, , 




能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 社本 真一; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*

no journal, , 



Analysis of dispersion state of fillers in functionalized S-SBR/filler composites

山口 大輔; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 曽根 卓男*; 冨永 哲雄*

no journal, , 




山口 大輔; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 曽根 卓男*; 冨永 哲雄*

no journal, , 



Proton spin contrast variation approaches; From basic polymer to fuel-efficient tire rubber

能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 社本 真一; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*

no journal, , 



Spin contrast variation technique for a multi-component system; A Study of silica-filled styrene-butadiene rubber

能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*

no journal, , 




山口 大輔; 能田 洋平; 小泉 智*; 湯浅 毅*; 曽根 卓男*; 冨永 哲雄*; 竹中 幹人*; 網野 直也*

no journal, , 



Spin contrast variation study of fuel-efficient tire rubber

能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 社本 真一; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*

no journal, , 




山口 大輔; 能田 洋平; 小泉 智; 長谷川 良雄*; 菱沼 行男*; 鈴木 将*; 児玉 弘人*; 大沼 正人*; 大場 洋次郎*; 湯浅 毅*; et al.

no journal, , 



核スピン偏極による中性子小角散乱コントラスト制御; シリカ充填SBRゴムのナノ構造解析

能田 洋平; 山口 大輔; 橋本 竹治; 社本 真一; 小泉 智*; 湯浅 毅*; 冨永 哲雄*; 曽根 卓男*

no journal, , 




山口 大輔; 湯浅 毅*; 曽根 卓男*; 冨永 哲雄*

no journal, , 




山口 大輔; 小泉 智; 湯浅 毅*; 曽根 卓男*; 冨永 哲雄*

no journal, , 

これまで、さまざまなナノ複合材料が開発・報告されているが、中でもゴム/フィラーの組合せは、ゴムの粘弾性特性と補強剤としてのフィラーの特長を両立させた成功例として広く認知されている。近年のゴム/フィラー系においては、フィラーとしてシリカ微粒子がカーボンブラック微粒子に替わって用いられ、またゴム材料となる高分子鎖の末端にフィラーとの親和性を有する官能基を導入するなどの改良が加えられ、さらなる高性能化が図られている。高性能化を達成するための指針となるのがゴム中に形成されるフィラーの階層的な凝集構造と物性との相関関係であり、その凝集構造の解明のために、放射光(X線)・中性子等を用いた散乱による解析が精力的に行われている。本研究ではこれまでの研究において、単独で用いられることが多かった中性子とX線による小角散乱(SANS, SAXS)の共通点・相違点を詳細に比較し、それぞれの散乱法に固有のコントラストから明らかにされる多成分系中のフィラーの凝集構造について報告する。

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