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Journal Articles

Uncertainty quantification for severe-accident reactor modelling; Results and conclusions of the MUSA reactor applications work package

Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez Espinoza, V.*; Stakhanova, A.*; Groudev, P.*; Petrova, P.*; Vryashkova, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; et al.

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 211, p.110962_1 - 110962_16, 2025/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Gradient residual stress and fatigue life prediction of induction hardened carbon steel S38C axles; Experiment and simulation

Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; Xu, P. G.; Zhang, H.*; Zhou, L.*; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; Shobu, Takahisa; Wu, S. C.*

International Journal of Fatigue, 185, p.108336_1 - 108336_13, 2024/08

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:94.61(Engineering, Mechanical)

Journal Articles

Influence of interstitial carbon on bulk texture evolution of carbide-free high-entropy alloys during cold rolling using neutron diffraction

Fang, W.*; Liu, C.*; Zhang, J.*; Xu, P. G.; Peng, T.*; Liu, B.*; Morooka, Satoshi; Yin, F.*

Scripta Materialia, 249, p.116046_1 - 116046_6, 2024/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Gradient residual strain measurement procedure in surface impacted railway steel axles by using neutron scattering

Zhou, L.*; Zhang, H.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; Xu, P. G.; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; He, L. H.*; Li, X. H.*; Zhang, J. R.*; et al.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(7), p.2175 - 2185, 2024/07

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:82.74(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

A Systematic approach for the adequacy analysis of a set of experimental databases; Application in the framework of the ATRIUM activity

Baccou, J.*; Glantz, T.*; Ghione, A.*; Sargentini, L.*; Fillion, P.*; Damblin, G.*; Sueur, R.*; Iooss, B.*; Fang, J.*; Liu, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 421, p.113035_1 - 113035_16, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:96.65(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Crystal-liquid duality driven ultralow two-channel thermal conductivity in $$alpha$$-MgAgSb

Li, J.*; Li, X.*; Zhang, Y.*; Zhu, J.*; Zhao, E.*; Kofu, Maiko; Nakajima, Kenji; Avdeev, M.*; Liu, P.-F.*; Sui, J.*; et al.

Applied Physics Reviews (Internet), 11(1), p.011406_1 - 011406_8, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:97.43(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

The BCC $$rightarrow$$ FCC hierarchical martensite transformation under dynamic impact in FeMnAlNiTi alloy

Li, C.*; Fang, W.*; Yu, H. Y.*; Peng, T.*; Yao, Z. T.*; Liu, W. G.*; Zhang, X.*; Xu, P. G.; Yin, F.*

Materials Science & Engineering A, 892, p.146096_1 - 146096_11, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:82.74(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Probing deformation behavior of a refractory high-entropy alloy using ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction

Zhou, Y.*; Song, W.*; Zhang, F.*; Wu, Y.*; Lei, Z.*; Jiao, M.*; Zhang, X.*; Dong, J.*; Zhang, Y.*; Yang, M.*; et al.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 971, p.172635_1 - 172635_7, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.99(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

A Predicted CRISPR-mediated symbiosis between uncultivated archaea

Esser, S. P.*; Rahlff, J.*; Zhao, W.*; Predl, M.*; Plewka, J.*; Sures, K.*; Wimmer, F.*; Lee, J.*; Adam, P. S.*; McGonigle, J.*; et al.

Nature Microbiology (Internet), 8(9), p.1619 - 1633, 2023/09

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:77.46(Microbiology)

Journal Articles

Pressure engineering of van der Waals compound RhI$$_3$$; Bandgap narrowing, metallization, and remarkable enhancement of photoelectric activity

Fang, Y.*; Kong, L.*; Wang, R.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Bu, K.*; Liu, X.*; Yan, S.*; Hattori, Takanori; et al.

Materials Today Physics (Internet), 34, p.101083_1 - 101083_7, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:63.08(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The layered van der Waals halides are particularly sensitive to external pressure, suggesting a feasible route to pinpoint their structure with extraordinary behavior. However, a very sensitive pressure response usually lead to a detrimental phase transition and/or lattice distortion, making the approach of materials manipulation in a continuous manner remain challenging. Here, the extremely weak interlayer coupling and high tunability of layered RhI$$_3$$ crystals are observed. A pressure-driven phase transition occurs at a moderate pressure of 5 GPa, interlinking to a change of layer stack mode. Strikingly, such a phase transition does not affect the tendency of quasi-linear bandgap narrowing, and a metallization with an ultra-broad tunability of 1.3 eV redshift is observed at higher pressures. Moreover, the carrier concentration increases by 4 orders of magnitude at 30 GPa, and the photocurrent enhances by 5 orders of magnitude at 7.8 GPa. These findings create new opportunities for exploring, tuning, and understanding the van der Waals halides by harnessing their unusual feature of a layered structure, which is promising for future devices based on materials-by-design that are atomically thin.

Journal Articles

Tensile overload-induced texture effects on the fatigue resistance of a CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy

Lam, T.-N.*; Chin, H.-H.*; Zhang, X.*; Feng, R.*; Wang, H.*; Chiang, C.-Y.*; Lee, S. Y.*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Liaw, P. K.*; et al.

Acta Materialia, 245, p.118585_1 - 118585_9, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:89.12(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Accelerating the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies for Gen IV nuclear reactors through international collaboration

Van Rooyen, I. J.*; Ivan, L.*; Messner, M.*; Edwards, L.*; Abonneau, E.*; Kamiji, Yu; Lowe, S.*; Nilsson, K.-F.*; Okajima, Satoshi; Pouchon, M.*; et al.

Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Generation IV and Small Reactors (G4SR-4), p.2 - 12, 2022/10

Journal Articles

Synergistic hybrid electrocatalysts of platinum alloy and single-atom platinum for an efficient and durable oxygen reduction reaction

Liu, B.*; Feng, R.*; Busch, M.*; Wang, S.*; Wu, H.*; Liu, P.*; Gu, J.*; Bahadoran, A.*; Matsumura, Daiju; Tsuji, Takuya; et al.

ACS Nano, 16(9), p.14121 - 14133, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:83 Percentile:98.90(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Novel graphene-based foam composite as a highly reactive filter medium for the efficient removal of gemfibrozil from (waste)water

Khalil, A. M. E.*; Han, L.*; Maamoun, I.; Tabish, T. A.*; Chen, Y.*; Eljamal, O.*; Zhang, S.*; Butler, D.*; Memon, F. A.*

Advanced Sustainable Systems (Internet), 6(8), p.2200016_1 - 2200016_16, 2022/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:47.37(Green & Sustainable Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Status of the uncertainty quantification for severe accident sequences of different NPP-designs in the frame of the H-2020 project MUSA

Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez-Espinoza, V.*; Groudev, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; Bocanegra, R.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Berda$"i$, M.*; et al.

Proceedings of 10th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR 2022) (Internet), 13 Pages, 2022/05

Journal Articles

MYRRHA-MINERVA injector status and commissioning

Gatera, A.*; Belmans, J.*; Boussa, S.*; Davin, F.*; De Cock, W.*; De Florio, V.*; Doucet, F.*; Parez, L.*; Pompon, F.*; Ponton, A.*; et al.

Proceedings of 64th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams (HB2021), p.186 - 190, 2022/04

Journal Articles

Structure of an aqueous RbCl solution in the gigapascal pressure range by neutron diffraction combined with empirical potential structure refinement modeling

Zhang, W. Q.*; Yamaguchi, Toshio*; Fang, C. H.*; Yoshida, Koji*; Zhou, Y. Q.*; Zhu, F. Y.*; Machida, Shinichi*; Hattori, Takanori; Li, W.*

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 348, p.118080_1 - 118080_11, 2022/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.39(Chemistry, Physical)

The ion hydration and association and hydrogen-bonded water structure in an aqueous 3 mol/kg RbCl solution were investigated at 298 K/0.1 MPa, 298 K/1 GPa, 523 K/1 GPa, and 523 K/4 GPa by neutron diffraction combined with EPSR methods. The second hydration layer of Rb$$^+$$ and Cl$$^-$$ becomes evident under elevated pressure and temperature conditions. The average oxygen coordination number of Rb$$^+$$ (Cl$$^-$$) in the first hydration layer increases from 6.3 (5.9) ambient pressure to 8.9 (9.1) at 4 GPa, while decreasing coordination distance from 0.290 nm (0.322 nm) to 0.288 nm (0.314 nm). The orientation of the water dipole in the first solvation shell of Rb$$^+$$ and a central water molecule is sensitive to pressure, but that in the first solvation shell of Cl$$^-$$ does not change very much. The number of contact-ion pairs Rb$$^+$$-Cl$$^-$$ decreases with elevated temperature and increases with elevated pressure. Water molecules are closely packed, and the tetrahedral hydrogen-bonded network of water molecules no longer exists in extreme conditions.

Journal Articles

Modelling and simulation of the source term for a sodium cooled fast reactor under hypothetical severe accident conditions; Final report of a coordinated research project

Arokiaswamy, J. A.*; Batra, C.*; Chang, J. E.*; Garcia, M.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Klimonov, I. A.*; Kriventsev, V.*; Li, S.*; Liegeard, C.*; Mahanes, J.*; et al.

IAEA-TECDOC-2006, 380 Pages, 2022/00

The IAEA coordinated research project on "Radioactive Release from the Prototype Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor under Severe Accident Conditions" was devoted to realistic numerical simulation of fission products and fuel particles inventory inside the reference sodium cooled fast reactor volumes under severe accident conditions at different time scales. The scope of analysis was divided into three parts, defined as three work packages (WPs): (1) in-vessel source term estimation; (2) primary system/containment system interface source term estimation; and, (3) in-containment phenomenology analysis. Comparison of the results obtained in WP-1 indicates that the release fractions of noble gases and cesium radionuclides, and fractions of radionuclides released to the cover gas are in a good agreement. In the analysis using a common pressure history in WP-2, the results were in good agreement indicating that the accuracy of the analysis method of each institution is almost the same. The standalone case, which uses a set of pre-defined release fractions, was defined for WP-3 which enables to decouple this part of analysis from previous WPs. There is broad consensus among the predicted results by all the participants in WP-3.

Journal Articles

Paramagnetic spin Hall magnetoresistance

Oyanagi, Koichi*; Gomez-Perez, J. M.*; Zhang, X.-P.*; Kikkawa, Takashi*; Chen, Y.*; Sagasta, E.*; Chuvilin, A.*; Hueso, L. E.*; Golovach, V. N.*; Sebastian Bergeret, F.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 104(13), p.134428_1 - 134428_14, 2021/10

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:77.05(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

OECD/NEA benchmark on pellet-clad mechanical interaction modelling with fuel performance codes; Influence of pellet geometry and gap size

Soba, A.*; Prudil, A.*; Zhang, J.*; Dethioux, A.*; Han, Z.*; Dostal, M.*; Matocha, V.*; Marelle, V.*; Lasnel-Payan, J.*; Kulacsy, K.*; et al.

Proceedings of TopFuel 2021 (Internet), 10 Pages, 2021/10

63 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)