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Journal Articles

Uncertainty quantification for severe-accident reactor modelling; Results and conclusions of the MUSA reactor applications work package

Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez Espinoza, V.*; Stakhanova, A.*; Groudev, P.*; Petrova, P.*; Vryashkova, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; et al.

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 211, p.110962_1 - 110962_16, 2025/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:75.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Brightening triplet excitons enable high-performance white-light emission in organic small molecules via integrating n-$$pi^*/pi$$-$$pi^*$$ transitions

Yang, Q.*; Yang, X.*; Wang, Y.*; Fei, Y.*; Li, F.*; Zheng, H.*; Li, K.*; Han, Y.*; Hattori, Takanori; Zhu, P.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.7778_1 - 7778_9, 2024/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:0.00(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Luminescent materials that simultaneously embody bright singlet and triplet excitons hold great potential in optoelectronics, signage, and information encryption. However, achieving high-performance white-light emission is severely hampered by their inherent unbalanced contribution of fluorescence and phosphorescence. Herein, we address this challenge by pressure treatment engineering via hydrogen bonding cooperativity effect to realize the mixture of n-$$pi^*/pi$$-$$pi^*$$ transitions, where the triplet state emission was boosted from 7% to 40% in isophthalic acid (IPA). A superior white-light emission based on hybrid fluorescence and phosphorescence was harvested in pressure-treated IPA, and the photoluminescence quantum yield was increased to 75% from the initial 19% (blue-light emission). In-situ high-pressure IR spectra, X ray diffraction, and neutron diffraction reveal continuous strengthening of the hydrogen bonds with the increase of pressure. Furthermore, this enhanced hydrogen bond is retained down to the ambient conditions after pressure treatment, awarding the targeted IPA efficient intersystem crossing for balanced singlet/triplet excitons population and resulting in efficient white-light emission. This work not only proposes a route for brightening triplet states in organic small molecule, but also regulates the ratio of singlet and triplet excitons to construct high-performance white-light emission.

Journal Articles

A Systematic approach for the adequacy analysis of a set of experimental databases; Application in the framework of the ATRIUM activity

Baccou, J.*; Glantz, T.*; Ghione, A.*; Sargentini, L.*; Fillion, P.*; Damblin, G.*; Sueur, R.*; Iooss, B.*; Fang, J.*; Liu, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 421, p.113035_1 - 113035_16, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:95.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Status of the uncertainty quantification for severe accident sequences of different NPP-designs in the frame of the H-2020 project MUSA

Brumm, S.*; Gabrielli, F.*; Sanchez-Espinoza, V.*; Groudev, P.*; Ou, P.*; Zhang, W.*; Malkhasyan, A.*; Bocanegra, R.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Berda$"i$, M.*; et al.

Proceedings of 10th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR 2022) (Internet), 13 Pages, 2022/05

Journal Articles

Field-tuned magnetic structure and phase diagram of the honeycomb magnet YbCl$$_3$$

Hao, Y. Q.*; Wo, H. L.*; Gu, Y. M.*; Zhang, X. W.*; Gu, Y. Q.*; Zheng, S. Y.*; Zhao, Y.*; Xu, G. Y.*; Lynn, J. W.*; Nakajima, Kenji; et al.

Science China; Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 64(3), p.237411_1 - 237411_6, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:69.72(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Coordination number regulation of molybdenum single-atom nanozyme peroxidase-like specificity

Wang, Y.*; Jia, G.*; Cui, X.*; Zhao, X.*; Zhang, Q.*; Gu, L.*; Zheng, L.*; Li, L. H.*; Wu, Q.*; Singh, D. J.*; et al.

Chem, 7(2), p.436 - 449, 2021/02

 Times Cited Count:258 Percentile:99.76(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

General synthesis of single-atom catalysts for hydrogen evolution reactions and room-temperature Na-S batteries

Lai, W.-H.*; Wang, H.*; Zheng, L.*; Jiang, Q.*; Yan, Z.-C.*; Wang, L.*; Yoshikawa, Hirofumi*; Matsumura, Daiju; Sun, Q.*; Wang, Y.-X.*; et al.

Angewandte Chemie; International Edition, 59(49), p.22171 - 22178, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:96 Percentile:95.70(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Asymmetrically optimized structure in a high-$$T_{rm c}$$ single unit-cell FeSe superconductor

Fukaya, Yuki; Zhou, G.*; Zheng, F.*; Zhang, P.*; Wang, L.*; Xue, Q.-K.*; Shamoto, Shinichi

Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 31(5), p.055701_1 - 055701_6, 2019/02

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:28.25(Physics, Condensed Matter)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Pressure-induced Diels-Alder reactions in C$$_{6}$$H$$_{6}$$ - C$$_{6}$$F$$_{6}$$ cocrystal towards graphane structure

Wang, Y.*; Dong, X.*; Tang, X.*; Zheng, H.*; Li, K.*; Lin, X.*; Fang, L.*; Sun, G.*; Chen, X.*; Xie, L.*; et al.

Angewandte Chemie; International Edition, 58(5), p.1468 - 1473, 2019/01

 Times Cited Count:45 Percentile:82.40(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Pressure-induced polymerization (PIP) of aromatics is a novel method to construct sp$$^{3}$$-carbon frameworks, and nanothreads with diamond-like structures were synthesized by compressing benzene and its derivatives. Here by compressing benzene-hexafluorobenzene cocrystal(CHCF), we identified H-F-substituted graphane with a layered structure in the PIP product. Based on the crystal structure determined from the in situ neutron diffraction and the intermediate products identified by the gas chromatography-mass spectrum, we found that at 20 GPa CHCF forms tilted columns with benzene and hexafluorobenzene stacked alternatively, which leads to a [4+2] polymer, and then transfers to short-range ordered hydrogenated-fluorinated graphane. The reaction process contains [4+2] Diels-Alder, retro-Diels-Alder, and 1-1' coupling, and the former is the key reaction in the PIP. Our studies confirmed the elemental reactions of the CHCF for the first time, which provides a novel insight into the PIP of aromatics.

Journal Articles

Phase transitions and polymerization of C$$_{6}$$H$$_{6}$$-C$$_{6}$$F$$_{6}$$ cocrystal under extreme conditions

Wang, Y.*; Wang, L.*; Zheng, H.*; Li, K.*; Andrzejewski, M.*; Hattori, Takanori; Sano, Asami; Katrusiak, A.*; Meng, Y.*; Liao, F.*; et al.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(51), p.29510 - 29519, 2016/12

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:61.93(Chemistry, Physical)

Pressure-induced polymerization (PIP) of aromatic molecules can generate saturated carbon nanostructures. As a strongly interacted $$pi$$-$$pi$$ stacking unit, the C$$_{6}$$H$$_{6}$$-C$$_{6}$$F$$_{6}$$ adduct is widely applied in supramolecular chemistry, and it provides a good preorganization for the PIP. Here we investigated the structural variation of C$$_{6}$$H$$_{6}$$-C$$_{6}$$F$$_{6}$$ cocrystal and the subsequent PIP process under high pressure. Four new molecular-complex phases V, VI, VII, and VIII have been identified and characterized by the in situ Raman, IR, synchrotron X-ray, and neutron diffraction. The phase V is different from the phases observed at low temperature, which has a tilted column structure. Phases VI and VII have a structure similar to phase V. Phase VIII polymerizes irreversibly upon compression above 25 GPa without any catalyst, producing sp$$^{3}$$(CH/F)$$_{n}$$ materials. The $$pi$$-$$pi$$ interaction is still dominant below 0.5 GPa but is most likely to be overstepped under further compression, which is important for discussing the supramolecular phase transition and the polymerization process.

Journal Articles

In-beam $$gamma$$ spectroscopy of the even-even nucleus $$^{190}$$Pt

Li, G. S.*; Liu, M. L.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Liu, Y. X.*; Zhang, N. T.*; Hua, W.*; Zheng, Y. D.*; Fang, Y. D.*; Guo, S.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 89(5), p.054303_1 - 054303_9, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:36.87(Physics, Nuclear)

High-spin states of $$^{190}$$Pt have been reinvestigated using the $$^{176}$$Yb($$^{18}$$O, 4$$n$$) reaction at a beam energy of 88 MeV. The previously known positive parity band associated with the $$nu$$ $$i^{-2}_{13/2}$$ $$nu$$ $$h^{-1}_{9/2}$$ $$nu$$ $$j^{-1}$$ ($$nu j$$ being $$nu p_{3/2}$$ or $$nu f_{5/2}$$) configuration has been revised and extended significantly. A new negative parity band has been established and proposed to be based on the $$nu$$ $$i^{-3}_{13/2}$$ $$nu$$ $$j^{-1}$$ configuration. Possible structure evolution of the yrast line from predominantly vibrational to rotational with increasing spin is discussed with the help of E$$_gamma$$ over spin curves. Additionally, calculations of Total Routhian surfaces have been performed to investigate the band properties.

Journal Articles

High-j proton alignments in $$^{101}$$Pd

Zhou, H. B.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M. L.*; Zhang, N. T.*; Chen, L.*; Wang, S. T.*; Li, G. S.*; Wang, H. X.*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 47(9), p.107_1 - 107_7, 2011/09

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:36.84(Physics, Nuclear)

High-spin states in $$^{101}$$Pd have been investigated by means of in-beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopic techniques. The previously known $$d$$$$_{5/2}$$ and 1/2$$^-$$[550] bands were extended to higher spins. The band crossings observed experimentally are explained by the alignment of $$g$$$$_{9/2}$$ protons. The band properties in $$^{101}$$Pd are compared with those in the neighboring nuclei and are discussed within the framework of the cranked shell model.

Journal Articles

Signature inversion in the 7/2$$^-$$[503] band of $$^{185}$$Pt

Li, G. S.*; Zhou, X. H.*; Zhang, Y. H.*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M. L.*; Hua, W.*; Zhou, H. B.*; Ding, B.*; Wang, H. X.*; Lei, X. G.*; et al.

Journal of Physics G; Nuclear and Particle Physics, 38(9), p.095105_1 - 095105_9, 2011/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:11.51(Physics, Nuclear)

High-spin states in $$^{185}$$Pt have been investigated by means of in beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopic method at the JAEA tandem facility. Low-spin signature inversion is revealed in the 7/2$$^-$$[503] band. The inversion can be interpreted as a configuration change from the 7/2$$^-$$[503] orbital to the 7/2$$^-$$[514] orbital with increasing spin, which is supported by a theoretical calculation of the semi-classical Donau and Frauendorf approach.

Journal Articles

A Numerical matching technique for linear resistive magnetohydrodynamics modes

Furukawa, Masaru*; Tokuda, Shinji; Zheng, L. J.*

Physics of Plasmas, 17(5), p.052502_1 - 052502_15, 2010/05

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:22.90(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Oral presentation

Investigation of in-reactor cesium chemical behavior in TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, 8; Behavior of Si in oxide layer on stainless steel

Zheng, L.*; Hosoi, Kazuya*; Ueda, Shigeru*; Gao, X.*; Kitamura, Shinya*; Kobayashi, Yoshinao*; Osaka, Masahiko

no journal, , 

Si source for Cs-bearing particle formed by Fukushima-Daiichi NPS accident has yet to be revealed. Stainless steel is possible Si source since it is used as structure material in the reactor and includes Si. In this study, Si vaporization behavior was evaluated by investigation of Si behavior in oxide layer formed in steam atmosphere at 1473 K.

Oral presentation

Progress of understanding negative triangular tokamak configuration

Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Fasoli, A.*; Takizuka, Tomonori*; Diamond, P.*; Medvedev, S.*; Duan, X.*; Zushi, Hideki*; Furukawa, Masaru*; Kishimoto, Yasuaki*; Wu, Y.*; et al.

no journal, , 

Power and particle control is challenging for standard D-shaped H-mode scenario in tokamak. Possibility of negative triangularity as innovative tokamak concept is discussed by Kikuchi et al. Experimental and numerical studies of negative triangular plasma at CRPP-EPFL success-fully demonstrated improved connement and the weakening of the SOL flow acceleration is implied for the negative triangularity. Recent studies on mechanism of type II and grassy ELM show importance of closure of second stability access to achieve small ELM regimes and also kinetic effects. Medvedev showed that closure of second stability also occurs for negative triangularity. But the MHD stability in negative triangularity is a bit more complicated so that closure of second stability does not imply easy access to small ELM regimes. We discuss critical elements behind.

16 (Records 1-16 displayed on this page)
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