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Journal Articles

Continuum excitations in a spin supersolid on a triangular lattice

Zhu, M.*; Romerio, V.*; Steiger, N.*; Nabi, S. D.*; Murai, Naoki; Kawamura, Seiko; Povarov, K. Y.*; Skourski, Y.*; Sibille, R.*; Keller, L.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 133(18), p.186704_1 - 186704_6, 2024/11

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Brightening triplet excitons enable high-performance white-light emission in organic small molecules via integrating n-$$pi^*/pi$$-$$pi^*$$ transitions

Yang, Q.*; Yang, X.*; Wang, Y.*; Fei, Y.*; Li, F.*; Zheng, H.*; Li, K.*; Han, Y.*; Hattori, Takanori; Zhu, P.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.7778_1 - 7778_9, 2024/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:0.00(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Luminescent materials that simultaneously embody bright singlet and triplet excitons hold great potential in optoelectronics, signage, and information encryption. However, achieving high-performance white-light emission is severely hampered by their inherent unbalanced contribution of fluorescence and phosphorescence. Herein, we address this challenge by pressure treatment engineering via hydrogen bonding cooperativity effect to realize the mixture of n-$$pi^*/pi$$-$$pi^*$$ transitions, where the triplet state emission was boosted from 7% to 40% in isophthalic acid (IPA). A superior white-light emission based on hybrid fluorescence and phosphorescence was harvested in pressure-treated IPA, and the photoluminescence quantum yield was increased to 75% from the initial 19% (blue-light emission). In-situ high-pressure IR spectra, X ray diffraction, and neutron diffraction reveal continuous strengthening of the hydrogen bonds with the increase of pressure. Furthermore, this enhanced hydrogen bond is retained down to the ambient conditions after pressure treatment, awarding the targeted IPA efficient intersystem crossing for balanced singlet/triplet excitons population and resulting in efficient white-light emission. This work not only proposes a route for brightening triplet states in organic small molecule, but also regulates the ratio of singlet and triplet excitons to construct high-performance white-light emission.

Journal Articles

Antiferromagnetism and phase stability of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy

Zhu, L.*; He, H.*; Naeem, M.*; Sun, X.*; Qi, J.*; Liu, P.*; Harjo, S.; Nakajima, Kenji; Li, B.*; Wang, X.-L.*

Physical Review Letters, 133(12), p.126701_1 - 126701_6, 2024/09

 Times Cited Count:1

Journal Articles

Anomalous dislocation response to deformation strain in CrFeCoNiPd high-entropy alloys with nanoscale chemical fluctuations

Ying, H.*; Yang, X.*; He, H.*; Yan, A.*; An, K.*; Ke, Y.*; Wu, Z.*; Tang, S.*; Zhang, Z.*; Dong, H.*; et al.

Scripta Materialia, 250, p.116181_1 - 116181_7, 2024/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:63.56(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Microscopic insights of the extraordinary work-hardening due to phase transformation

Ma, Y.*; Naeem, M.*; Zhu, L.*; He, H.*; Sun, X.*; Yang, Z.*; He, F.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Wang, X.-L.*

Acta Materialia, 270, p.119822_1 - 119822_13, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:81.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Low spin spectroscopy of neutron-rich $$^{43,44,45}$$Cl via $$beta^-$$ and $$beta n$$ decay

Tripathi, V.*; Bhattacharya, S.*; Rubino, E.*; Benetti, C.*; Perello, J. F.*; Tabor, S. L.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Bender, P. C.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Carroll, J. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 109(4), p.044320_1 - 044320_15, 2024/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Phase transformation and equation of state in Ti-45Al alloy under high pressure

Li, X.*; Zhu, R.*; Xin, J.*; Luo, M.*; Shang, S.-L.*; Liu, Z.-K.*; Yin, C.*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; Higo, Yuji*; et al.

CALPHAD; Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 84, p.102641_1 - 102641_6, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Thermodynamics)

Journal Articles

Extreme phonon anharmonicity underpins superionic diffusion and ultralow thermal conductivity in argyrodite Ag$$_{8}$$SnSe$$_{6}$$

Ren, Q.*; Gupta, M. K.*; Jin, M.*; Ding, J.*; Wu, J.*; Chen, Z.*; Lin, S.*; Fabelo, O.*; Rodriguez-Velamazan, J. A.*; Kofu, Maiko; et al.

Nature Materials, 22(8), p.999 - 1006, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:99.20(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Chiral perturbation theory for heavy hadrons and chiral effective field theory for heavy hadronic molecules

Meng, L.*; Wang, B.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physics Reports; A Review Section of Physics Letters, 1019, p.1 - 149, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:93 Percentile:97.70(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

The Investigations of the $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states combining quark model and lattice QCD in the coupled channel framework

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2023(1), p.058_1 - 058_19, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:70.34(Physics, Particles & Fields)

Combining the quark model, the quark-pair-creation mechanism and $$B^{(*)}bar K$$ interaction, we have investigated the near-threshold $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states in the framework of the Hamiltonian effective field theory. With the heavy quark flavor symmetry, all the parameters are determined in the $$D_s$$ sector by fitting the lattice data. The masses of the bottom-strange partners of the $$D^{*}_{s0}(2317)$$ and $$D^{*}_{s1}(2460)$$ are predicted, which are well consistent with the lattice QCD simulation. The two $$P$$-wave $$B_s$$ states are the mixtures of the bare $$bar b s$$ core and $$B^{(*)}bar K$$ component. Moreover, we find a crossing point between the energy levels with and without the interaction Hamiltonian in the finite volume spectrum in the $$0^+$$ case, which corresponds to a CDD (Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson) zero in the $$T$$-matrix of the $$Bbar K$$ scattering. This CDD zero will help deepen the insights of the near-threshold states and can be examined by future lattice calculation.

Journal Articles

$$beta^-$$ decay of exotic P and S isotopes with neutron number near 28

Tripathi, V.*; Bhattacharya, S.*; Rubino, E.*; Benetti, C.*; Perello, J. F.*; Tabor, S. L.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Bender, P. C.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Carroll, J. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064314_1 - 064314_14, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:58.74(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Novel coupled channel framework connecting the quark model and lattice QCD for the near-threshold $$D_s$$ states

Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physical Review Letters, 128(11), p.112001_1 - 112001_6, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:95.20(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A novel framework is proposed to extract near-threshold resonant states from finite-volume energy levels of lattice QCD and is applied to elucidate structures of the positive parity $$D_s$$. The quark model, the quark-pair-creation mechanism and $$D^{(*)}K$$ interaction are incorporated into the Hamiltonian effective field theory. The bare $$1^+$$ $$cbar s$$ states are almost purely given by the states with heavy-quark spin bases. The physical $$D^*_{s0}(2317)$$ and $$D^*_{s1}(2460)$$ are the mixtures of bare $$cbar s$$ core and $$D^{(*)}K$$ component, while the $$D^*_{s1}(2536)$$ and $$D^*_{s2}(2573)$$ are almost dominated by bare $$cbar{s}$$. Furthermore, our model well reproduce the clear level crossing of the $$D^*_{s1}(2536)$$ with the scattering state at a finite volume.

Journal Articles

Revisit the isospin violating decays of $$X$$(3872)

Meng, L.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wang, B.*; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physical Review D, 104(9), p.094003_1 - 094003_8, 2021/11

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:85.20(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The isospin violating decays of $$X(3872)$$ are revisited in a coupled-channel effective field theory. In a cutoff-independent formalism, we relate the coupling constants of $$X(3872)$$ with the two channels to the molecular wave function. The isospin violating decays of $$X(3872)$$ are obtained by two equivalent approaches, which amend some deficiencies about this issue in literature. In the quantum field theory approach, the isospin violating decays arise from the coupling constants of $$X(3872)$$ to two di-meson channels. In the quantum mechanics approach, the isospin violating is attributed to wave functions at the origin. We bridge the isospin violating decays of $$X(3872)$$ to its inner structure. Our results show that the proportion of the neutral channel in $$X(3872)$$ is over 80%. As a by-product, we find that the strong decay width and radiative decay width are about 30 keV and 10 keV, respectively, for the binding energy from -300 keV to -50 keV.

Journal Articles

Solving the puzzles of the decay of the heaviest known proton-emitting nucleus $$^{185}$$Bi

Doherty, D. T.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Seweryniak, D.*; Woods, P. J.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Auranen, K.*; Ayangeakaa, A. D.*; Back, B. B.*; Bottoni, S.*; Canete, L.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(20), p.202501_1 - 202501_6, 2021/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:67.42(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Implications of the $$Z_{cs}$$(3985) and $$Z_{cs}$$(4000) as two different states

Meng, L.*; Wang, B.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Zhu, S.-L.*

Science Bulletin, 66(20), p.2065 - 2071, 2021/10

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:86.07(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Two recently found tetraquark resonances $$Z_{cs}$$(3985) and $$Z_{cs}$$(4000) are studied in a solvable nonrelativistic effective field theory. We include the possible violations of heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3) flavor symmetry in a comprehensive approach. Our results show that the decay rates can be used to judge whether these resonances can be different states or not.

Journal Articles

Martensitic transformation in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy at cryogenic temperature

Naeem, M.*; Zhou, H.*; He, H.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Zhu, Y.*; Wang, X.-L.*

Applied Physics Letters, 119(13), p.131901_1 - 131901_7, 2021/09

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:72.74(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Probing the long-range structure of the $$T^{+}_{cc}$$ with the strong and electromagnetic decays

Meng, L.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wang, B.*; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physical Review D, 104(5), p.L051502_1 - L051502_8, 2021/09

 Times Cited Count:76 Percentile:98.46(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

We investigate the kinetically allowed strong and electromagnetic decays of the recently observed $$T^+_{cc}$$. Our results show that the decay width of $$T_{cc}to D^0D^0pi^+$$ is the largest one, which is just the experimental observation channel. Our theoretical total strong and radiative widths are in favor of the $$T_{cc}$$ as a $$D^{*+}D^0$$ dominated bound state. Our calculation is cutoff-independent and without prior isospin assignment. The absolute partial widths and ratios of the different decay channels can be used to test the structure of $$T_{cc}$$ state when the updated experimental results are available.

Journal Articles

Nanoscale heterogeneity induced by nonmagnetic Zn dopants in the quantum critical metal CeCoIn$$_5$$; $$^{115}$$In NQR/NMR and $$^{59}$$Co NMR study

Sakai, Hironori; Tokunaga, Yo; Kambe, Shinsaku; Zhu, J.-X.*; Ronning, F.*; Thompson, J. D.*; Ramakrishna, S. K.*; Reyes, A. P.*; Suzuki, Kohei*; Oshima, Yoshiki*; et al.

Physical Review B, 104(8), p.085106_1 - 085106_12, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:27.02(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Antiferromagnetism in a prototypical quantum critical metal CeCoIn$$_5$$ is known to be induced by slight substitutions of non-magnetic Zn atoms for In. In nominally 7% Zn substituted CeCoIn$$_5$$, an antiferromagnetic (AFM) state coexists with heavy fermion superconductivity. Heterogeneity of the electronic states is investigated in Zn doped CeCoIn$$_5$$ by means of nuclear quadrupole and magnetic resonances (NQR and NMR). Site-dependent NQR relaxation rates $$1/T_1$$ indicate that the AFM state is locally nucleated around Zn substituents in the matrix of a heavy fermion state, and percolates through the bulk at the AFM transition temperature $$T_{rm N}$$. At lower temperatures, an anisotropic superconducting (SC) gap below the SC transition temperature $$T_{rm c}$$, and the SC state permeates through the AFM regions via a SC proximity effect. Applying an external magnetic field induces a spin-flop transition near 5 T, reducing the volume of the AFM regions. Consequently, a short ranged inhomogeneous AFM state survives and coexists with a paramagnetic Fermi liquid state at high fields.

Journal Articles

Higher fully charmed tetraquarks; Radial excitations and $$P$$-wave states

Wang, G.-J.*; Meng, L.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

Physical Review D, 104(3), p.036016_1 - 036016_15, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:89.02(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Radial excited states and $$P$$-wave excited states of the fully charmed tetraquark spectrum was studied in the quark model. In the standard model settings, we find that several states may correspond to the observed X(6900) region. The possible quantum numbers are $$0^{++}$$, $$2^{++}$$, $$1^{+-}$$, and $$2^{-+}$$ states.

Journal Articles

Mass spectrum and strong decays of tetraquark $$bar c bar s qq$$ states

Wang, G.-J.*; Meng, L.*; Xiao, L.-Y.*; Oka, Makoto; Zhu, S.-L.*

European Physical Journal C, 81(2), p.188_1 - 188_12, 2021/02

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:92.14(Physics, Particles & Fields)

The mass spectrum and strong decays of the S-wave $$bar c bar s qq$$ states are studied in the compact tetraquark scenario with the quark model. The model consists of the Coulomb, the linear confinement, and the hyperfine interactions. We calculate their decay amplitudes into the $$D^{-(*)}K^{(*)}$$ channels using the quark interchange method. The mass and decay width of the $$I(J^P)=1(0^+)$$ state are $$M = 2941$$ MeV and $$Gamma_X=26.6$$ MeV, respectively, which indicates that it might be a good candidate for the recently observed $$X^0(2900)$$ state. We also obtain an isospin partner state $$I(J^P)= 0(0^+)$$ with $$M =2649$$ MeV and $$Gamma_{Xto D^- K}= 48.1$$ MeV, respectively. Future experimental search for $$X(2649)$$ will be very helpful.

52 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)