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Saibene, G.*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Lnnroth, J.*; Andrew, Y.*; la Luna, E. de.*; Giroud, C.*; Huysmans, G. T. A.*; Kamada, Yutaka; Kempenaars, M. A. H.*; Loarte, A.*; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 47(8), p.969 - 983, 2007/08
Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:74.52(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)This paper summarizes results of dimensionless identity experiments in JT-60U and JET, aimed at the comparison of the H-mode pedestal and ELM behaviour in the two devices. In general, pedestal pressure in JT-60U is lower than in JET. These results motivated a closer investigation of experimental conditions in the two devices, to identify possible "hidden" physics that prevents obtaining a good match of pedestal values over a large range of plasmas parameters. Ripple-induced ion losses of the medium bore plasma used in JT-60U for the similarity experiments are identified as the main difference with JET. The magnitude of the JT-60U ripple losses is sufficient to induce counter-toroidal rotation in co-injected plasma. The influence of ripple losses was demonstrated at high q plasma: reducing ripple losses by 2 by replacing positive with negative neutral beam injection resulted in an increased pedestal pressure in JT-60U, providing a good match to full power JET H-modes.
Maggi, C. F.*; Groebner, R. J.*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Sartori, R.*; Horton, L. D.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Suttrop, W.*; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Leonard, A.*; Luce, T. C.*; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 47(7), p.535 - 551, 2007/07
Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:87.82(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)Pedestal and global plasma parameters are compared in ELMy H-modes and improved confinement discharges from ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D, JET and JT-60U with varying net input power. The pedestal top pressure increases moderately with power, in broad agreement with the power dependence of the H98(y,2) scaling. For all machines and all scenarios a robust correlation between the total and the pedestal thermal stored energy is observed. In AUG the improved confinement is due to improved pedestal confinement in improved H-modes with early heating and to both improved pedestal and core confinement in improved H-modes with late heating. In DIII-D the increase in confinement is due to improved confinement in the plasma core. JT-60U reversed shear H-modes have strong internal transport barriers and thus improved core performance. In all four tokamaks improved edge stability is correlated with increasing total and H98(y,2) increases with pedestal .
Maggi, C. F.*; Groebner, R. J.*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Sartori, R.*; Horton, L. D.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Suttrop, W.*; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Leonard, T.*; Luce, T. C.*; et al.
Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03
Pedestal and global plasma parameters are compared in ELMy H-mode discharges from ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D, JET and JT-60U. The increase in pedestal pressure (p) with power is continuous, reflecting the continuous transition from "standard H-mode" to "improved confinement scenario". In AUG improved H-modes p increases with power due to an increase of both pedestal top density and temperature. In DIII-D p increases primarily due to an increase of the pedestal temperature. In JT-60U high H-modes at = 6.5 and high the improved confinement is due to an increase of , while in reversed shear H-modes to an increase of . In JET hybrid discharges at 1.4 MA increases with power and due to an increase of . In all four tokamaks improved edge stability is correlated to increasing total and H98(y,2) increases with pedestal .
Saibene, G.*; Hatae, Takaki; Campbell, D. J.*; Cordey, J. G.*; la Luna, E. de.*; Giroud, C.*; Guenther, K.*; Kamada, Yutaka; Kempenaars, M. A. H.*; Loarte, A.*; et al.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 46(5A), p.A195 - A205, 2004/05
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:31.56(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)Towards establishment of the control scheme and evaluation of the H-mode pedestal structure and behavior of the Edge Localized Mode (ELM) in ITER, we carried out an comparison experiment among the two large tokamaks (JT-60 and JET) for the first time. This paper report the initial results. In both devices, the same plasma shape was adopted and the three non-dimensional parameters (beta, normalized gyro radius and the normalized collisionality) were set identical. The pedestal width was almost similar in the two devices, however the pressure gradient was higher in JET by a factor of 1.5. The possible reason is a small aspect ration in JET.
Saibene, G.*; McDonald, D. C.*; Beurskens, M.*; Salmi, A.*; Lonnroth, J. S.*; Parail, V.*; de Vries, P.*; Andrew, Y.*; Budny, R.*; Boboc, A.*; et al.
no journal, ,
This paper describes the results of dedicated experiments carried out in JET, where H-mode plasmas properties were studied for varying levels of toroidal field ripple, in the range from 0.08% (natural for JET) up to 1%. The experiments were carried out in the ELMy H-mode regime with q =3 to 3.6, to investigate the effect of on pedestal and core properties of the plasma. These experiments show that toroidal field ripple has a clear effect on H-mode properties, although the physics mechanisms at the root of the reduced energy confinement with have not been identified unambiguously. Plasma density pump out and reduction of the global energy confinement is found for 0.5%, but the magnitude of this effect depends on plasma parameters. Ripple may also affect pedestal pressure, as well as size and frequency of ELMs. Plasma toroidal rotation was also strongly affected by ripple.