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Oral presentation

Applicability of metal boride hardness measurement using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), 1; Simultaneous measuring of elemental composition information and hardness

Makuuchi, Etsuyo*; Nagayama, Sakiko*; Abe, Yuta; Okazaki, Kodai*; Kawakami, Tomohiko*; Oishi, Yuji*; Otaka, Masahiko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Applicability of metal boride hardness measurement using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), 2; Element distribution of metal boride specimens with complicated composition

Okazaki, Kodai*; Kawakami, Tomohiko*; Nagayama, Sakiko*; Abe, Yuta; Otaka, Masahiko; Makuuchi, Etsuyo*; Oishi, Yuji*; Takagai, Yoshitaka*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Molecular weight distribution of actinide ions complexed with humic acid measured by gel electrophoresis techniques

Nakano, Sumika*; Marumo, Kazuki*; Haraga, Tomoko; Tasaki-Handa, Yuiko*; Saito, Shingo*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Nitrate ion and tributyl phosphate concentration dependence of europium extraction / back extraction rate in micro organic droplet / nitric acid solution system

Kusano, Yuka*; Miyagawa, Akihisa*; Nagatomo, Shigenori*; Nakatani, Kiyoharu*; Sano, Yuichi

no journal, , 

The solvent extraction / back-extraction process of europium with tributyl phosphate was kinetically analyzed from the microfluorescence measurement of micro organic droplets. From the rate constant dependence on nitric acid, nitrate ion, and tributyl phosphate concentrations, it was clarified that extraction is governed by the movement of europium with two nitrate ions at the organic-aqueous interface, and the quantitative relationship between the inverse extraction rate and these concentrations.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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