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Journal Articles

Geophysical surveys in uranium exploration

Shigeta, Naotaka

Saishin No Butsuri Tansa Tekiyo Jireishu, p.61 - 68, 2008/10

Despite of a short history of uranium exploration, many deposits were found during just fifty years or so since the start of survey operations by making full use of geophysical surveys. For the efficient exploration considering the diversity of the deposits, it is indispensable to select an exploration flow based on establishing an appropriate model of physical properties of a uranium deposit and regional characteristics such as surface conditions. In 1990s PNC was establishing or restructuring exploration flows on unconformity-related deposits, of which type has been positioned prior to all in terms of economical merit. Deposit models and exploration flows should be revised constantly by solving various technical issues basing on the latest interpretation of obtained data. On and after 1990s, the deposit discovery rate is strikingly decreasing. This fact indicates that we are in the phase where major revises of models and exploration flows are required.

Journal Articles

Roles of geophysical exploration with regard to the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste and development of geophysical exploration techniques in the scientific research for deep geological environments

Shigeta, Naotaka

Saishin No Butsuri Tansa Tekiyo Jireishu, p.257 - 264, 2008/10

Geological environments are required mainly two functions in terms of ensuring the safety for geological disposal of high-revel radioactive waste. One relates to long-term stabilities of a site and the other to properties of host rocks and groundwater that facilitate the emplacement and function as natural barrier. Geophysical surveys are expected to play important roles providing both implementation and safety regulation with information on deep geological environments. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, from the era of its predecessors, is carrying out studies on systematic methodology for evaluating geological environments. Useful knowledge including on geophysical survey has been obtained through the studies.

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