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Journal Articles

Recent status of the cryogenic sample environment at the MLF, J-PARC

Ishikado, Motoyuki*; Takahashi, Ryuta*; Yamauchi, Yasuhiro*; Nakamura, Masatoshi*; Ishimaru, Sora*; Yamauchi, Sara*; Kawamura, Seiko; Kira, Hiroshi*; Sakaguchi, Yoshifumi*; Watanabe, Masao; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 41, p.011010_1 - 011010_7, 2024/05

Journal Articles

Application of control software framework to sample environment equipment in J-PARC MLF

Hasemi, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Ryuta*; Yamauchi, Yasuhiro*; Ishikado, Motoyuki*; Kawamura, Seiko; Komine, Ryota

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 41, p.011003_1 - 011003_5, 2024/03

Journal Articles

New standard for low temperature sample environment at JAEA/JRR-3

Kaneko, Koji; Tabata, Chihiro; Hagihara, Masato; Yamauchi, Hiroki; Oba, Yojiro; Kumada, Takayuki; Kubota, Masato; Kojima, Yuki*; Nabatame, Nozomi; Sasaki, Miki; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 41, p.011015_1 - 011015_6, 2024/03

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Neutron scattering measurements under pressure using a piston cylinder cell at chopper spectrometer AMATERAS

Kawamura, Seiko; Hattori, Takanori; Kambara, Wataru*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

PLANET: High-pressure beamline in J-PARC

Hattori, Takanori; Sano, Asami; Machida, Shinichi*; Abe, Jun*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Okazaki, Nobuo*; Kakizawa, Sho*

no journal, , 

PLANET is the neutron beamline dedicated to high-pressure experiments in J-PARC. One of most characteristic features is its ability to conduct diffraction measurements simultaneously at high pressures and high temperatures up to 24 GPa and 1200 K, respectively. Another characteristic feature is its ability to collect clean pattern without parasitic scattering from materials around sample by defining the diffraction gauge volume with narrow incident slits and radial collimators with a field of view of 0.8-3.0 mm at the sample position. This enables precise structure determination not only of crystals but also of liquids and amorphous solids. Furthermore, it also enables the use of smaller samples, which contributes to increase maximum available pressure. In this presentation, the performance and recent developments of the beamline will be introduced along with recent scientific results obtained at PLANET.

Oral presentation

Development and application of techniques for low- temperature and high-pressure single crystal neutron diffraction

Munakata, Koji*; Osakabe, Toyotaka

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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