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Oral presentation

Dependence of the yields of AP clusters produced in plasmid DNA on scavenger capacity and LET

Shiina, Takuya; Sugaya, Yuki; Shiraishi, Iyo; Watanabe, Ritsuko; Suzuki, Masao*; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Variation in DNA damage induced by monochromatic soft X-rays in the energy region of oxygen K-edge

Sugaya, Yuki; Shiina, Takuya; Shiraishi, Iyo; Fujii, Kentaro; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Significance of strand break repair in determining the mutagenic potential of clustered DNA damage

Shikazono, Naoya; Noguchi, Miho; Urushibara, Ayumi; O'Neill, P.*; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Order effect of base excision processes to repair clustered DNA damage

Shiraishi, Iyo; Shiina, Takuya; Sugaya, Yuki; Shikazono, Naoya; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

DNA damage caused by UV-A irradiation induces genetic instability

Urushibara, Ayumi; Kodama, Seiji*; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Simulation study of microdosimetry and distribution of DNA damage including base damage

Watanabe, Ritsuko; Shiina, Takuya*; Yokoya, Akinari

no journal, , 

This study aims to examine and develop the production models of base damage in order to obtain the detail of the spectrum of initial DNA damage consisting of strand breaks and base lesions. Monte Carlo track structure code for ions TRACION and the DBREAK code system were used for the simulation for irradiation by photons and ions. The number and configuration of lesions on the DNA segment within a few tens base pairs length were estimated. In the presentation, the tested results will be compared with some available experimental data and examine. The detail of the positional distribution of damages which may be related to the inhibition of repair processing will be presented. In addition, the obtained DNA damage spectrum will be discussed related to not only LET but also microdosimetric quantities as specific energy or linear energy.

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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