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検索結果: 8 件中 1件目~8件目を表示
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Strangeness physics programs by S-2S at J-PARC

後神 利志*; 江端 健悟; 藤田 真奈美; 原田 健志; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; Kim, S.; 七村 拓野; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.11002_1 - 11002_7, 2022/11

In the K1.8 beam-line at Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, a new magnetic spectrometer S-2S is being installed. S-2S was designed to achieve a high momentum resolution of $$Delta p/p = 6 times 10^{-4}$$ in FWHM. Several strangeness-physics programs which require the high resolution will be realized by S-2S. The present article introduces J-PARC E70 (missing-mass spectroscopy of $$_{Xi}^{12}$$Be) and E94 (missing-mass spectroscopy of $$_{Lambda}^7$$Li, $$_{Lambda}^{10}$$B, and $$_{Lambda}^{12}$$C) experiments.


Studying $$phi$$ meson properties in nuclear matter from dilepton and $$K^+K^-$$ decays

Gubler, P.; Bratkovskaya, E.*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.09004_1 - 09004_4, 2022/11

There is presently no consensus on how the $$phi$$ meson mass and width will change once it is put in a dense environment such as nuclear matter. While many theoretical works exist, connecting them with experimental measurements remains non-trivial task, as the $$phi$$ meson in nuclear matter is usually produced in high-energy pA reactions, which are generally non-equilibrium processes. In this presentation I will report on an ongoing project, attempting to simulate pA reactions in which the $$phi$$ meson is produced in nuclei, making use of a transport approach. Results of simulations of 12 GeV/30 GeV p+C and p+Cu reactions will be presented and comparisons between obtained dilepton spectra and experimental data of the E325 experiment at KEK will be made. Furthermore, predictions for the ongoing J-PARC E16 experiment for both dilepton and $$K^{+}K^{-}$$ spectra will be given and discussed.


X ray spectroscopy on $$Xi$$$$^-$$ atoms (J-PARC E03, E07 and future)

山本 剛史; 藤田 真奈美; 後神 利志*; 原田 健志*; 早川 修平*; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 石川 勇二*; 鎌田 健人*; 叶内 萌香*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.03001_1 - 03001_5, 2022/11

X-ray spectroscopy of hadronic atoms give us various information on the strong interaction between hadrons and nuclei. At J-PARC, we are aiming for the world-first detection of the X rays from atoms with a doubly strange hyperon, $$Xi$$$$^-$$. Recently, two experiments, J-PARC E07 and J-PARC E03, have been performed for the detection of X rays from $$Xi$$$$^-$$ atoms. Overview and status of these measurements will be presented. We will also discuss future plan of X-ray spectroscopy on $$Xi$$$$^-$$-atoms, which can be performed together with high resolution $$Xi$$$$^-$$ hyper nuclear spectroscopy using newly constructed S-2S spectrometer. Preparation status will be shown in this contribution.


High resolution spectroscopy of the "$$Sigma$$N cusp" at J-PARC (J-PARC P90)

市川 裕大

no journal, , 

Recently, we have proposed a new experiment (J-PARC P90 experiment) to measure the missing-mass spectrum around the $$Sigma N$$ threshold in the d(K$$^{-}$$, $$pi^{-}$$) reaction at 1.4 GeV/c. A clear enhancement was observed near the $$Sigma$$ N threshold, so called "$$Sigma$$N cusp", for a long time ago. However, the dynamical origin of this enhancement remains unclear as yet. Especially, whether "$$Sigma$$N cusp", is cusp or unstable bound state has not been determined yet. One of the key to make it clear is to improve the missing-mass resolution and statistics. In this experiment, we can achieve the missing-mass resolution of 0.4 MeV in $$sigma$$ by using K1.8 beam line and S-2S spectrometers at J-PARC. Moreover, we will additionally install the time projection chamber (HypTPC), which was developed for the other J-PARC experiment (E42: H-dibaryon search), to suppress quasi-free backgrounds by detecting the charged tracks of the decay products. We can deduce the scattering length of $$Sigma$$N system with isospin T = 1/2 and spin triplet channel in this experiment.


Result of the $$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray measurement at J-PARC E07

藤田 真奈美

no journal, , 

$$Xi^-$$原子X線分光はS=-2体系における強い相互作用を理解するために有用な実験手法である。実験の非常に難しい点は、生成した$$Xi^-$$ハイペロンの崩壊に起因して大量にバックグラウンドが生じる事である。そこで我々は、原子核乾板(エマルション)を用いた静止$$Xi^-$$選択法を開発した。この手法の導入により信号雑音比の良いクリーンなX線スペクトルの取得が期待された。我々は、J-PARC K1.8ビームラインにおいてカウンター-エマルションハイブリット法を用いた$$Xi^-$$原子X線測定を実施した。$$Xi^-$$ハイペロンは$$(K^-, K^+)$$反応により生成し、磁気スぺクトロメータとシリコンストリップ検出器を用いて、反応分光と生成$$Xi^-$$ハイペロンの飛跡を解析した。この飛跡解析により、エマルション表面の$$Xi^-$$ハイペロン入射地点を予測でき、短時間での効率の良い解析を実現した。$$Xi^-$$原子X線は、ゲルマニウム検出器アレイ(Hyperball-X)により測定した。本講演では、銀と臭素の$$Xi^-$$原子X線測定の最終結果を報告する。


Chiral effective theory of diquarks and application to heavy hadron spectrum

岡 眞

no journal, , 



Search for the $$bar KNNN$$ bound state in the $$Lambda dn$$ final states of the in-flight $$K^-$$ reaction on $$^4$$ He

橋本 直

no journal, , 

In recent years, the possible existence of deeply-bound $$bar K$$ nuclear bound states has been widely discussed as a consequence of the strongly attractive $$bar KN$$ interaction in I = 0 channels. Very recently, J-PARC E15 experiment reported an observation of the simplest kaonic nuclei, $$bar KNN$$, in the $$Lambda p$$ invariant-spectrum of the in-flight $$K^-$$ reaction on helium-3. Observation of other kaonic nuclei would provide a further support for the existence of such exotic states. Furthermore, mass-number dependence of kaonic nuclear systems would be of great importance to study interplay between the $$bar KN$$ attraction and the $$NN$$ repulsion at short distances. We collected $$K^-$$-induced data on helium-4 as a feasibility test of a lifetime measurement of light hypernuclei (J-PARC T77) in June 2020. In this contribution, we would like to present the latest results of the $$Lambda dn$$ analysis, and discuss future prospects towards more comprehensive investigation of the $$bar KNNN$$ system.


Exotic hadrons at Belle and Belle II

谷田 聖

no journal, , 

Belle and Belle II are B-factory experiments using electron-positron collisions. Not only particle physics, but also hadron spectroscopy is actively pursued in the experiments. In this talk, we will present recent results on exotic (and conventional) hadrons from the Belle experiment and on the status and prospects of the Belle II experiment.

8 件中 1件目~8件目を表示
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