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Journal Articles

Investigation of irradiation conditions for recurrent breast cancer in JRR-4

Horiguchi, Hironori; Nakamura, Takemi; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Yanagie, Hironobu*; Suzuki, Minoru*; Sagawa, Hisashi

Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-14) (CD-ROM), p.234 - 237, 2010/10

Recurrent breast cancer has been considered the application for boron neutron capture therapy using the JRR-4. The investigation of irradiation conditions for the recurrent breast cancer was performed by simulation with the JCDS. We performed the preliminary dosimetry of the model to verify the efficient irradiation conditions such as the neutron energy modes and multiple field technique. From the result, when the 30 Gy-Eq dose as minimum dose was delivered to the cancers, comparable dose distribution was delivered at the healthy tissues by both a one-port irradiation from anterior direction and a two-port irradiation from tangential direction. We revealed that the two-port irradiation was not valid to reduce the healthy tissues dose due to the isotopic scattering of neutrons in the body. We concluded that the optimal irradiation condition was the one-port irradiation with thermal neutron beam mode in terms of less healthy tissues dose and shorter irradiation time.

Journal Articles

Resumption of JRR-4 and characteristics of the neutron beam for BNCT

Nakamura, Takemi; Horiguchi, Hironori; Kishi, Toshiaki; Motohashi, Jun; Sasajima, Fumio; Kumada, Hiroaki*

Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-14) (CD-ROM), p.379 - 382, 2010/10

The clinical trials of BNCT have been conducted using JRR-4. The JRR-4 stopped in January 2008, because the graphite reflector was considerably damaged. For this reason, the specifications of graphite reflectors were renewal. All existing graphite reflectors of JRR-4 were changed by new graphite reflectors. The resumption of JRR-4 was carried out with new graphite reflectors in February 2010. We measured the characteristics of neutron beam at the JRR-4 Neutron Beam Facility. A cylindrical water phantom was put the gap for 1cm from the beam port. TLD and gold wire were inserted within the phantom when the phantom was irradiated. The results of the measured thermal neutron flux and the $$gamma$$ dose in water were compared with MCNP calculations. The calculated results showed the same tendency with the experimental results. These results are proceeding well and will be reported in full paper at July 2010.

Journal Articles

Multistep lattice-voxel method utilizing lattice function for Monte-Carlo treatment planning with pixel based voxel model

Kumada, Hiroaki*; Saito, Kimiaki; Nakamura, Takemi; Sakae, Takeji*; Sakurai, Hideyuki*; Matsumura, Akira*; Ono, Koji*

Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-14) (CD-ROM), p.238 - 241, 2010/10

Journal Articles

Characteristics measurement of thermal neutron filter developed for improvement of therapeutic dose distribution of JRR-4

Kumada, Hiroaki*; Nakamura, Takemi; Horiguchi, Hironori; Matsumura, Akira*

Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-14) (CD-ROM), p.414 - 417, 2010/10

Journal Articles

Feasible evaluation of neutron capture therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma using selective enhancement of boron accumulation in tumour with intra-arterial administration of boron-entrapped water-in-oil-in-water emulsion

Yanagie, Hironobu*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Nakamura, Takemi; Higashi, Shushi*; Ikushima, Ichiro*; Morishita, Yasuyuki*; Shinohara, Atsuko*; Fujiwara, Mitsuteru*; Suzuki, Minoru*; Sakurai, Yoshinori*; et al.

Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-14) (CD-ROM), p.157 - 160, 2010/10

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