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梶本 亮一; 中村 充孝; 蒲沢 和也*; 稲村 泰弘; 飯田 一樹*; 池内 和彦*; 石角 元志*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 272, p.02007_1 - 02007_8, 2022/11
4SEASONS is a direct geometry time-of-flight spectrometer installed in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility, the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. It is used to study atomic andspin dynamics in the energy range of meV to meV. Since more than a decade has crossed after the first inelastic scattering experiment, it is essential to consider upgrading the instrument to improve its flexibility and performance. In this paper, we discuss the possible medium-term upgrades of key components of the instrument like the chopper system, which are achievable with the current technology and at reasonable cost. Herein, we demonstrated that 4SEASONS can improve the energy resolution by a factor of two, remove frame overlap of adjacent incident energies, significantly improve the asymmetry in the pulse shape, and increase the flux by a factor of 1.5, without major technical difficulties.
中島 健次; 菊地 龍弥*; 河村 聖子; 神原 理*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 272, p.02012_1 - 02012_8, 2022/11
古府 麻衣子; 山室 修*; 綿貫 竜太*; 榊原 俊朗*; 河村 聖子; 村井 直樹; 中島 健次; 松浦 直人*; 上木 岳士*; 阿久津 和宏*; et al.
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川北 至信; 松浦 直人*; 富永 大輝*; 山田 武*; 玉造 博夢; 中川 洋; 大内 啓一*
no journal, ,
DNA is a time-of-flight backscattering spectrometer installed at BL02 neutron port seeing a coupled moderator of Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) aiming at revealing pico to nano second dynamics in a wide field of basic sciences and industrial applications including soft matter, bio-molecules, chemical molecules, battery, catalyst, and magnetism. Recent scientific outcomes exhibit a wide variety of research fields and methods of experiments and data analyses. In my presentation, current status and upgrade plan in near future of the DNA spectrometer and typical experiments demonstrating its performance will be presented.