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Journal Articles

Direct stress measurement of Si(111) 7$$times$$7 reconstruction

Asaoka, Hidehito; Yamazaki, Tatsuya; Yokoyama, Yuta; Yamaguchi, Kenji

Journal of Crystal Growth, 378, p.37 - 40, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:31.47(Crystallography)

We have focused on stress measurements of the reconstructed Si(111) 7$$times$$7 and the H-terminated Si(111) 1$$times$$1 surfaces. In order to obtain information on both the surface stress and the surface structure simultaneously, we have combined the surface-curvature and the reflection-high-electron-energy-diffraction instrumentations in an identical ultrahigh vacuum system. At the beginning of Ge wetting layer growth on H-terminated Si(111), the stress gradient drastically changes accompanied by change in the surface structure resulting from the H desorption. Comparison of the surface stress behaviors between Ge wetting layer growth on the H-terminated Si(111) 1$$times$$1 and the Si(111) 7$$times$$7 surfaces reveals that the Si(111) 1$$times$$1 surface releases 1.6 N/m (=J/m$$^{2}$$), or (1.3 eV/(1$$times$$1 unit cell)), of the surface energy from the strong tensile Si(111) 7$$times$$7 reconstruction.

Journal Articles

Change of Si(110) reconstructed structure by Ge nanocluster formation

Yokoyama, Yuta; Yamazaki, Tatsuya; Asaoka, Hidehito

Journal of Crystal Growth, 378, p.230 - 232, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:23.21(Crystallography)

The initial processes of Ge nano cluster formation on Si(110)-16$$times$$2 reconstructed structure were investigated via scanning tunneling microscopy. For a small amount of Ge deposited on Si(110)-16$$times$$2 single-domain structure at room temperature, the surface structure did not change significantly. After direct current heating at 973 K for 20 min, the striped structure almost broken and disordered-like structure was formed on the terrace. With increasing the annealing time, the surface structure changed from disordered-like structure to the 16$$times$$2 double-domain structure and pyramidal nano clusters were formed at the domain boundary. These results suggest that the surface stress was induced by Ge nano cluster formation and the double-domain structure was formed in order to relax the stress.

Journal Articles

In situ three-dimensional X-ray reciprocal-space mapping of GaAs epitaxial films on Si(001)

Takahashi, Masamitsu; Nakata, Yuka*; Suzuki, Hidetoshi*; Ikeda, Kazuma*; Kozu, Miwa; Hu, W.; Oshita, Yoshio*

Journal of Crystal Growth, 378, p.34 - 36, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:42.01(Crystallography)

Oral presentation

In-situ X-ray diffraction during Au-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires

Kozu, Miwa; Hu, W.; Nakata, Yuka*; Takahashi, Masamitsu

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Characterization of self-assisted InAs nanowire on Si substrate during MBE growth using in-situ X-ray diffraction

Hu, W.; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Kozu, Miwa*; Nakata, Yuka*

no journal, , 

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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