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Journal Articles

ITER nuclear analysis strategy and requirements

Loughlin, M. J.*; Batistoni, P.*; Konno, Chikara; Fischer, U.*; Iida, Hiromasa; Petrizzi, L.*; Polunovskiy, E.*; Sawan, M.*; Wilson, P.*; Wu, Y.*

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(2), p.566 - 572, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:92.86(Nuclear Science & Technology)

It is envisaged that ITER should produce as much as 700 MW of fusion power. This equates to the production of 2.48$$times$$10$$^{20}$$ 14MeV neutrons/s which will give an uncollided flux at the first wall of approximately 4$$times$$10$$^{13}$$ n/cm$$^{2}$$/s and a total with the addition of the collided to some 10$$^{14}$$ n/cm$$^{2}$$/s. ITER is therefore a significant nuclear facility and it is essential that an efficient and coherent strategy for nuclear analysis is in place. This paper reviews the status of the methods applied to date and recommends the future strategy which ITER should adopt to address the continuing requirements and responsibilities. This is done by consideration of the application of radiation transport codes, the creation of suitable models, developments in information technology, and the management tools which will be required. Areas in which new codes and techniques need to be developed will be identified.

Journal Articles

Use of CAD generated geometry data in Monte Carlo transport calculations for ITER

Fischer, U.*; Iida, Hiromasa; Li, Y.*; Loughlin, M.*; Sato, Satoshi; Serikov, A.*; Tsige-Tamirat, H.*; Tautges, T.*; Wilson, P. P.*; Wu, Y.*

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(2), p.702 - 709, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:63.72(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Several approaches have been recently developed to make available CAD geometry data for Monte Carlo calculations with the MCNP code. Among these are conversion tools for the automatic generation of geometry models in MCNP representation such as MCAM of China, McCad of Germany, and GEOMIT of JAEA, as well as the direct DAG-MCNPX approach developed by USA. An extensive benchmark exercise has been conducted on ITER between 2005 and 2007 with the objective to test and validate the different approaches and thereby check the maturity level for ITER design applications. The exercise encompassed the generation of a dedicated neutronics CATIA model based on available engineering CAD design data, the conversion into MCNP geometry, the verification of the converted models, and a number of calculations to compare the different approaches with regard to the performance and the validity of the results obtained. The paper briefly reviews the different approaches and provides a detailed description of the ITER benchmark effort, its results and conclusions. As a key issue, the recommendations are discussed that need to be followed when generating a neutronics CAD model for ITER design calculations. This is considered essential since the ITER quality assurance requirements will request the consistency of the analysis models and the underlying engineering CAD models.

Journal Articles

Function of water molecule for tritium behavior on the water-metal boundary

Hayashi, Takumi; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Isobe, Kanetsugu; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Oyaizu, Makoto; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Ishikawa, Hirotada*; Oya, Yasuhisa*; Okuno, Kenji*

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(2), p.836 - 840, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:58.64(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Status of the BA-IFERC activities in Japan

Okumura, Yoshikazu

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(2), p.589 - 593, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.08(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Under the BA Agreement between EU and Japan, IFERC (International Fusion Energy Research Centre) project are undertaken at Rokkasho, Aomori, Japan. The IFERC project comprises three tasks, namely, (1) DEMO design and R&D coordination, (2) Fusion computer simulation, and (3) ITER remote experimentation. The DEMO task includes reactor design, materials development and technology R&D aiming at paving the way towards the demonstration of fusion power generation. The fusion computer simulation task, intimately linked to the ITER remote experimentation task, includes analysis and/or prediction of burning plasmas of ITER and of the JT-60SA, and also supports design and tests of reactor technology systems. Land preparation of the Rokkasho site has already been completed. The construction of the buildings started in March 2008 and will be completed in FY 2009, followed by the installation of the experimental equipments for the DEMO R&D.

Journal Articles

Progress of design and R&D of water cooled solid breeder test blanket module

Tsuru, Daigo; Enoeda, Mikio; Hirose, Takanori; Tanigawa, Hisashi; Ezato, Koichiro; Yokoyama, Kenji; Dairaku, Masayuki; Seki, Yohji; Suzuki, Satoshi; Mori, Kensuke*; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(2), p.875 - 882, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:44.17(Nuclear Science & Technology)

As the primary candidate of ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) for the first day of ITER operation, development of Water Cooled Solid Breeder (WCSB) TBM has been performed toward the TBM milestones, which are necessary for acceptance of the TBM in ITER for testing from the first day of plasma operation. Milestones of ITER TBMs prior to the installation consist of milestones on safety assessment, module qualification and design integration in ITER. This paper overviews the recent achievements for preparation of the WCSB TBM for ITER day-1 operation, toward the TBM milestones.

Journal Articles

Adsorption capacity of tritium on mordenite at low temperature

Kawamura, Yoshinori; Iwai, Yasunori; Hayashi, Takumi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Munakata, Kenzo*

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.168 - 172, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:35.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Synthesis zeolite is the candidate material of the separation column of the gas chromatograph for the hydrogen isotope analysis. Mordenite (MOR) is one of the zeolite, and has been reported that the MOR column can separate hydrogen isotope at about 200 K. So, the present authors have investigated the adsorption capacities of H$$_{2}$$ and D$$_{2}$$ on MOR at various temperatures, and have predicted the adsorption isotherms of HD, HT, DT and T$$_{2}$$. In this work, the adsorption capacities of tritium on MOR at 77 K and 87 K were investigated, and they were compared with the predicted isotherms. The observed isotherm at 87 K agreed with the predicted isotherm fairly well. However, at 77 K, the adsorption capacity at low presser region was smaller than the isotherm of D$$_{2}$$.

Journal Articles

Status of IFMIF EVEDA, one year after its start-up

Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Vermare, C.*; Shinto, Katsuhiro; Gr$"o$schel, F.*; Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Molla, J.*; Arnaud, J.*

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.259 - 266, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

One year has passed after the start of the Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA), which is a project performed under the Broader Approach Agreement of the fusion energy research between Japan and Europe. The project team to manage the overall activities was established at Rokkasho in Japan, and 12 people are working for planning and scheduling of whole project plan and for coordinating the annual work programs. In this year the management tools like WBS are defined and the detailed engineering design works are ready to start. However, as the collaboration between the project team and each contributing institutes in Japan and Europe is important to complete the fully integrated design of the IFMIF, a high level of the communication and sharing of information and knowledge is necessary to be established. The workshop like meeting is a good opportunity to discuss about the issues by all contributors at a single place. In the first meeting held in September the details of requirements/specifications for neutron generation, including ion beam - liquid lithium target - neutron irradiation capsule, concerned in their interfaces were defined.

Journal Articles

Measurement of reaction rate distribution in partial mockups for the ITER TBM with DT neutrons

Sato, Satoshi; Takakura, Kosuke; Ochiai, Kentaro; Kondo, Keitaro; Tatebe, Yosuke; Onishi, Seiki; Wada, Masayuki*; Kutsukake, Chuzo; Tanaka, Shigeru; Abe, Yuichi; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.227 - 231, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.08(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Previously DT neutronics experiments were performed by using partial blanket mockups for Japanese ITER test blanket module at JAEA FNS, and tritium production rates (TPR) inside blanket mockups were measured in details. The calculation with the nuclear data library FENDL-2.1 and Monte Carlo code MCNP4C agreed well with most of the measured TPRs within uncertainty of 10%. On the other hand, overestimations were found for the TPR in the experiment with a reflector and the TPR around the boundary between the rear part of the breeder layer and the beryllium layer by more than 10%. In order to confirm this concern, we measured reaction rate distribution in the partial blanket mockups with DT neutrons with two solid breeder blanket partial mockups, (Be/Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$/Be, SS316/Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$/SS316). Experiments were performed with and without a neutron source reflector. In order to measure reaction rate distributions, the activation foil method was applied using Nb and Au foils in this study. Experimental analyses were performed by MCNP4C with FENDL-2.1. Calculation results to experimental ones (C/Es) on the Au reaction rate with a reflector were larger than those without one. Detailed results are presented in this conference.

Journal Articles

Procurement preparation of ITER key components by JADA

Yoshino, Ryuji

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.20 - 28, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The Japanese Government designated JAEA as the Domestic Agency of Japan (JADA) just after the entry into force of the ITER Agreement on 24th Oct. 2007. JADA has about 80 persons at Naka-site to carry out the in kind procurement in the ITER Project, and administrative departments in JAEA do jobs necessary for the procurement. According to the Common Understandings on Procurement Allocation, in kind procurements of JADA is about 16% of the total: about a half of superconducting toroidal field (TF) coils (25% of conductors, 100% of structures, 9 windings, case assembly of 9 coils), 100% of conductors for central solenoid coils, the remote handling equipment for shield blankets, high voltage parts of the neutral beam heating system (power supplies, bushing, beam accelerator, etc), 8 gyrotrons and one equatorial launcher for EC heating system, 10% of first wall panels on the shield blanket, 100% of the outer divertor target plate, the atmosphere detritiation system (ADS) in the tritium plant, and some basic diagnostics. The first procurement arrangement for 25% of TF superconductors (Nb$$_{3}$$Sn) was concluded on 28th November 2007 between the ITER Organization and JADA.

Journal Articles

Isotopic distribution coefficient of tritiated water adsorbed on faujasite-type zeolite

Iwai, Yasunori; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.158 - 162, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:29.73(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The fixed-bed adsorption process using zeolite has been studied as one of the promising processes for the recovery of tritiated water in the field of nuclear fusion. In H$$_{2}$$O-HTO binary systems, the difference in adsorption rate must be considered to obtain the natural distribution coefficient of tritiated water adsorbed on zeolite. The static method is probably the best approach to measure the distribution coefficient considering the difference in adsorption rate though a long time is needed to reach isotopic equilibrium. In this study, the influence of framework SiO$$_{2}$$/Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ ratio ranging from 2.0 to 10.0 and of cations (K$$^{+}$$, Na$$^{+}$$, Ca$$^{2+}$$) on equilibrium distribution coefficient of tritiated water adsorbed on faujasite-type zeolite was systematically examined. The content of cation has a great effect on the distribution coefficient. The flamework SiO$$_{2}$$ to Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ ratio of the X/Y type zeolite has a slight effect on the distribution coefficient.

Journal Articles

Radiation-induced degradation in ion exchange resins for a water detritiation system

Iwai, Yasunori; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Hiroki, Akihiro; Tamada, Masao

Fusion Science and Technology, 56(1), p.163 - 167, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:48.41(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The combined electrolysis and catalytic exchange process has been selected for the water detritiation system for the ITER. In the front-end process of tritiated water electrolyzer composed of a solid polymer electrode, ion exchange resin beds are installed for processing effluent ions in the enriched tritiated water to avoid the deterioration of the solid polymer electrode. The tritium concentration in the circulation resin bed is evaluated to reach 1.09$$times$$10$$^{15}$$ Bq/m$$^{3}$$. It is thus important to note the radiation-induced degradation in ion exchange resins. In this study, the Amberlite ion exchange resins irradiated by electron beam up to an integrated dose of 1500kGy has been investigated. The evaluation procedures D2187-94 of the American Society for Testing and Materials are adopted. The total exchange capacity of the cation exchange resins irradiated up to an integrated dose of 1500kGy was 20 % decrease of that of the unirradiated cation exchange resins.

Oral presentation

Tungsten deposition distribution in divertor region in JT-60U

Watanabe, Jun*; Fukumoto, Masakatsu*; Soga, Yasuyuki*; Otsuka, Yusuke*; Ueda, Yoshio*; Arai, Takashi; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Nakano, Tomohide; Sato, Masayasu; Yagyu, Junichi; et al.

no journal, , 

Tungsten was mainly deposited on the inner divertor (around the inner strike point) and the outer wing of the dome. Tungsten deposition on the dome was found only near the top surface (within depth of a few micron m), while tungsten on the inner divertor was codeposited with carbon to the depth up to about 60 micron m. Discussion on the relation between depth distribution of tungsten and EDX signals are also presented. Significant difference between tungsten and other metallic materials (Fe, Ni, Cr) in terms of toroidal deposition distribution on the outer wing was observed. Tungsten deposition was toroidally localized in the P-8 section, where tungsten coated tiles were installed. On the other hand, other metallic materials (Fe, Ni, Cr) were not toroidally localized compared with the case of tungsten.

Oral presentation

Overview of recent Japanese activities and plans in fusion technology

Shimizu, Akihiko*; Hayashi, Takumi; Sagara, Akio*

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13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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