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検索結果: 9 件中 1件目~9件目を表示
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Magnetic patterning of FeRh thin films by energetic light ion microbeam irradiation

小出 哲也*; 佐藤 隆博; 江夏 昌志; 齋藤 勇一; 神谷 富裕; 大河内 拓雄*; 小嗣 真人*; 木下 豊彦*; 中村 哲也*; 岩瀬 彰宏*; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(5S1), p.05FC06_1 - 05FC06_4, 2014/05

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:45.64(Physics, Applied)



Hardening induced by energetic electron beam for Cu-Ti alloys

植山 大地*; 千星 聡*; 齋藤 勇一; 石川 法人; 西田 憲二*; 曾根田 直樹*; 堀 史説*; 岩瀬 彰宏*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(5S1), p.05FC04_1 - 05FC04_5, 2014/05

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:36.69(Physics, Applied)



Fabrication of silicon-vacancy center array in diamond by low-energy single-ion implantation

田村 崇人*; 小松原 彰*; 寺地 徳之*; 小野田 忍; McGuinness, L.*; Jelezko, F.*; Rogers, L.*; 大島 武; 磯谷 順一*; 品田 賢宏*; et al.

no journal, , 



Study of magnetism in perovskite manganite superlattice by quantum beam

久保田 正人; 武田 全康; 岡本 淳*; 中尾 裕則*; 村上 洋一*; 山田 浩之*; 澤 彰仁*

no journal, , 

It is well-known that various magnetic phases appear such as antiferromagnetic (AF) insulator, ferromagnetic (F) insulator, and F metal for ($$m, n$$) index in the (LaMnO$$_3$$)$$_m$$/(SrMnO$$_3$$)$$_n$$ superlattices. However, it is an open question how the ferromagnetism emerges within the superlattices. A recent progress in soft X-ray scattering technique enables us to directly investigate ordering in 3$$d$$ electrons by observing transition from 2$$p$$ states. We present the magnetic properties of the L$$_5$$S$$_5$$ superlattice on a La$$_{0.3}$$Sr$$_{0.7}$$Al$$_{0.65}$$Ta$$_{0.35}$$O$$_{3}$$(LSAT) substrate by using resonant soft X-ray scattering. We investigated the Q-dependence and the temperature-dependence of the energy spectra around Mn L-absorption-edge. It is found that ferromagnetic moments mainly originate from Mn sites of LaMnO$$_3$$ layers. In near future, we will perform polarized neutron reflectivity measurements on the suplerlattice to obtain magnetism at interfaces in detail.


Ordered layers in AuGa droplets in contact with GaAs(111)B substrate

高橋 正光; 神津 美和*; Hu, W.*

no journal, , 

Semiconductor nanowires have attracted much attention because of their potential applications to novel devices exploiting their unique structures. One of the growth techniques of semiconductor nanowires is use of the vapor liquid solid (VLS) growth, in which metal droplets work as catalyst. At growth temperatures, the metal catalyst forms liquid alloys with the substrate materials. The knowledge about the atomic structure between the droplets and the substrate is essential for understanding the growth mechanism of the VLS growth. In the present work, surface X-ray diffraction was employed to determine the interfacial structure.


Real-time photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principle calculations study of very thin oxide formation on Si(111)7$$times$$7 surfaces

Tang, J.*; 西本 究*; 小川 修一*; 吉越 章隆; 石塚 眞治*; 渡辺 大輝*; 寺岡 有殿; 高桑 雄二*

no journal, , 

The surface electronic properties corresponding to real-time photoelectron spectroscopy have been analyzed by density functional theory and molecular orbital calculations to clarify the reaction path of the oxygen adsorption on Si(111)7$$times$$7. The change of work function was observed during the oxidation at room temperature and 873 K. It can be seen that the net charge of atom present at the surface is negative in the oxygen configurations of ad-insx2, ad-insx3, tri-insx3 and the surface electron negativity turns high with increasing oxidation state, implying the change of work function increases drastically at ad-insx3 and tri-insx3. However, the surface is electron positive for insx2 and insx3, leading to the decrease of change of work function. With combining the O1s binding energy calculated by DVXa, potential energy surface calculations and the XPS measurements, a reaction path of the oxygen adsorption on Si(111) is suggested.


Magnetically-coupled diamond qubits by molecular nitrogen implantation

山本 卓*; Muller, C.*; McGuinness, L.*; 寺地 徳之*; Naydenov, B.*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武; 小泉 聡*; Wrachtrup, J.*; 磯谷 順一*; et al.

no journal, , 



First demonstration of fluorescent nuclear track detector using nitrogen vacancy color centers in diamond

小野田 忍; 大島 武; 山本 卓*; 寺地 徳之*; Jelezko, F.*; 磯谷 順一*

no journal, , 



Transition of 3 nm bucky diamond into carbon nano-onion

山野井 亮子*; 佐々木 修一*; 大澤 映二*; 楢本 洋*; 境 誠司; 小野田 忍; 大島 武

no journal, , 


9 件中 1件目~9件目を表示
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