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Thermophysical properties of stainless steel containing 5mass%-B$$_{4}$$C in the solid phase

高井 俊秀; 古川 智弘; 山野 秀将

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.1007 - 1013, 2018/04

This study describes estimation results of thermophysical properties of stainless steel containing 5mass% boron carbide (5mass%B$$_{4}$$C-SS) in the solid state. 5mass%B$$_{4}$$C-SS eutectic sample was synthesized using a hot press method. Homogeneity of the sample was evaluated by chemical composition analysis, metal structure observation, and micro X-ray diffraction (XRD). Specific gravity and specific heat were evaluated up to 1000$$^{circ}$$C. These measurements proved that the specific gravity in our sample was lowered and the temperature dependence of the specific gravity, along with the elevation of temperature, became gradual compared to that of grade type 316L stainless steel (SUS316L) used as a reactor material by addition of B$$_{4}$$C. The specific heat became slightly higher than that of SUS316L by addition of B$$_{4}$$C and showed similar temperature dependence up to 800$$^{circ}$$C.


Comparative study on prediction accuracy improvement methods with the use of integral experiments for neutronic characteristics of fast reactors

横山 賢治; 北田 孝典*

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.1221 - 1230, 2018/04

複数の積分実験データの情報を核データ(炉定数セット)に反映して設計予測精度向上を図る手法として、炉定数調整法(CA), 拡張炉定数調整法(EA), 最小分散不偏推定に基づく炉定数調整法(MRCA), 次元削減炉定数調整法(DRCA)がある。これらの手法をMARBLEシステムに実装し、実規模の問題に適用した。すなわち、原子力機構で整備してきた約500種類に及ぶ高速炉核設計用の積分実験データベースを使って、代表的な次世代高速炉の核設計予測精度を評価した。この結果、いずれの手法も実規模の問題に適用可能であることを確認した。EAを適用する際には、設計対象炉心の詳細な仕様を決定しておく必要があるので、設計段階に応じてCAとEAを使い分けることを推奨する。また、正規分布に従わないようなデータを利用する場合には、MRCAを使うべきである。一方で、DRCAは、実規模の問題に対しても、理論の示す通りCAとMRCAの両方の結果を再現できることを確認した。したがって、結論としては、CAを使う段階においては、DRCAを使えばよいことになる。また、DRCAにはいくつかオプションがあり、炉定数調整手法や結果を検討する目的にも利用することが可能である。


Evaluation of feedback reactivity coefficients by inverse kinetics in Monju

北野 彰洋; 中島 健*

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.1205 - 1210, 2018/04



Thermophysical properties of molten stainless steel containing 5mass%-B$$_{4}$$C

福山 博之*; 東 英生*; 山野 秀将

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.1014 - 1019, 2018/04

本研究では、静磁場での電磁浮遊法を用いてSUS316Lと5mass%-B$$_{4}$$C含有SUS316Lの密度, 表面張力, 輻射率, 比熱及び熱伝導率を測定した。


ASTRID nuclear island design; Update in French-Japanese joint team development of decay heat removal systems

Hourcade, E.*; 三原 隆嗣; Dauphin, A.*; Dirat, J.-F.*; 井手 章博*

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.556 - 561, 2018/04



Investigation of the core neutronics analysis conditions for evaluation of burn-up nuclear characteristics of next-generation fast reactors

滝野 一夫; 杉野 和輝; 横山 賢治; 神 智之*; 大木 繁夫

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.1214 - 1220, 2018/04

Since next-generation fast reactors aim to achieve a higher core discharge burn-up than that of the conventional ones, nuclear design methods need to improve. In this study, we investigated the effect that the analytical conditions exhibit on the accuracy of estimations of the burn-up nuclear characteristics of next-generation fast reactors. Suitable analytical schemes and conditions that maximize the estimation accuracy, while maintaining a low computational cost, were investigated in this study. We performed core burn-up survey calculations under several analysis conditions. Furthermore, we calculated the criticality, burn-up reactivity, control rod worth, breeding ratio, assembly-wise power distribution, maximum linear heat rate, sodium void reactivity, and Doppler coefficient for the equilibrium operation cycles. The accuracy of the low-cost calculations was evaluated by measuring the agreements with the referential detailed conditions.


Seismic evaluation for a large-sized reactor vessel targeting SFRs in Japan

内田 昌人*; 宮川 高行*; 堂崎 浩二*; 近澤 佳隆; 久保 重信; 早船 浩樹; 鈴野 哲司*; 深沢 剛司*; 神島 吉郎*; 藤田 聡*

Proceedings of 2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2018) (CD-ROM), p.380 - 386, 2018/04


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