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井手 俊介; 林 伸彦; 本多 充; 浦野 創; 鈴木 隆博; 宮田 良明; 相羽 信行; 白石 淳也; 栗田 源一; 藤田 隆明
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2403131_1 - 2403131_4, 2012/09
梶田 信*; 波多江 仰紀; 佐久間 猛; 高村 秀一*; 大野 哲靖*; 伊丹 潔
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2405121_1 - 2405121_4, 2012/09
Recently, enhancement of the initiation of arcing on divertor surfaces has been pointed out due to the surface morphology change and transient heat loads, such as ELMs and disruptions. Inside the vacuum vessel, it seems that the arcing has been frequently observed, and the existences are more or less recognized. However, it is likely that arcing or breakdown phenomena take place not only inside the vessel, but also outside the vessel. In this study, we will report that a diagnostic mirror in JT-60U, which was located outside the vacuum vessel, for Thomson scattering measurement optics in JT-60U has been seriously damaged by some discharge phenomena. Because the damages were so fatal that the mirror had to be replaced after the breakdown. Details of the characteristics of the damage are revealed from the observation of the trails. Furthermore, the mechanism to cause the damages is discussed based on the observation. Many fine trails were found on the surface. The trails could be categorized into two different types with respect to the trail width. It is thought that surface discharge was initiated on the mirror. The mechanisms to lead the damages were discussed based on the observation. This study issues warning on the components to be installed in ITER and future fusion devices both inside and outside the vacuum vessel.
成田 絵美*; 滝塚 知典*; 林 伸彦; 藤田 隆明; 井手 俊介; 本多 充; 諫山 明彦; 伊丹 潔; 鎌田 裕; 田中 靖之*; et al.
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2403102_1 - 2403102_5, 2012/07
In order to improve the prediction capability of confinement properties in burning plasmas with intensive electron heating, we have re-visited the DB3v10 International H-mode Confinement Database with emphasis on the temperature ratio / and considerations on kinetic profiles. It was thereby found that the impact of / is more apparent for discharges with peaked density profiles. Namely, HH factor improves with an increase of peakedness in the density profile for / 1, whereas it tends to deteriorate with the density peaking for / 1. The confinement scaling with a contribution of / was also elaborated. In addition, the influence of / described above was examined qualitatively with GLF23 and GS2 codes, which provided results corroborating the performed regression analysis, indicating the interplays of ITG and TEM.
染谷 洋二; 飛田 健次
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2405066_1 - 2405066_4, 2012/07
核融合炉の崩壊熱評価は安全性の観点からも重要であることから、核融合炉の崩壊熱の評価を行った。炉形状はSlimCSを参考にし、主要機器であるインボードブランケット,アウトボードブランケット、及びダイバータに対して、放射化計算コードACT-4を用いて計算を行った。運転停止直後の崩壊熱は短寿命核種が支配的であり、半減期より長く照射(運転)するとその核種は飽和することから中性子束に依存する。これより、核融合出力を低下させることは崩壊熱の減少に有効である。他方、高い崩壊熱を発生するWにおいて起因となる反応はW(n, )Reである。つまり、熱中性子の減少を考慮した設計を行えば、崩壊熱の減少が有効である。今回の解析において、核融合炉の崩壊熱を減少させる方法としては、(1)核融合出力の低減及び(2)熱中性子低減を考慮した設計であるとわかった。(1)に関しては、崩壊熱の減少とTBRの向上という利点がある。一方、(2)に関しては崩壊熱とTBRはトレードオフ関係にある。最後に(1)と(2)の関係を定量的に評価し、核融合炉の崩壊熱を評価する。
羽田 和慶*; 長崎 百伸*; 増田 開*; 金城 良太*; 井手 俊介; 諫山 明彦
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2403104_1 - 2403104_5, 2012/07
宇藤 裕康; 飛田 健次; 染谷 洋二; 中村 誠
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2405109_1 - 2405109_4, 2012/07
Bierwage, A.; 相羽 信行; 藤堂 泰*; Deng, W.*; 石川 正男; 松永 剛; 篠原 孝司; 矢木 雅敏
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2403081_1 - 2403081_4, 2012/07
The global hybrid code MEGA is used to study the dynamics of energetic particle modes (EPM) in parameter regimes close to the onset of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ballooning instability. This work is motivated by observations of energetic-particle-driven modes in the wall-stabilized regime (so called EWM) in JT-60U, the physics of which have not been fully understood yet. In this study, nonlinear simulations of energetic particle modes (EPM, high frequency, 40-60 kHz) are carried out under conditions, where EWM (low frequency, 1-3 kHz) are observed. Although, EPM are unlikely to interact with EWM directly, the energetic particle transport caused by EPM may affect the total pressure profile and, hence, the stability of kink-ballooning modes, which are thought to be the fundamental modes underlying EWM. The dynamics of EPM near ideal MHD ballooning stability boundary is examined for the first time.
諫山 明彦; 小林 貴之; 横倉 賢治; 下野 貢; 澤畠 正之; 鈴木 貞明; 寺門 正之; 平内 慎一; 和田 健次; 日向 淳; et al.
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2405029_1 - 2405029_5, 2012/05
電子サイクロトロン(EC)波は、プラズマの狭い領域を加熱・電流駆動することができることから、電子加熱や電流分布制御のほか不安定性制御にも用いられる。また、プラズマ着火や壁洗浄などにも有用である。JT-60SAにおいては9基のEC波入射装置が装備され上記のすべての目的で使用される。JT-60SAのEC波入射装置はJT-60Uの設備(周波数: 110GHz)を最大限利用して構築されるが、JT-60SAにおいて要求される性能を満足するために開発運転が継続的に行われている。本講演では、最近のEC波入射装置の進展、特にジャイロトロン開発及び加熱・電流駆動特性解析の結果を述べる。JT-60SAにおいて要求される「ジャイロトロン1基あたり出力1MW、出力時間100秒」を目指してジャイロトロンのモード変換器を改良した。開発運転を進めた結果、出力1MWのもとでの出力時間が2009年には17秒、2010年には31秒に伸長した。ジャイロトロン内の各部の温度は許容温度以下で飽和していることからパルス幅の伸長が可能であると考えられる。また、JT-60SAの最大磁場(2.3T)においてプラズマ中心部を加熱・電流駆動することを目的として2周波数ジャイロトロンの開発を2011年に開始した。計算コードによる加熱・電流駆動解析、及び発振モード・出力窓厚の設計計算から、第2周波数を138GHzとした。高磁場を生成する超伝導磁石を含めてジャイロトロンの製作が現在進行中であり、2012年3月に据え付けられる予定である。
瀬戸 慧大*; 長友 英夫*; Koga, J. K.; 三間 圀興*
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2404010_1 - 2404010_4, 2012/02
In the near future, the intensity of the ultra-short pulse laser will reach to W/cm. When an electron is irradiated by this laser, the electron's behavior is relativistic with a significant bremsstrahlung. This radiation from the electron is regarded as the energy loss of electron. Therefore, the electron's motion is changed because of the kinetic energy changing. This radiation effect on the charged particle is the self-interaction, called the "radiation reaction" or the "radiation damping". For that reason, the radiation reaction appears in laser electron interactions with an ultra-short pulse laser whose intensity becomes larger than W/cm. In the classical theory, it is described by the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac (LAD) equation. We propose the new equation of motion in the quantum theory with a radiation reaction in this paper.
Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; 伊藤 崇芳*; 阿部 淳; 長村 光造*; 辺見 努; Jin, X.*; 中本 建志*; 淡路 智*; 高橋 弘紀*
no journal, ,
Phase strains are always generated in the superconducting composites, due to differences on thermal expansion and deformability among the constituent phases. In contrast, internal strain state has high influences on superconducting properties, e.g. the presence of internal strain degrades critical current densities. Therefore, clarifying internal strains behaviors accurately will help us to develop superconducting composites having optimum superconducting performances during uses. However, the internal strains in superconducting composites have not been measured so far because of the composites configurations. Neutrons that have high penetration ability into metals may be a powerful tool to measure internal strains in the superconducting composites by the diffraction technique. Here, we introduce internal strain measurement techniques, our engineering materials diffractometer at J-PARC facility and our trials on measuring internal strains in several kinds of superconducting composites.
東條 寛; 江尻 晶*; 平塚 淳一*; 山口 隆史*; 高瀬 雄一*; 伊丹 潔
no journal, ,
This paper presents experimental demonstrations of an in-situ calibration method for Thomson scattering diagnostics in the TST-2 spherical tokamak. Electron temperature from this new method shows a good agreement with from the single (second) pass within for a wide range (100-400 eV). Relative sensitivities among spectral channels can be then obtained from without accessing to the machines. Although some deviations are observed in a spectral channel, the sensitivities from this new method tend to correspond to the true (directly measured) values within 5%, providing a feasibility of application to Thomson scattering diagnostics in severe radiation condition.
辺見 努; Harjo, S.; 布谷 嘉彦; 梶谷 秀樹; 小泉 徳潔; 中嶋 秀夫; 相澤 一也; 町屋 修太郎*; 長村 光造*
no journal, ,
三枝 幹雄*; 菅原 修平*; 渥美 幸平*; 小田 靖久; 山口 智輝*; 坂本 慶司
no journal, ,
Neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) can be controlled by the local current drive in a magnetic island with electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD). For improving a stabilizing efficiency of NTM, the fast directional switch (FADIS) had been developed. In this paper, the new type diplexer as a fast switching device of high power millimetre wave is proposed for ECCD system in fusion devices. The principle is a ring resonator of oversized corrugated circular waveguide. The two half mirrors (dielectric disks or slotted antennae) are integrated in a ring resonator. The switching operation of a diplexer has been simulated with the code using finite differential time domain (FDTD) method. The switching operation of the diplexer by frequency shifting has been confirmed in the cases of dielectric disks or slotted antennae, where the loss caused by mode conversion and misalignment in a resonant ring are considered. A diplexer for 1 MW short pulse at a frequency of 170 GHz is designed and fabricated.