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Journal Articles

Status of the J-PARC linac, initial results and upgrade plan

Yamazaki, Yoshishige

Proceedings of 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), p.554 - 558, 2004/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

RF reference distribution system for the J-PARC linac

Kobayashi, Tetsuya; Chishiro, Etsuji; Anami, Shozo*; Yamaguchi, Seiya*; Michizono, Shinichiro*

Proceedings of 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), p.727 - 729, 2004/00

J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Complex) linac, which is 300 m long, consists of 324 MHz accelerating section of the upstream and 972 MHz section (as future plan) of the downstream. In the klystron gallery, totally about 60 RF source control stations will stand for the klystrons and solid-state amplifiers. The error of the accelerating field must be within $$pm$$ 1 degree in phase and $$pm$$ 1% in amplitude. Thus, the high phase stability is required to the RF reference for all of the low-level RF control systems and the beam monitor systems. This paper presents a final design of the RF reference distribution system for this linac. Our objective for the phase stability of the reference aims at less than $$pm$$ 0.3 degrees at a 972 MHz frequency.

Journal Articles

Systematic calibration of beam position monitor in the high intensity proton accelerator (J-PARC) linac

Sato, Susumu; Igarashi, Zenei*; Lee, S.*; Tomisawa, Tetsuo; Hiroki, Fumio; Kishiro, Junichi; Ikegami, Masanori*; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Ueno, Akira; et al.

Proceedings of 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), p.429 - 431, 2004/00

As a joint project of KEK and JAERI, a MW class of high intensity proton accelerator (J-PARC), consisting of Linac, 3 GeV-RCS, 50 GeV-MR, is under construction at Tokai, Japan. For this accelerator, it is required to minimize the beam loss (typically, lower than 0.1$$sim$$1 W/m at the linac). To achieve the requirement, beam trajectory needs to be controlled with accuracy of some 100 micro-meter. The first stage of the acceleration (up to 181 MeV during the first stage of construction) is done by linac. The beam position monitor (BPM) in the linac utilizes 4 strip-line pickups (50 ohm) on the beam transportation chamber. In this paper, systematic calibration of the BPM is described.

Journal Articles

Cold-model tests and fabrication status for J-PARC ACS

Ao, Hiroyuki; Akikawa, Hisashi; Ueno, Akira; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Yamazaki, Yoshishige; Ikegami, Masanori*; Noguchi, Shuichi*; Hayashizaki, Noriyosu*; Paramonov, V.*

Proceedings of 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2004), p.75 - 77, 2004/00

The J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) LINAC will be commissioned with energy of 181-MeV using 50-keV ion source, 3-MeV RFQ, 50-MeV DTL and 181-MeV SDTL (Separated DTL) on September 2006. It is planed to be upgraded by using a 400-MeV ACS (Annular Coupled Structure), which is a high-beta structure most suitable for the J-PARC, in a few years from the commissioning. The first ACS type cavity, which will be used as the first buncher between the SDTL and the ACS, is under fabrication. Detailed design and tuning procedure of ACS cavities has been studied with RF simulation analysis and cold-model measurements. The results of cold-model measurements, fabrication status, and related development items are described in this paper.

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