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清水 友介*; 藤田 隆明*; 有本 英樹*; 仲野 友英; 星野 一生; 林 伸彦
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10(Sp.2), p.3403062_1 - 3403062_4, 2015/07
In JT-60U, it has been observed that accumulation of tungsten is enhanced with increasing the toroidal rotation in the opposite direction (CTR-rotation) to the plasma current in H-mode plasmas. Two models for convective transport, pinch due to the toroidal rotation (PHZ pinch) and the radial electric field (Er pinch) were proposed. We introduce these two pinch models into integrated transport code TOTAL, and study dependence of the tungsten accumulation on the toroidal rotation. In the high toroidal rotation velocity, we obtained the tungsten accumulation four times as large as in the low one. The model reproduces the trend observed in the experiment.
北澤 真一; 丸山 敏征; 小川 宏明; 伊丹 潔; Casal, N.*
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10(Sp.2), p.3402044_1 - 3402044_4, 2015/04
In ITER, there are 18 ports in the upper, equatorial, and lower levels, which serve various purposes such as vacuum, heating, remote handling, and diagnostics. Several diagnostics will be integrated in Lower Port #2 (LP#02): divertor equilibrium sensors, divertor shunts, divertor Rogowski coils, divertor toroidal coils, divertor neutron flux monitors, divertor impurity monitor (DIM), pressure gauges, Langmuir probes, and divertor thermocouples. The engineering aspects of integrating the components in LP#02 are within the scope of Japan Domestic Agency (JADA) procurement. The components in the LP#02 procurement package are the port plug assembly, interspace assembly, port cell assembly and tooling. This integration requires the assemblies to be manufactured as fully integrated components and external interfaces. In the current phase, JADA identified technical issues, and implemented thermal and structural analysis on within the specified design conditions.
平塚 淳一; 花田 磨砂也; 梅田 尚孝; 小島 有志; 柏木 美恵子; 渡邊 和弘; 戸張 博之; 吉田 雅史
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10(Sp.2), p.3405045_1 - 3405045_4, 2015/04
丸山 孝仁; 野口 悠人; 武田 信和; 角舘 聡
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10(Sp.2), p.3405010_1 - 3405010_4, 2015/02
The ITER blanket remote handling system (BRHS), which handles blanket modules inside the vacuum vessel and will be procured by Japan Atomic Energy Agency, is required to replace 440 blanket first wall panels in two years. We employed an RBD approach in this analysis. The availability was calculated numerically by using a Monte Carlo method with the RBDs. The BRHS will replace 440 first wall panels in a 250 Gy/h radiation environment. Although radiation-hardened components are used in the BRHS, radiation is still the main cause of failures. The analysis considers two scenarios. One is called "initial scenario" in which spares or actions to improve availability were neither prepared nor implemented. The other is called "expected scenario" and has effective spares and actions. Availability was calculated as 41% in the initial scenario. In this case, the probability to replace all 440 first wall panels in two years was 65%. Based on these results, we applied three actions to the expected scenario to improve availability: preparing spares, optimising repair timing, and repairing cameras in the vacuum vessel. These actions shorten the time to repair. In the expected scenario, availability and completion probability improved to 49% and 99.5% respectively due to the three actions that shorten time to repair. Therefore, we concluded that the BRHS will have the availability to replace all 440 first wall panels in two years as required.
吉田 麻衣子
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尾花 哲浩*; 高畑 一也*; 濱口 真司*; 力石 浩孝*; 今川 信作*; 三戸 利行*; 木津 要; 村上 陽之; 夏目 恭平; 吉田 清
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瀬戸 春樹; Breyiannis, G.*; 矢木 雅敏; Dudson, B.*; Xu, X.*
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三木 一弘; 井戸村 泰宏
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本研究では高速粒子により駆動される測地線音響モード(EGAM)の線形成長率、実周波数のパラメータ依存を線形ジャイロ運動論方程式から導出した。bump-on-tail粒子分布をビーム粒子として模擬して、準中性条件と組み合わせてることで方程式系を閉じ、分散関係を導出した。ここで有限軌道幅効果を考慮に入れて成長率の影響を評価した。実験装置における典型的なプラズマサイズにおいては有限軌道幅効果による成長率の低減の影響は高々数%であり小さいことが分かった。この結果をfull-fジャイロ運動論シミュレーションコード(GT5D)で検証した。初期値問題を数値計算によって実施した結果、固有値計算から予測された、q値による成長モードの分岐や、装置サイズが変わる事での成長率の低減傾向が示された。次に、より一般的なビーム分布(slowing down分布)を用いてEGAMのGT5Dシミュレーションを行った。得られた成長率や振動数はDIII-Dにおける観測結果やハイブリッドコードによる成長率の評価と整合した。