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Suematsu, Hisayuki*; Sato, Soma*; Nanko, Makoto*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Nishikata, Kaori; Suzuki, Tsuneo*; Nakayama, Tadachika*; Niihara, Koichi*
no journal, ,
Spark plasma sintering of MoO was carried out for production of
Tc from
Mo by the (n,
) method in a nuclear reactor. Powder of MoO
with an average grain size of 0.8
m and a purity of 99.99% was pressed in a graphite die with a diameter of 20 mm. Then, the green compact was heated in a spark plasma sintering apparatus with heating rates of 100
C/min to 500
C in vacuum. After holding the temperature for 5 min, the sample was quenched. The sintered samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction for phase identifications, electron energy loss spectroscopy for compositional analyses and scanning electron microscopy for grain size measurements. After sintering at 550
C, a sintered bulk of MoO
with a relative density of 98% was obtained. These properties are good enough for separation of
Tc and recycle of Mo.
Utsumi, Wataru
no journal, ,
The present status of the neutron beam utilization at JRR-3 will be introduced. For promotion of neutron beam science, 33 neutron instruments are installed in the reactor hall and in the neutron guide hall. Using these instruments, many experiments of various research fields have been made from the basic science to the industrial applications. Crystal structure analysis is one of the most important issue; precise structure of various important proteins have been clarified and research on hydrogen storage materials, fuel cell lithium battery etc, are very actively made. Imaging by neutron radiography is also very popularly used from the industrial product to agriculture. In 2010FY, 645 proposals were accepted and more than 11,000 (person-day) outside users visited JRR-3 and carried out their experiments. Unfortunately, the JRR-3 has not yet resumed its operation after the Northeast Japan Earthquake in 2011, but we have made great efforts to restart it as soon as possible.
Komeda, Masao
no journal, ,
Research reactors have many utilization facilities for neuron beam experiments, irradiation tests of nuclear fuel and material, production of RI, silicon doping and the boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). In such uses, I will pick up and introduce the silicon doping and BNCT in this presentation.