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Journal Articles

Development of a tracking detector system with multichannel scintillation fibers and PPD

Honda, Ryotaro; Callier, S.*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Ieiri, Masaharu*; Matsumoto, Yuki*; Miwa, Koji*; Nakamura, Isamu*; Raux, L.*; De La Taille, C.*; Tanaka, Manobu*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 695, p.206 - 209, 2012/12

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:24.10(Instruments & Instrumentation)

For the J-PARC E40 experiment which aims to measure differential cross-sections of Sp scatterings, a system to detect scattered proton from Sp scatterings is under development. The detection system consists of scintillation fibers with a MPPC readout. A prototype and a readout electronics for MPPC have already been developed. The prototype consisting of a scintillation fiber tracker and a BGO calorimeter was tested with a proton beam of 80 MeV. Energy resolutions of the tracker of 22.0% (s) and the calorimeter of 1.0% (s) were obtained for 1 MeV and 70 MeV energy deposit, respectively. The prototype readout electronics has an ASIC for multichannel operation, EASIROC, and a Silicon TCP (SiTCP) interface to communicate with a DAQ system. Its data transfer rate measured was 14 kHz. Required performances for the prototype system have been achieved except for the energy resolution of the prototype fiber tracker.

Journal Articles

High-resolution Compton cameras based on Si/CdTe double-sided strip detectors

Odaka, Hirokazu*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Fukuyama, Taro*; Hagino, Koichi*; Saito, Shinya*; Sato, Tamotsu*; Sato, Goro*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 695, p.179 - 183, 2012/12

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:82.76(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed a new Si/CdTe semiconductor double-sided strip detector (DSD) Compton camera. The camera consists of a 500-$$mu$$m-thick Si-DSD and four layers of 750-$$mu$$m-thick CdTe-DSDs all of which have common electrode configuration segmented into 128 strips on each side with pitches of 250$$mu$$m. In order to realize high angular resolution and to reduce size of the detector system, a stack of DSDs with short stack pitches of 4 mm is utilized to make the camera. Taking advantage of the excellent energy and position resolutions of the semiconductor devices, the camera achieves high angular resolutions of 4.5 degrees at 356 keV and 3.5 degrees at 662 keV. To obtain such high resolutions together with an acceptable detection efficiency, we demonstrate data reduction methods including energy calibration using Compton scattering continuum and depth sensing in the CdTe-DSD. We also discuss imaging capability of the camera and show simultaneous multi-energy imaging.

2 (Records 1-2 displayed on this page)
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