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Journal Articles

Surface distribution of tritium on graphite tiles of divertor area in JT-60U

Tanabe, Tetsuo*; Miyasaka, Kazutaka*; Sugiyama, Kazuyoshi*; Masaki, Kei; Kodama, Kozo; Miya, Naoyuki

Fusion Engineering and Design, 41(3), p.877 - 881, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Study on deuterium permeation through copper and F82H low activation steel by ion implantation

Nakamura, Hirofumi; Shu, Wataru; Hayashi, Takumi; Ohira, Shigeru; Nishi, Masataka

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.887 - 891, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Transport properties of hydrogen isotope gas mixture through ceramic protonic conductor

Kawamura, Yoshinori; Konishi, Satoshi; Nishi, Masataka; Kakuta, Toshiya*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.1035 - 1039, 2002/05

To establish the nuclear fusion reactor, tritium bred in the breeder blanket of the fusion reactor must be recovered effectively. The present authors have proposed the blanket tritium recovery system using the hydrogen pump with solid electrolyte membrane. Hydrogen isotopes including tritium can be separated from helium purge gas of the breeder blanket by the protonic conductor membrane which pumps out hydrogen isotopes selectively by applying a few potential difference between its faces. Perovskite-type ceramic such as SrCe$$_{0.95}$$Yb$$_{0.05}$$O$$_{3-a}$$, is one of the candidate protonic conductor for hydrogen pump and its ionic hydrogen transportation properties have been investigated. Deuterium transportation properties have also been investigated to understand the isotope effect. Through the investigation up to now, the basic hydrogen isotope transportation property of SrCe$$_{0.95}$$Yb$$_{0.05}$$O$$_{3-a}$$, its technical feasibility, and issues for further development toward the practical devices were revealed.

Journal Articles

Conceptual design of the blanket tritium recovery system for the prototype fusion reactor

Kakuta, Toshiya*; Hirata, Shingo*; Mori, Seiji*; Konishi, Satoshi; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Nishi, Masataka; Ohara, Yoshihiro

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.1069 - 1073, 2002/05

Research-and-development of the supercritical water-cooled prototype fusion reactor which has cost competitiveness has been performed in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). It is necessary to establish immediately the design concept of the blanket tritium recovery system which collects tritium continuously and safely from the supercritical water-cooled blanket because fuel self-sufficiency is inevitable in the prototype reactor. The candidate systems are; 1) batch-processing cryogenic molecular sheave bed recovery system with cryogenic temperature operation, 2) continuous processing Pd membrane penetration recovery system with high vacuum operation. In the present study, however, the third candidate system, the hydrogen pump system with protonic conductors, was investigated. As a result of the study, it was made clear that the system with minimized energy consumption and minimized accidental tritium release could be realized by using the hydrogen pump for the blanket tritium recovery system of the prototype fusion reactor.

Journal Articles

Demonstration of fuel cleanup system consisting of electrolytic reactor and tubular reservoir tank for fusion reactors

Isobe, Kanetsugu; Imaizumi, Hideki*; Hayashi, Takumi; Konishi, Satoshi; Nishi, Masataka

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.988 - 992, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Study of carbon deposition effect on hydrogen permeation through palladium membrane

Tominaga, Shinya*; Busnyuk, A.*; Matsushima, T.*; Yamaguchi, Kenji; Ono, Futaba*; Terai, Takayuki*; Yamawaki, Michio*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.919 - 923, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Tritium decontamination of TFTR D-T plasma facing components using ultra violet laser

Shu, Wataru; Kawakubo, Yukio*; Ohira, Shigeru; Oya, Yasuhisa; Hayashi, Takumi; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Iwai, Yasunori; Nishi, Masataka; Gentile, C. A.*; Skinner, C. H.*; et al.

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.690 - 694, 2002/05

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Journal Articles

Experimental study for parameters affecting separation factor of cryogenic wall thermal diffusion column

Arita, Tadaaki*; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Iwai, Yasunori; Nishi, Masataka; Yamamoto, Ichiro*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.1116 - 1120, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Operation results on safety systems of tritium process laboratory in Japan Atomic Energy Researh Institute

Yamada, Masayuki; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Shu, Wataru; Suzuki, Takumi; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Iwai, Yasunori; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Isobe, Kanetsugu; Nishi, Masataka

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.593 - 597, 2002/05

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Journal Articles

Study on sudden loss of cryogenic coolant accident happened in the hydrogen isotope separation system for fusion reactor

Iwai, Yasunori; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Konishi, Satoshi; Nishi, Masataka; Willms, R. S.*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.668 - 672, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Water detritiation system of the ITER tritium plant

Iwai, Yasunori; Misaki, Yonosuke*; Hayashi, Takumi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Konishi, Satoshi; Nishi, Masataka; Ninomiya, R.*; Yanagimachi, S.*; Senrui, S.*; Yoshida, Hiroshi

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.1126 - 1130, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Tritium confinement demonstration using Caisson assembly for tritium safety study at TPL/JAERI

Hayashi, Takumi; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Iwai, Yasunori; Asanuma, Noriko; Ohira, Shigeru; Nishi, Masataka

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.647 - 651, 2002/05

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Journal Articles

Tritium behavoir study for detritiation of atmosphere in a room

Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Hayashi, Takumi; Iwai, Yasunori; Asanuma, Noriko; Nishi, Masataka

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.673 - 677, 2002/05

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Journal Articles

Conversion rate of HTO to OBT in plants

Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Amano, Hikaru; Ichimasa, Michiko*; Ichimasa, Yusuke*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.427 - 431, 2002/05

In processes of tritium transfer in the environment, conversion of HTO to OBT in plant by photosynthesis is important for both aspects of monitoring and dose estimation. Because once OBT is formed in plant, it stays in the plant for longer time than HTO, and OBT is more harmful than HTO for human body. Conversion rate of HTO in plant leaf to OBT in plant edible parts in the open air were obtained for some plants (komatsuna, radish and cherry tomato) during the chronic HT release experiment at Chalk River in 1994. At the experiment, HT gas was released to the atmosphere at the cultivated site for 12 days continuously [1]. HTO and OBT concentration in cultivated plants were measured during the experiment. For plant leaves conversion rate of HTO to OBT was about 0.2 (% h$$^{-1}$$) but it varied with their growth stage. A chamber experiment in laboratory was also carried out for comparison.

Journal Articles

ETDOSE; A Code to simulate tritium transfer in the environment and to evaluate dose

Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Amano, Hikaru; Takahashi, Tomoyuki*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.470 - 473, 2002/05

During normal operation or an accident of nuclear facilities, tritium will be released mostly as forms of HT and HTO to the environment. ETDOSE is a simple computer code to calculate atmospheric distribution patterns of tritium for an acute and a chronic release of HT and HTO. This code calculates tritium concentrations in air, soil, plant free water and OBT, and estimates dose impact by inhalation of air and ingestion of food. ETDOSE has GUI interface, so anyone can use it very easily. Participation in IAEA's model validation program BIOMASS has been done using this code for BIOMASS Scenario 1. In the scenario, tritium is assumed to be released continuously to the atmosphere as forms of HT or HTO. We shows the outline of ETDOSE and results of the application.

Journal Articles

Numerical modelling and laboratory experiments of tritium transport in unsaturated soil

Koarashi, Jun*; Iida, Takao*; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Yamazawa, Hiromi; Amano, Hikaru

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.464 - 469, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Tritium issues toward fusion plants

Konishi, Satoshi; Tobita, Kenji; Nishio, Satoshi; Okada, Hidetoshi*; Kurihara, Ryoichi

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.817 - 820, 2002/05

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Journal Articles

Potential of fusion energy in the context of tritium supply

Tokimatsu, Koji*; Asaoka, Yoshiyuki*; Okano, Kunihiko*; Konishi, Satoshi

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.831 - 834, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Evaluation of tritium permeation in solid breeder blanket cooled by supercritical water

Kosaku, Yasuo; Yanagi, Yoshihiko*; Enoeda, Mikio; Akiba, Masato

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.958 - 961, 2002/05

As a candidate DEMO blanket, the design of solid breeder blanket cooled by supercritical water has been performed. The candidate structural material is F82H. The coolant is supercritical water (pressure; 25 MPa, temperature; 550-780K) to achieve high generation efficiency. The temperature of cooling tubes in tritium breeder zone has been evaluated at 650-800K. In this temperature range, tritium permeation must be investigated from the view point of safety management, because high temperature coolant is directly supplied to the power generation system. In the present work, the tritium permeation into the first wall cooling water by the implantation and that through cooling tubes in tritium breeder zone have been evaluated. Assuming tritium injection energy and flux are same as SSTR, the calculated value of the tritium permeation rate into the first wall cooling water is 68.3 g/day. On the other hand, that of the permeation rate through cooling tubes is 75.3 g/day (20% of generated tritium) when helium gas flows so that tritium partial pressure becomes 1 Pa at the outlet.

Journal Articles

Tritium distribution measurement of FNS tritium targets by imaging plate

Kutsukake, Chuzo; Seki, Masakazu; Tanaka, Shigeru; Oginuma, Yoshikazu*; Abe, Yuichi; Yamauchi, Michinori*

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.555 - 559, 2002/05

no abstracts in English

29 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)