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Yamamoto, Akio*; Endo, Tomohiro*; Tada, Kenichi
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 122(1), p.714 - 717, 2020/06
A generation capability of multi-group cross sections from point-wise cross sections in ACE files is being developed as a function of the nuclear data processing code FRENDY. This presentation describes features of this function and comparison of the processing results between this function and GROUPR module in NJOY.
Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Uchibori, Akihiro; Takata, Takashi; Ohshima, Hiroyuki
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 122(1), p.862 - 865, 2020/06
Development of a new simulation system SPECTRA has been started to enable a simulation of comprehensive in- and ex-vessel events during a severe accident in a sodium-cooled fast reactor. The simulation system SPECTRA consists of two basic modules of thermal-hydraulics; in-vessel basic module and ex-vessel one, and some sub-modules for specific phenomena or events. A sodium fire models are implemented as one sub-module of the ex-vessel module. The sodium fire models are adapted from existing sodium fire analysis codes AQUA-SF and SPHINCS. As the result of verification test, the results show good agreement with the one of original codes. The validation analysis for single droplet falling and combustion corresponds well with the experimental data reasonably.