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鈴木 雅雄*; Autsavapromporn, N.*; 宇佐美 徳子*; 舟山 知夫; Plante, I.*; 横田 裕一郎; 武藤 泰子*; 鈴木 芳代; 池田 裕子; 服部 佑哉; et al.
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), P. i54, 2014/03
It is essentially important for evaluating risk such a low-dose-rate exposure as the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants to examine bystander effects induced by low-LET electromagnetic radiations, such as X or rays. We have been studying the cellular responses in normal human fibroblasts by targeted cell nucleus irradiations with monochromatic X-ray microbeams (5.35 keV) produced by Photon Factory in High Energy Accelerator Research Organization. The results indicated that the bystander effect in cell- killing effect was observed in the targeted cell nucleus irradiation, not in the random irradiation containing both cell nucleus and cytoplasm by Poisson distribution. The results suggest that energy deposition in cytoplasm is an important role of inducing bystander effects in case of low-LET radiations. We have also been investigating high-LET-radiation induced bystander effects using the heavy-ion microbeams at Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation Application in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Only 0.04% of the total numbers of normal human fibroblasts were irradiated with C-ion (220 MeV), Ne-ion (260 MeV) and Ar-ion (460 MeV) microbeams collimated at 20 micro meter in diameter. Cell-killing effect and gene mutation at HPRT locus in the cells irradiated with C ions were higher beyond our expectations and returned the estimated values that only 0.04% of the total cells were irradiated when using the specific inhibitor of gap junctions. On the other hand, no induced biological effects were observed in Ne and Ar ions whether the inhibitor was applied or not. The result suggested that the C-ion microbeam was capable of inducing bystander cellular effects via gap junction mediated cell-cell communication. There is clear evidence that bystander cellular effects are dependent on radiation quality.
椎名 卓也*; 渡辺 立子; 鈴木 雅雄*; 横谷 明徳
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), p.i15 - i16, 2014/03
The object of the study is to reveal whether the induction process of an abasic site (AP site) and the clustered DNA damage which contain AP sites (AP cluster) depends on ionizing density of radiation. In order to clarify the relation between track structure of C ions and the induction processes of an AP site or AP cluster, we measure the yield of AP using Nfo protein as an enzymatic probe, which converts an AP site to detectable single strand break. Several scavenging capacities in the samples are tested to estimate the effect of OH radicals. We compare those experimental yields with theoretical ones that are obtained from Monte Carlo track simulation to develop a model of AP site induction by irradiation. The yields of AP sites analyzed by the simulation are in good agreement with experimental ones. As a result, we newly determined the branching ratio of induction of the AP the site in the simulation.
嘉成 由紀子; 野口 実穂; 神長 輝一; 坂本 由佳; 横谷 明徳
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), p.i129 - i130, 2014/03
In this study, we report a new approach of tracing the mitochondrial morphological change of the cells exposed to high LET radiation using a live-cell imaging technique. We used the NMuMG (Normal murine mammary gland)-FUCCI2 cell line. Using the FUCCI2 expressing cells, we can observe red fluorescence in the nuclei of G1 phase cells and green fluorescence in the nuclei of S/G2/M phase cells. We labeled mitochondria by Mitotracker Red. Kinetics of mitochondrial morphology was analyzed by the live-cell imaging technique using a fluorescence microscope. Mitochondrial images were captured for 4 days after irradiation. In a preliminary study, we found that X-ray irradiation of cells caused mitochondrial fragmentation, and proportion of cell population with fragmented mitochondria increased with increasing dose and with time after irradiation. It is demonstrated that the method proposed in this study works successively to trace cytoplasmic effects by high LET irradiation.
神長 輝一; 坂本 由佳; 嘉成 由紀子; 野口 実穂; 横谷 明徳
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), p.i127 - i128, 2014/03
Fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) HeLa cells are one of useful model cell lines to visualize a cell-cycle because their nuclei show different colors; orange indicating G1; green indicating S/G2. In order to establish a novel assay system to study cell-cycle modification by high LET irradiation such as ion beams for cancer therapy we have observed time-lapse images of HeLa-FUCCI cells irradiated as a preliminary experiment using conventional X-rays instead of high LET ion beams. The cell-cycle was strongly arrested by irradiation at S/G2 and never progressed to G1. In contrast, cells irradiated at G1 progress to S/G2 with a similar time course as non-irradiated control cells. These results show that single FUCCI cell exposure and live cell imaging are a powerful method to trace the single cell effect of high LET irradiation on the cell-cycle in future.
坂本 由佳; 神長 輝一; 嘉成 由紀子; 野口 実穂; 横谷 明徳
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), p.i120 - i121, 2014/03
In order to examine bystander effects in the 3D cell system, we have developed a FUCCI-HeLa spheroid system. FUCCI (Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator) cells show specific colors of cell nuclei depending on a cell cycle. Thus we can easily trace cell cycle modifications by irradiation. We observed bystander cell-cycle delay as preliminary tests using monolayer culture of the HeLa-FUCCI cells. It will be very interesting to examine whether the cell-cycle effect also appears in the 3D cell system exposed to single high LET particles. We have determined suitable conditions for the spheroid culture, such as size of spheroids and methods of stable fixing a spheroid in a dish to perform the microbeam irradiation, and observation of the cell cycles of each cell in a spheroid after irradiation using a time-lapse micro-imaging technique.
白石 伊世; 鈴木 雅雄*; 鹿園 直哉; 藤井 健太郎; 横谷 明徳
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), p.i92 - i93, 2014/03
In a living cell, cluster DNA damage is thought to be processed by several different pathways simultaneously or sequentially. Under this situation the cellular response to cluster DNA might depend on the order of repair processes because the configuration of the lesions will be modified by the reaction of initial repair protein, affecting the DNA-binding or excision activities of latter proteins. In the present study, we investigate whether initial enzymatic repair affects latter processes. Plasmid DNA exposed to C ion is treated with two base excision repair enzymes, Nth and Fpg, which convert pyrimidine and purine lesions to a SSB, respectively. Obtained results show that the amount of enzymatically induced SSB is very slightly less in DNA sample treated with Nth first and then Fpg than that of other treatments. These results indicate that the configuration-change of the cluster by the first enzymatic treatment does not significantly influence the activity of secondary enzyme.
佐藤 達彦; 永松 愛子*; 武田 和雄*; 仁井田 浩二*; Puchalska, M.*; Sihver, L.*; Reitz, G.*
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坂下 哲哉; 鈴木 芳代; 武藤 泰子*; 服部 佑哉; 池田 裕子; 横田 裕一郎; 舟山 知夫; 浜田 信行*; 深本 花菜*; 小林 泰彦
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高橋 桃子*; 鹿園 直哉
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We constructed lesion-containing plasmids using a novel approach in order to analyze repair of clustered DNA damage. Single stranded circular DNA (the 1st strand) was synthesized in vitro from DNA oligonucleotide as a primer. The template, which is single-stranded circular DNA containing uracil, was then digested with UDG and nucleases. From the resulting 1st strand, the 2nd strand was again synthesized in vitro from a complementary DNA oligonucleotide. As DNA lesions could be placed at any position in the DNA oligonucleotide on either strand, the method allows us to construct a clustered DNA damage site in a plasmid. We have confirmed that the double-stranded plasmid DNA could be constructed with DNA lesions. The constructed plasmid would be highly useful in analyzing in vivo processing of clustered DNA damage. The level of repair of lesions within clustered DNA damage in E. coli is discussed.
津田 修一; 佐藤 達彦; 渡辺 立子; 高田 真志*
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