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Journal Articles

Concepts for and demonstration of gamma-ray process monitoring for reprocessing facilities

Rodriguez, D.; Tanigawa, Masafumi; Seya, Michio; Nakamura, Hironobu

Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards; Building Future Safeguards Capabilities (Internet), 6 Pages, 2018/11

Journal Articles

Proliferation resistance and safeguardability of very high temperature reactor

Shiba, Tomooki; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Hori, Masato

Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards; Building Future Safeguards Capabilities (Internet), 6 Pages, 2018/11

Journal Articles

Separation technique using column chromatography for safeguards verification analysis of uranium and plutonium in highly-active liquid waste by isotope dilution mass spectrometry

Yamamoto, Masahiko; Taguchi, Shigeo; Horigome, Kazushi; Kuno, Takehiko

Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards; Building Future Safeguards Capabilities (Internet), 8 Pages, 2018/11

In this study, the single-column extraction chromatographic separation has been developed for analysis of U and Pu in highly active liquid waste by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). The commercially available TEVA$$^{textregistered}$$ resin is selected as an extraction chromatography resin. The U is chromatographically separated from fission products (FP) elements by nitric acid while Pu(IV) is adsorbed on the resin. After that, Pu is eluted by reducing to Pu(III). The method has been successfully achieved the separation with yielding the enough recovery and sufficient decontamination factors for subsequent IDMS analysis. The column dose rate after the FP removal is decreased to the background. The analytical results obtained by the developed method are in a good agreement with those of the conventional method. It provides simple and rapid separation and expected that the method can be applied to join IAEA/Japan on-site analytical laboratory.

Journal Articles

Feasibility study result of advanced solution measurement and monitoring technology for reprocessing facility

Sekine, Megumi; Matsuki, Takuya; Suzuki, Satoshi*; Tsutagi, Koichi; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Nakamura, Hironobu; LaFleur, A.*; Browne, M.*

Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards; Building Future Safeguards Capabilities (Internet), 8 Pages, 2018/11

The IAEA has proposed, in its Research and Development plan (STR-385), the development of technology to enable real-time flow measurement of nuclear material as part of an advanced approach to effective and efficient safeguards for reprocessing facilities. To address this, JAEA and JNFL had previously designed and developed a neutron coincidence based non-destructive assay system to monitor Pu in solution directly after a purification process. To enhance this technology for entire reprocessing facilities, as a feasibility study, JAEA has been tackling development of a new detector to enable monitoring of Pu in solutions with numerous fission products (FPs) as a joint research program with the U.S. DOE. In this study, the High Active Liquid Waste (HALW) Storage Facility in Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) was used as the test bed. The design information of the HALW storage tank and radiation (type and intensity) were investigated, to develop a Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (MCNP) model. Then, dose rate distribution inside the concrete cell where the HALW tank is located was measured, to enable design of new detectors and check the integrity of the MCNP model and its applicability. Using the newly-designed detectors, $$gamma$$-rays and neutrons could be measured continuously at the outside/inside of the concrete cell, to optimize detector position and the radiation characteristics. The applicability as a Pu-monitoring technology was evaluated, based on the simulation results and $$gamma$$-ray/neutron measurement results. We have found that there is a possibility to monitor the change of Pu amount in solution by combination of $$gamma$$-ray and neutron measurements. The results of this study suggest a feasibility study into the applicability and capability of Pu monitoring to enhance the entire reprocessing facility handling Pu with FPs. In this paper, a summary of the project will be presented.

Journal Articles

APSN surveys for the coordination of training efforts in Asia; Results and challenges

Miyaji, Noriko; Vidaurre, J.; Hori, Masato; Rodriguez, P.; Robertson, K.*

Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards; Building Future Safeguards Capabilities (Internet), 5 Pages, 2018/11

Oral presentation

Virtual reality; ISCN's effective capacity-building tool

Rodriguez, P.; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Hanai, Tasuku

no journal, , 

Capacity-building is an important area, to be continually reinforced in order to maintain the successful operation of an entity or organization. The depletion of capable human resources due to retirement, ill-health and other unavoidable conditions should be addressed. Valuable knowledge and experience should be shared in a certain way; with ease of comprehension and information retention. Virtual reality (VR) is one tool that can be used in response to the urgent need to capture knowledge and experience from relevant resources. In 2016, the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) invested in virtual reality knowledge management technology to equip its Center of Excellence. The ISCN has developed a VR system that provides a three-dimensional computer-generated training environment, which can be explored and interacted with by an individual. Through this VR system, the participant becomes part of a virtual world, immersed within the environment. While there, the individual is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions. This paper describes how virtual reality is being used by the ISCN as an effective capacity-building tool. It will also describe the approach to how the knowledge and experience for a specific subject matter are conveyed through the use of virtual reality. The effectiveness of the tool has been demonstrated since its introduction through application on several occasions within the training course for the State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material (SSAC). Use of the VR tool brings benefits from zero exposure to radiation within a suitable environment for the participants' training, whilst enabling the learning of safeguards concepts and associated nuclear material verification measures.

Oral presentation

Technical support from the IAEA for improvement of operator's analytical quality for Safeguards

Okazaki, Hiro; Sumi, Mika; Kayano, Masashi; Matsuyama, Kazutomi; Suzuki, Toru

no journal, , 

The Plutonium Fuel Development Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA-PFDC) received Japan's first plutonium in 1966 and commenced research to develop plutonium fuel as a key objective of the Japanese nuclear fuel cycle. Since then fundamental research with plutonium-bearing materials, and the development and fabrication of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuels, has been carried out. It is essential that the Operator's measurement quality be continually reviewed and improved for effective and efficient implementation of international Safeguards. In this context, and recognizing the excellent technical cooperation with IAEA measurement experts, JAEA-PFDC has continually worked to improve its measurement system. This paper will present examples of continual measurement improvement by JAEA-PFDC, and will show the benefit and effectiveness of technical support from IAEA towards this goal.

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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