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Okano, Masanori; Kuno, Takehiko; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru; Hiyama, Toshiaki
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2009/07
no abstracts in English
Sumi, Mika; Abe, Katsuo; Kageyama, Tomio; Nakazawa, Hiroaki; Katchi, Tomokazu*; Murakami, Yoshiki*; Hishi, Tomoyuki*; Ai, Hironobu*
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2009/07
Currently, many laboratories who measure Pu and U concentration by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) use Large Size Dried (LSD) spikes, which contain both Pu and U in individual vials. Plutonium Fuel Development Center (PFDC) prepared LSD spikes for MOX samples and has been used while LSD spikes prepared at inspection laboratories and commercially supplied are mainly aimed to measure input solution for reprocessing. Difficulties of importing reference materials are increasing though the needs of Pu reference materials are increasing. Stable securing Pu reference material is essential for facility operation and it is considered to be important to acquire technique to prepare domestic Pu reference material. Pu were prepared from MOX powder at PFDC and used for LSD spike preparation. Practical tests were performed with JNFL. Experience of preparation and utilization of LSD spike for MOX, consideration of certification method for MOX-Pu will be explained also in this paper.
Nakamura, Hironobu; Takaya, Akikazu; Mukai, Yasunobu; Hosoma, Takashi; Yoshimoto, Katsunobu; Tamura, Takayuki*; Iwamoto, Tomonori*
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2009/00
JNFL and JAEA have collaboratively started to develop an ASMS for RRP since 2007 as a trial base. The purpose of the development is to establish quantitative plutonium mass measurement technique directly by NDA of high concentrated pure plutonium nitrate solution in a process tank. If it is established, ASMS provides direct Pu mass measurement and monitoring capability, substitutes for sampling and analysis at IIV, and extends process monitoring to safety purposes. The target of the measurement uncertainty is set less than 6% (1 ) which is equivalent to the detection level of partial defect at IIV by NDA. The principle is similar to the one of NDA for MOX powder, but extended such as introducing variable alpha depends on solution properties. As a first trial, a simple prototype system was constructed and tested at Plutonium Conversion Development Facility of JAEA. Prior to the installation, MCNP calculations for entire cell and tank were performed. Two detectors with a gap were installed just center of the annular tank, then we carried out calibration using plutonium nitrate solution in the range up to 52 kgPu. Consequently, good consistency between calculation and measured singles/doubles count rate were obtained. As a feasibility study, it was necessary to find out subjects to be solved. We would like to present benefits of ASMS, review installation and detector setup and summarize preliminary calibration results.
Kuno, Yusuke; Inoue, Naoko; Senzaki, Masao
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2009/00
International Safeguards including the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Additional Protocol is the most effective extrinsic measures. To find a good balance of safeguard-ability (so-called extrinsic measure or institutional barrier) and impede-ability (intrinsic measure or technical barrier) will come to be essential for nuclear fuel cycle designers to optimize civilian nuclear technology in terms of nuclear non-proliferation, although it is of importance that PR measures should economically be viable. Japanese primary challenge in nonproliferation for future nuclear fuel cycle is to accomplish robust Safeguards system to meet Safeguards criteria.
Asano, Takashi; Fujiwara, Shigeo; Takahashi, Saburo; Nagatani, Taketeru; Fukuhara, Junichi; Kodani, Yoshiki; Kimura, Takashi; Miura, Yasushi
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2009/00
JAEA commenced to consider the integrated safeguards (IS) approach for JNC-1 site as the new concept of safeguards for further reduction of influence of facility operation by the safeguards activity. On the other hand, the board of governors of IAEA led the broader conclusion to Japan on June 2004 and safeguards implementation in Japan was transferred to the IS scheme in September 2004. IAEA aimed to improve efficiency of safeguards implementation for the plutonium handling facility by optimization of use of advanced safeguards systems and new safeguards regime without reduction of effectiveness of safeguards. The IS approach for JNC-1 site was developed and implemented on August 2008 after many discussions among IAEA, Japan Safeguards Office (JSGO) and JAEA. This paper shows contributions by JAEA to development of this approach from the operator's view point and influence to the operator by implementation of IS approach.
Nagatani, Taketeru; Asano, Takashi; Fujiwara, Shigeo; Takahashi, Saburo
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2009/00
By implementation of the Integrated Safeguards Approach, the inspection scheme of JNC-1 site was transferred from the scheduled inspections to RII with short notice. The development of RII was considered under the precondition that it would be conducted without interruption of facility operation. JAEA proposed verification procedures to mitigate the influence on facility operation by the RII. The influence on facility operation by inspection activities of RII was drastically mitigated in comparison with the traditional IIV though implementation of the RII required additional efforts of the operator. This paper reports JAEA's efforts for implementation of RII with short notice in order to mitigate the influence of facility operation by inspection and the impact it has on the facility operation from the operator's standpoint.
Senzaki, Masao; Inoue, Naoko; Kuno, Yusuke
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2009/00
JAEA and its predecessors including JAERI and JNC have the experiences of the Research and development, operation and safeguards developments and implementations of a series of new type of the nuclear facilities for peaceful use. Technology development for the nuclear nonproliferation has been a key mission of JAEA, then Nuclear Nonproliferation Science and Technology Center has been established along with the establishment of JAEA. This paper presents the efforts and contributions of JAEA and its predecessors to the safeguards technology development, through international cooperation such as TASTEX, JASPAS, and JAEA including JAERI and JNC, US-DOE. This paper also presents the summary of Integrated Safeguards implemented to JAEA facilities in Tokai site. The results show the contributions and role of JAEA in the development safeguards technologies, and the future perspectives.
Kawakubo, Yoko; Hori, Masato
Proceedings of INMM 50th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2009/00
Cooperative activities between JAEA and the US-DOE have played a significant role in the research and development of safeguards and nuclear nonproliferation technologies. The achievements of the cooperative activities have been applied to the enrichment plant, reprocessing facility, MOX fabrication facility, and advanced reactors in JAEA. These cooperative activities have contributed substantially to develop reliable and cost-effective IAEA safeguards systems. In addition, the safeguards technologies developed through these activities play an important role when the integrated safeguards is implemented to those facilities and sites. This paper provides an overview of the cooperative activities carried out for over 20 years between DOE and JAEA (JNC/JAERI). This paper also presents a comprehensive analysis of the 99 programs. Finally we suggest potential future cooperative activities between DOE and JAEA for the further enhancement of efficient and effective safeguards, transparency, and nuclear security.
Ishiyama, Koichi; Miura, Yasushi; Kimura, Takashi; Hina, Tetsuro; Kodani, Yoshiki; Fukuhara, Junichi; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiro*; Ikeda, Atsushi*; Kabuki, Toshihide*
no journal, ,
Regarding the Integrated Safeguards (IS) for JNC-1 site where includes six facilities of the Reprocessing Center and MOX fuel fabrication facilities and so on, its discussion for application started in June 2004 between the government of Japan and IAEA, its concept was agreed in November 2006, and it has been introduced in August 2008. With IS for JNC-1, for the purpose of improvement of deterrence of the nuclear material diversion, the traditional interim inventory verification (IIV) that had been implemented as scheduled previously has changed to random interim inspection with short notice (RII.)The Tokai Reprocessing Center consists of 2 facilities; TRP and PCDF, and has nuclear materials from the spent fuel to the MOX powder. The IIV needed about 5 person-days for TRP and about 7 person-days for PCDF. It was discussed to make RII procedure that makes it possible to perform such short notice inspection and reduce the person-days by about 2 per a RII. Although it was discussed that what and how frequently information was provided to inspectors in order them to make a plan to implement RIIs. After the introduction of RII, the person-days are decreased even though the operators' work loads for information provision are increased. This paper reports development of the method, experience and expected effectiveness regarding RII to the Tokai Reprocessing Center in the viewpoint of its operator.
Fukushima, Mineo; Nagai, Takayuki; Kikuchi, Kotaro*; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Myochin, Munetaka
no journal, ,
Measurement techniques for density and liquid level of molten salt are very important elements in material accountancy system for pyro-processing and also in process control system. Test equipments were developed for the in-situ measurement of density and liquid level of molten salt and provided to the measurement experiments. Measurement of the density of LiCl-KCl eutectic showed a good agreement with published data in an error of 0.2%. Measurement of the liquid level of LiCl-KCl eutectic showed an error of 0.5 mm against theoretical values. From these results, both techniques were considered to be promising although the additional data accumulation is needed to estimate the performance statistically by using practical equipment.
Ishiyama, Koichi; Miura, Yasushi; Kimura, Takashi; Hina, Tetsuro; Kodani, Yoshiki; Fukuhara, Junichi; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiro*; Ikeda, Atsushi*; Kabuki, Toshihide*
no journal, ,
Regarding the Integrated Safeguards (IS) for JNC-1 site where includes facilities of the Reprocessing Center and so on, its discussion for application started in March 2004 between the government of Japan and IAEA, and it has been introduced in August 2008. With IS for JNC-1, for the purpose of improvement of deterrence of the nuclear material diversion, the traditional interim inventory verification (IIV) has changed to random interim inspection with short notice (RII.) The Tokai Reprocessing Center consists of TRP and PCDF, and has nuclear materials from the spent fuel to the MOX powder. The IIV needed about 5 person-days for TRP and about 7 person-days for PCDF. It was discussed to make RII procedure that makes it possible to perform such short notice inspection and reduce the person-days by about 2 per a RII. After the introduction of RII, the person-days are decreased even though the operators' work loads for information provision are increased.