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Barbagallo, M.*; Colonna, N.*; Aberle, O.*; Harada, Hideo; Kimura, Atsushi; n_TOF Collaboration*; 125 of others*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.01012_1 - 01012_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:59.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)Tada, Kenichi; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Kunieda, Satoshi; Suyama, Kenya; Fukahori, Tokio
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02028_1 - 02028_5, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:89.49(Nuclear Science & Technology)JAEA has started to develop new nuclear data processing system FRENDY (FRom Evaluated Nuclear Data libralY to any application). In this presentation, the outline of the development of FRENDY is presented. And functions and performances of FRENDY are demonstrated by generation and validation of the continuous energy cross section data libraries for MVP, PHITS and MCNP codes.
Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Kin, Tadahiro*; Araki, Shohei*; Nakayama, Shinsuke; Iwamoto, Osamu
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.03006_1 - 03006_6, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:84.80(Nuclear Science & Technology)The design of neutron sources requires comprehensive nuclear data of deuteron-induced reactions. Therefore, we have launched a research project on deuteron nuclear data, which is composed of measurements, theoretical model code development, cross section evaluation, and application to production of radioisotopes for medical use. Our goal is to develop a state-of-art deuteron nuclear data library up to 200 MeV necessary for the design of accelerator neutron sources with deuteron beam. The present status is reported in the presentation.
Minato, Futoshi; Iwamoto, Osamu; Minomo, Kosho*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kunieda, Satoshi; Furutachi, Naoya
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.12032_1 - 12032_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:59.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)Phenomenological optical potential is known to be able to describe the elastic scattering process. It is applied widely to the nuclear data evaluation of the cross section. Many kinds of the optical potential have been studied so far. However, the parameters in the phenomenological optical potentials are determined so as to reproduce existing experimental data, so that use of it for unmeasured nuclei such as neutron-rich nuclei is not necessarily reliable. Recently, a new optical potential derived from the microscopic effective reaction theory (MERT) was proposed. Since the formulation of MERT is based on the NN effective interaction, any parameterizations in the optical potential aren't needed. Therefore, it is capable of calculating nuclei whose scattering cross section isn't measured. We incorporate the optical potentials of MERT in code CCONE and start nuclear data evaluation of several nuclei. In this work, we discuss difference of cross sections evaluated by MERT's optical potentials and conventional phenomenological ones.
Terada, Kazushi; Nakao, Taro; Nakamura, Shoji; Kimura, Atsushi; Iwamoto, Osamu; Harada, Hideo; Takamiya, Koichi*; Hori, Junichi*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.03019_1 - 03019_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:84.80(Nuclear Science & Technology)The research project entitled "Research and development for Accuracy Improvement of neutron nuclear data on Minor ACtinides (AIMAC)" has been started to improve the reliability of the neutron cross section date of MAs. In order to obtain accurate cross section data, it is indispensable to determine the amount of MA sample accurately and non-destructively. However, the uncertainty concerning the amount of sample is not assured in some cases. Therefore, as a part of the AIMAC project, this study is aimed to development the technique for accurate determination of the amount of samples by two different methods: -ray spectroscopic method and calorimetric method. This contribution presents the developed techniques together with results obtained by two independent techniques.
Mizuyama, Kazuhito; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Iwamoto, Osamu; Hasemi, Hiroyuki*; Kino, Koichi*; Kimura, Atsushi; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.11042_1 - 11042_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:76.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)Gadolinium has been used as neutron-absorbing material in a thermal reactor since have large thermal neutron capture cross sections. Nevertheless, there is a discrepancy between RPI data and JENDL-4.0 data for Gd. The criticality in the reactor is very sensitive to the capture cross section. The RPI data made the criticality of Gd-loaded thermal systems in ICSBEP overestimated. Recently, the neutron capture cross sections of Gd were measured by the neutron time-of-flight (TOF) method using the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument (ANNRI) in the J-PARC/MLF. The pulsed neutron beam from the Japan Spallation Neutron Source (JSNS) was used with a double-bunch structure in this measurement, since the incident proton beam is normally delivered in a double-bunch scheme in the J-PARC. In addition to this, it is necessary to take into account the energy resolution of the pulsed neutron beam at the JSNS for the accurate derivation of resolved resonance parameters. In this study, using the least-squares multilevel R-matrix code REFIT modified to include the double bunch structure and the resolution function for the ANNRI, we fitted the calculated capture cross sections of Gd to the experimental data at the ANNRI. We derived the resonance parameters for some low-lying resonances of the two Gd isotopes.
Kimura, Atsushi; Harada, Hideo; Nakamura, Shoji; Toh, Yosuke; Igashira, Masayuki*; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Mizumoto, Motoharu*; Hori, Junichi*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.11031_1 - 11031_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:59.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)Nakayama, Shinsuke; Kono, Hiroshi*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Ye, T.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.12025_1 - 12025_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:92.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)Recently, intensive neutron sources using deuteron accelerator have been proposed for various applications. Accurate and comprehensive deuteron nuclear data library over wide ranges of target mass number and incident energy are indispensable for the design of deuteron accelerator neutron sources. Thus, we have developed an integrated code system dedicated for analysis and prediction of deuteron-induced reactions, which is called DEUteron-induced Reaction Analysis Code System (DEURACS). In the present work, the analysis of reactions is extended to higher incident energy up to nearly 100 MeV and also DEURACS is applied to reactions at 80 and 100 MeV. The DEURACS calculations reproduce the experimental double-differential cross sections for the and reactions well.
Kunieda, Satoshi
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.12029_1 - 12029_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:92.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)The cross-sections on the light-nuclei are drawing attention for the ion-beam analysis, the astrophysics and the medical applications and so on. However, there still exist inconsistencies between the measured and evaluated data, which could bring a large uncertainty in the practical applications. The R-matrix formalism is rigorous and straightforward to the quantum mechanics, in which the S-matrix is deduced from the measured cross-sections in the resonance energy region. We present the status of the code with new features on the theoretical calculation and the correction for the measurements. Some example evaluations are also presented for the p + Li reaction. Especially, we focus on the covariance analysis on the resonance parameters and the cross-sections. This is relevant not only to the estimation of the cross-sections uncertainty but also to visualizing natures in the resonant reactions.
Capote, R.*; Hilaire, S.*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Kawano, Toshihiko*; Sin, M.*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.12034_1 - 12034_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:94.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)Nakao, Taro; Terada, Kazushi; Kimura, Atsushi; Nakamura, Shoji; Iwamoto, Osamu; Harada, Hideo; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Igashira, Masayuki*; Hori, Junichi*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.03021_1 - 03021_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:95.87(Nuclear Science & Technology)A new data acquisition system (DAQ system) in J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) ANNRI was developed. Increasing beam power of MLF in recent years allows beam line users to obtain high quantity experimental data yields. Compared to 2008, more than 20 times beam current is achieved in 2015. For the purpose to correspond strong beam power of MLF, a new DAQ system for the array of the Ge detectors in ANNRI is developed. The DAQ system is also going to be used for processing signals from a Li glass detector, which is under development at ANNRI for measurement of total neutron cross sections. Commissioning experiment of a new DAQ system at ANNRI was performed by using 0.1mmt Au sample with 500kW J-PARC proton beam power. An applicability of time-of-flight method for both neutron capture and total cross-sections measurements was checked. ADC and TDC nonlinearity, energy resolution, multi-channel coincidence and dead time performance for the array of the Ge detectors were also evaluated. The dead time value for Ge detectors was successfully decreased to 1/4 from the previous DAQ system with minor deterioration on energy resolution. The author would like to thank the accelerator and technical staff at J-PARC for operation of the accelerator and the neutron production target and for the other experimental supports. Present study includes the result of "Research and Development for accuracy improvement of neutron nuclear data on minor actinides" entrusted to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT).
Koizumi, Mitsuo; Rossi, F.; Rodriguez, D.; Takamine, Jun; Seya, Michio; Bogucarska, T.*; Crochemore, J.-M.*; Varasano, G.*; Abbas, K.*; Pedersen, B.*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.09018_1 - 09018_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:84.80(Nuclear Science & Technology)Paradela, C.*; Heyse, J.*; Kopecky, S.*; Schillebeeckx, P.*; Harada, Hideo; Kitatani, Fumito; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Tsuchiya, Harufumi
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.09002_1 - 09002_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:97.64(Nuclear Science & Technology)Konno, Chikara; Tada, Kenichi; Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02040_1 - 02040_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:92.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)So far we pointed out that KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data of a lot of nuclei in the official ACE file were different among nuclear data libraries for the following reasons; (1) incorrect nuclear data, (2) NJOY bugs, (3) huge helium production cross section data, (4) mf6 mt102 data, (5) no secondary particle data (energy-angular distribution data). Now we compare the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data included in the official ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 in more detail. As a result, we find out new reasons of differences among the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data in the three nuclear data libraries. The reasons are categorized to no secondary charged particle data, no secondary data, wrong secondary spectra, wrong production yields and mf12-15 mt3 data for the capture reaction, some of which seem to be unsupported with NJOY. The ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 with these problems should be revised based on this study.
Koura, Hiroyuki; Yoshida, Tadashi*; Tachibana, Takahiro*; Chiba, Satoshi*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.12003_1 - 12003_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:84.80(Nuclear Science & Technology)Meigo, Shinichiro; Nishikawa, Masaaki; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Matsuda, Hiroki
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.11039_1 - 11039_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:76.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Iwamoto, Osamu; Shibata, Keiichi; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kunieda, Satoshi; Minato, Futoshi; Ichihara, Akira; Nakayama, Shinsuke
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02005_1 - 02005_6, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:59.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)Stamatopoulos, A.*; Tsinganis, A.*; Colonna, N.*; Harada, Hideo; Kimura, Atsushi; n_TOF Collaboration*; 126 of others*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.04030_1 - 04030_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:94.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)Lerendegui-Marco, J.*; Corts-Giraldo, M. A.*; Guerrero, C.*; Harada, Hideo; Kimura, Atsushi; n_TOF Collaboration*; 114 of others*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.03030_1 - 03030_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Chiaveri, E.*; Aberle, O.*; Andrzejewski, J.*; Harada, Hideo; Kimura, Atsushi; n_TOF Collaboration*; 111 of others*
EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.03001_1 - 03001_4, 2017/09
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:59.51(Nuclear Science & Technology)