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検索結果: 20 件中 1件目~20件目を表示
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Mutual separation of Am/Cm/Ln by the use of novel-triamide, NTAamide and water-soluble diglycolamide

佐々木 祐二; 津幡 靖宏; 北辻 章浩; 須郷 由美; 白数 訓子; 森田 泰治

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1079 - 1082, 2013/09



Major safety and operational concerns for fuel debris criticality control

外池 幸太郎; 曽野 浩樹; 梅田 幹; 山根 祐一; 久語 輝彦; 須山 賢也

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.729 - 735, 2013/09



Direction on characterization of fuel debris for defueling process in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

矢野 公彦; 北垣 徹; 池内 宏知; 涌井 遼平; 樋口 英俊; 鍛治 直也; 小泉 健治; 鷲谷 忠博

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1554 - 1559, 2013/09

For the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), defueling work for the fuel debris in the reactor core of Unit 1-3 is planned to be started within 10 years. Preferential items in the characterization of the fuel debris were identified for the defueling work at 1F, in which the procedure and handling tools were assumed from information of 1F and experience of Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) accident. The candidates of defueling tools for 1F were selected from TMI-2 defueling tools. It was found out that they were categorized as 6 groups by their working principles. Important properties on the fuel debris for the defueling were picked up from considering influence of objective materials on their performance. The selected properties are shape, size, density, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, melting point, hardness, elastic modulus, and fracture toughness. In these properties, mechanical properties, i.e. hardness, elastic modulus, fracture toughness were identified as preferential items, because there are few data on that of fuel debris in the past severe accident studies.


Results of detailed analyses performed on boring cores extracted from the concrete floors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant reactor buildings

前田 宏治; 佐々木 新治; 熊井 美咲; 佐藤 勇; 逢坂 正彦; 福嶋 峰夫; 川妻 伸二; 後藤 哲夫*; 酒井 仁志*; 千金良 貴之*; et al.

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.272 - 277, 2013/09

Due to the earthquake and tsunami, and the following severe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, concrete surfaces within the reactor buildings were exposed to radioactive liquid and vapor phase contaminants. In order to clarify the situation of this contamination in the buildings of Units 1-3, selected samples were transported to the FMF of JAEA-Oarai where they were subjected to analyses to determine the surface radionuclide concentrations and to characterize the radionuclide distributions. In particular, penetration of radio-Cs in the surface coatings layer and sub-surface concrete was evaluated. The analysis results indicate that the situation of contamination in the building of Unit 2 was different, and the protective coatings on the concrete floors provided significant protection against radionuclide penetration. The localized penetration of contamination was found to be confined within 1 mm of the surface of the coating layer of some mm.


Recovery of minor actinides from spent fuel using TPEN-immobilized gels

小山 真一; 須藤 光雄; 大林 弘; 緒明 博*; 竹下 健二*

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.549 - 553, 2013/09

照射済燃料からMAの回収を実証するため、TPEN(分離錯体)誘導体を化学的に高分子ゲルに固定したゲルで作成したカラム(TPPENゲル)により、照射済燃料を用いた抽出クロマト分離試験を行った。Amの吸着係数向上と、溶離液の温度効果を確認するため、10モル%のTPPENゲルを用い、温度をスイングさせた試験を実施した。その結果、5$$^{circ}$$Cの0.01M NaNOH$$_{3}$$(pH3.5)溶液により90%のEuが溶離した。その後、溶離液温度を32$$^{circ}$$Cに変化させたところ、Amが溶離された。さらに溶離液のpHを2.0に変え、ゲルに残った全てのAmを回収することができた。


Property measurements of (U$$_{0.7}$$,Pu$$_{0.3}$$)O$$_{2-x}$$ in $$P$$$$_{O2}$$-controlled atmosphere

加藤 正人; 村上 龍敏; 砂押 剛雄*; Nelson, A. T.*; McClellan, K.*

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.852 - 856, 2013/09

MOX燃料は、不定比性酸化物である。不定比性は、MOXの物性値に大きく影響する。そのため、酸素ポテンシャルとO/M比の関係がこれまで調べられてきた。その測定結果は、高温においてO/M比を一定に保つためには酸素分圧をコントロールすることが不可欠であることを示している。本研究では、酸素分圧をコントロールした雰囲気において、焼結特性, O/M変化,熱膨張率などの測定を行った。


Plutonium partitioning in uranium and plutonium co-recovery system for fast reactor fuel recycling with enhanced nuclear proliferation resistance

中原 将海; 駒 義和; 中島 靖雄

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.539 - 542, 2013/09



Suggestion of typical phases of in-vessel fuel-debris by thermodynamic calculation for decommissioning technology of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

池内 宏知; 近藤 賀計*; 野口 芳宏*; 矢野 公彦; 鍛治 直也; 鷲谷 忠博

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1349 - 1356, 2013/09

For the decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), characterization of fuel-debris in cores of Unit 1-3 is necessary. In this study, typical phases of fuel-debris generated in reactor pressure vessel were suggested by means of thermodynamic calculation using compositions of core materials and core temperatures. At low ogygen potential where metallic zirconium remains, (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$, UO$$_{2}$$, and ZrO$$_{2}$$ were formed as oxides, and oxygen-dispersed Zr, Fe$$_{2}$$(Zr,U), and Fe$$_{3}$$UZr$$_{2}$$ were formed as metals. With an increase in zirconium oxidation, the mass of those metals, especially Fe$$_{3}$$UZr$$_{2}$$, were decreased, but the other phases of metals hardly changed qualitatively. Consequently, (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ is suggested as a typical phase of oxide, and Fe$$_{2}$$(Zr,U) is suggested as that of metal. This result can contribute to the characterization of debris in 1F, which will be also revised by considering the effect of iron content in RPV.


Study on release and transport of aerial radioactive materials in reprocessing plant

天野 祐希; 田代 信介; 内山 軍蔵; 阿部 仁; 山根 祐一; 吉田 一雄

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1411 - 1417, 2013/09

The release and transport characteristics of radioactive materials at a boiling accident of the high active liquid waste (HALW) in a reprocessing plant have been studied for improving experimental data of source terms of the boiling accident. In the study, a heating test and a thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) test were conducted. In the heating test using a simulated HALW, it was found that ruthenium was mainly released into the air in the form of gas and that non-volatile elements were released into the air in the form of mist. In the TG-DTA test, the rate constants and reaction heat of thermal decomposition of ruthenium nitrosyl nitrate were obtained from TG and DTA curves.


Study of feasible and sustainable multilateral approach on nuclear fuel cycle

久野 祐輔; 田崎 真樹子; 秋葉 光徳*; 安達 武雄*; 高嶋 隆太*; 和泉 圭紀*; 田中 知*

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.965 - 974, 2013/09



Research subjects for analytical estimation of core degradation at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

永瀬 文久; 石川 淳; 倉田 正輝; 吉田 啓之; 加治 芳行; 柴本 泰照; 天谷 政樹; 奥村 啓介; 勝山 仁哉

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.711 - 720, 2013/09



Research and development on waste management for the Fukushima Daiichi NPS by JAEA

駒 義和; 芦田 敬; 目黒 義弘; 宮本 泰明; 佐々木 紀樹; 山岸 功; 亀尾 裕; 寺田 敦彦; 檜山 敏明; 小山 智造; et al.

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.736 - 743, 2013/09



Melting temperatures of the ZrO$$_{2}$$-MOX system

内田 哲平; 廣岡 瞬; 菅田 博正*; 柴田 和哉*; 佐藤 大介*; 加藤 正人; 森本 恭一

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1549 - 1553, 2013/09

Severe accidents occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Unit 1-3 on March 11, 2011, where the MOX fuels were loaded in the Unit 3. For thermal analysis of the severe accident, melting temperature and phase state of MOX corium were investigated. The simulated coria were prepared from 4%Pu-containing MOX, 8%Pu-containing MOX and ZrO$$_{2}$$. Then X-ray diffraction, density and melting temperature measurements were carried out as a function of zirconium and plutonium contents. The cubic phase was observed in the 25%Zr-containing corium and the tetragonal phase was observed in the 50% and 75%Zr-containing coria. The lattice parameter and density monotonically changed with Pu content. Melting temperature increased with increasing Pu content; melting temperature were estimated to be 2932K for 4%Pu MOX corium and 3012K for 8%Pu MOX corium in the 25%ZrO$$_{2}$$-MOX system. The lowest melting temperature was observed for 50%Zr-containing corium.


Environmental remediation following the Fukushima-Daiichi accident

田川 明広; 中山 真一; 宮原 要

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.944 - 951, 2013/03



Study on separation of platinum group metals from high level liquid waste using macroporous (MOTDGA-TOA)/SiO$$_{2}$$-P silica-based absorbent

伊藤 辰也; Kim, S.-Y.*; Xu, Y.*; 人見 啓太朗*; 石井 慶造*; 永石 隆二; 木村 貴海

no journal, , 



Changes of oxygen-to-metal ratio, dimension and microstructure of MOX pellet in heating treatment

渡部 雅; 加藤 正人; 砂押 剛雄*

no journal, , 

(U, Pu)O$$_{2-x}$$について、等温状態での酸化及び還元熱処理時にO/M比と試料寸法を測定し、酸化・還元時のO/M変化速度と寸法変化速度の間に違いがあることを明らかにした。また、酸化及び還元の各時間での組織観察を実施し、前述の結果とあわせて考察を行った。


Public meetings on radiation and its health effects caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident

杉山 顕寿; 菖蒲 順子; 高下 浩文; 山本 隆一

no journal, , 



Development of U and Pu co-recovery process (co-processing) for future reprocessing

山本 弘平; 柳橋 太; 藤本 郁夫; 佐藤 武彦; 大部 智行; 滝 清隆; 林 晋一郎

no journal, , 

U, Pu共回収法(コプロセッシング法)は、プルトニウムを常にウランと混合した状態で存在させて回収することにより、核拡散抵抗性を高めたものである。本報では、コプロセッシング法のフローシート概念及びこれまでの試験結果等について報告するものである。


Agricultural approaches of remediation in outside of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

佐藤 修彰*; 三倉 通孝*; 梅田 幹; 藤井 靖彦*; 雨宮 清*

no journal, , 



Sedimentation behavior of noble metal particles in simulated high-level waste borosilicate glasses

中島 正義; 大山 孝一; 守川 洋; 宮内 厚志; 山下 照雄; 駒嶺 哲*; 越智 英治*

no journal, , 


20 件中 1件目~20件目を表示
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