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前川 禎通
no journal, ,
Spintronics, i.e., spin based electronics is a radiation-resistant electronics. Instead of the usual semiconductor-based electronics, spintronics utilizes magnets as basic materials. It has already been installed in aircrafts, which is free from cosmic rays. It is also expected to work in areas with strong radiation. Spintronics has a potential application for the energy harvesting technology from waste heat. Here, instead of the usual thermo-electrics based on semiconductors which is called Seebeck effect, spin current, i.e., flow of spin, is used for heat transport. This is called spin Seebeck effect. We develop the spin Seebeck devices and its application to the nuclear waste together with Tohoku University and NEC, supported by Japan Agency of Science and Technology (JST). I will present the recent progress in the spin Seebeck effect.
若井田 育夫; 大場 弘則; 赤岡 克昭; 宮部 昌文; 佐伯 盛久; 大場 正規; 伊藤 主税; 加藤 政明
no journal, ,
For the decommissioning of "Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" which contained damaged or melt downed core, development of rapid, easy, onsite and in-situ remote diagnostic/analysis techniques under the severe environments such as extremely high radioactive condition, will be strongly required. In order to accomplish these requirements, the concept of probing by light and diagnostic by light with radiation resistant optical fiber will be one of the simple, powerful and applicable choices without sensor hardening technique. Optical Fiber based LIBS probe is constructed, and we have successfully observed some specific spectra from the simulated sample of molten debris made by sintered oxide of Zr and U under water condition, and also observed the spectrum from simulated metal sample under radioactive condition of 10 kGy/h and after total dose of 2 MGy.