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Fast observation of hydrogen absorption reaction for Pd nanoparticles studied by real-time-resolved dispersive XAFS technique

松村 大樹; 岡島 由佳*; 西畑 保雄; 水木 純一郎

no journal, , 

Palladium is well known to show high performance as the hydrogen storage materials. We have used the X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) technique with dispersive optics mode in order to understand the size effect of the Pd nanoparticles concerning the hydrogen storage process from the viewpoint of the dynamical change of atomic and electronic structures during the reaction between Pd particles and hydrogen gases. It is recognized that the high speed chemical reaction between Pd nanoparticles and hydrogen gases was finely observed by high speed XAFS observation rate at 200 Hz.


X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism signals from hexagonal boron nitride/Ni(111) interface

大伴 真名歩; 松本 吉弘; 山村 野百合*; 圓谷 志郎; Avramov, P.; 楢本 洋*; 雨宮 健太*; 藤川 高志*; 境 誠司

no journal, , 



Depth-resolved XMCD study on single- and bi-layer graphene / Ni structures

松本 吉弘; 圓谷 志郎; 大伴 真名歩; Avramov, P.; 楢本 洋*; 雨宮 健太*; 境 誠司

no journal, , 

The electronic and magnetic properties of the single-layer graphene (SLG)/Ni(111) and bilayer graphene (BLG)/Ni(111) structures are investigated by using the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectroscopy. For the SLG/Ni(111) structure, an intense XMCD signal was observed in the C K-edge XMCD spectrum measured by reversing the remanent magnetization of Ni(111). This indicates that spin polarization is induced in the $$pi$$-orbitals of SLG by the contact with Ni(111) even at room temperature. More interestingly, the BLG/Ni(111) structure is found to show the C K-edge XMCD signal whose intensity changes dramatically with the probing depth. On the other hand, Ni L-edge XMCD spectrum demonstrated that the magnetization of Ni decreases by 20-30% within a few atomic layers from the SLG/Ni(111) interfaces, possibly associated with the formation of C-Ni bonds.

3 件中 1件目~3件目を表示
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