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Journal Articles

Incorporating the electromagnetic field in the EGS5 code

Torii, Tatsuo; Sugita, Takeshi*

KEK Proceedings 2007-5, p.43 - 49, 2007/11

Journal Articles

Evaluation of organ doses in a voxel mouse

Kinase, Sakae; Saito, Kimiaki

KEK Proceedings 2007-5, p.70 - 76, 2007/11

Self-absorbed fractions (self-AFs)-the fraction of energy emitted as a specified radiation type in a source tissue which is absorbed in the source (=target) tissue- were evaluated for photons and electrons in kidneys, liver and spleen of a voxel mouse. The sources were assumed to be monoenergetic in the energy range 10 keV - 4 MeV, and be uniformly distributed in the organs. Self-S values ($$mu$$Gy/MBq s) for $$^{64}$$Cu in the kidneys, liver and spleen were assessed using the self-AFs. In addition, self-AFs and self-S values were evaluated for voxel humans in order to examine the differences between the mouse and humans. The self-AFs for photons and electrons were found to be dependent upon energy emitted in the source organ. It was also found that the self-S values for $$^{64}$$Cu in the voxel mouse are 400 or more times larger than those in the voxel humans.

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