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Journal Articles

Toward a strong bond between INSA and ISCN

Naoi, Yosuke

KINAC Newsletter (Internet), 2013(1), P. 7, 2013/06

The Korea Institute of Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC) will establish the International Nuclear Security Academy (INSA) in February 2014 to offer domestic and international capacity-building programs on nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security and to conduct research and development on physical protection. China will also establish the same kind of international center. In this article, the author proposes how to collaborate and coordinate among these centers. Although the IAEA's participation is essential in this framework, the system should be organized by the states involved. As for the possible content of the cooperation, some ideas might be (1) to share the needs of the countries to be supported, (2) to develop curricula together, (3) to jointly prepare and share training materials. Because the Chinese center will not be able to start its activities until around 2016, the initial emphasis must be on establishing a strong bond between Japan and ROK.

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