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Journal Articles

Analysis of nanostructures and hydration states of foods by neutron scattering and diffraction

Nakagawa, Hiroshi

Aguribaio, 6(1), p.44 - 46, 2021/12

In order to understand the macroscopic physical properties that characterize the quality of food, such as shelf life and texture, it is important to understand the relationship between microscopic information on the nanostructure and hydration state of food molecules and macroscopic observables. The elucidation of the complex hierarchical structure of food molecules from nano to micro scale and the interaction and hydration state within the molecular structure is one of the central themes in food physics. Small-angle neutron scattering and quasi-elastic scattering methods can be used to analyze molecular structures and molecular motions on such spatial scales.

Journal Articles

Analysis of water in food by neutron scattering

Nakagawa, Hiroshi

Aguribaio, 5(6), p.537 - 539, 2021/06

Water activity is a thermodynamic quantity that evaluates the preservation and quality of food, defined as the ratio of the vapor pressure of food and pure water. On the other hand, the state of water in food is only qualitatively explained by bound water and free water classified by water sorption isothermal properties, and there are many ambiguities in the relationship between physicochemical properties of water and water activity. Neutron scattering can be used to analyze molecular mobility and hydration structure, and is a useful technique for investigating the physicochemical state of water in food and the interaction between food and water.

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