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Kawasaki, Ichio; Ishiyama, Toru; Nishino, Shohei; Aoki, Masaru*
Boira Kenkyu, (391), p.8 - 14, 2015/06
no abstracts in English
Kawasaki, Ichio; Ishiyama, Toru; Usui, Masahiro*; Murakami, Toshinori*
Boira Kenkyu, (382), p.26 - 33, 2013/12
There are 4-boiler systems in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories. These has been operated in over 16 years. In one of them, the leakage that occurred at generating tube was found at Dec. 2011. The investigation of the leakage was carried out. The leaked generating tube was removed, and the part of leakage was cut off, and the deposit around the leakage was removed to analyze the cause of leakage. The analysis was carried out by SEM,EDX,WDX and XRD. etc. Elements of the deposit accumulated to surface of water drum are mainly O, Fe and S, and then many of component was sulfide. Therefore it seems that generating tube was corroded by sulfide. In future plan, operating method will be review to reduce the deposit, and check item will be selected to find the deposit earlier. This report was described about variously activity for the investigation and a future action.
Ishiyama, Toru; Kawasaki, Ichio; Asano, Naoki
Boira Kenkyu, (366), p.9 - 15, 2011/04
The Hydrazine has been used for water treatment of the boiler in general industry scene. It has been used in NCL from 1995, too. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare do announcement about using hydrazine in 2006, and NCL began to try operation without hydrazine. Hydrazine was replaced to the other reagent that was selected based on the result of a research and an evaluation. Therefore safeguard of environment and labour was carried on by new operation method of water treatment from 2010. This report was described about the result of research and development.
Boira Kenkyu, (80), p.0 - 0, 1963/08
no abstracts in English